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Everything posted by waters7

  1. You should give it a try Gubaba... the name of his fanfic is Macross Chatarra (chatarra can be translated into Junk or scrap). Now, as far as discrepancies go between Seto's screenshot and the publications... didn't Kawamori stated in the 2nd edition of Macross Chronicle that no Macross series represent the "official" setting or history of the Macross universe?? IIRC, Macross frontier shows the first contact between Zentradi and humans in a very DYRL fashion, does that mean that the first contact between humans and Zentradi never happened the way it was depicted in SDF Macross TVA? And if you wanna see drama about the SDF-3 subject, you should see how much it brought into Comunidad Macross Robotech in facebook... people really lost it over there.
  2. It's amazing! This new set really is nice... even thou is a little bit out of my reach right now (I committed my money in the DYRL BD hybrid Pack ) The more I look into the pachinko animation, the more I get the impression that a re-make is not that far away. Does anybody know who did the characters of the new pachinko animation?
  3. Thank you Exo for this info. I wanted to know who created this. I sure hope Ron makes more vids like this one. And i'm all for for pics of his dioramas
  4. I friend of mine from Chile passed me this awesome youtube video Your thoughts?!
  5. You tell me, all I know for a fact is that too much credit is given to him. Like I said, way to go in keeping the torch of "adapting" other's people work" alive I bet that if you ask, some Robotech fan's will tell you that this adaptation is an improvement over the original work
  6. But, but Greg Snegoff said that the original dialogue sucked Are you trying to imply that there are Robotech fan's out there that take your translations and, ahem, adapt it "a la Carl Macek" into the Robotech universe? Talk about keeping the torch alive. In a more serious note, I sure appreciate your efforts in translating this Macross material and it's a dame shame that people out there just go in and take it without giving you proper credit
  7. Well, Robotech was a success back in its day. But quite frankly, do you expect something that is based on some one else's work to stay relevant after its initial charm wears off? Robotech was not produced by artists like Kawamori, Tomino or Miyazaki. It was produced by some one who was somewhat familiar and knew of the potential of the original source material (Carl Macek) and backed up by a company that was itching to unload some of their imported material in TV syndication (HG). Carl Macek didn't steal as he had a license to distribute SDF Macross as he saw fit. The thing that I never really understood from him was why he thought that his work was actually better. I can see how RLLA is close to the spirit of the 85 TV series (taking some one else's work, adapt it and release it with a different label) but outside of the loyal Robotech fans, I don't see how this new production will bring new, fresh consumers/viewers in to the franchise. If it sells gangbusters, maybe we will see a RLLA 2 with Flashback's animation
  8. My wife loves this commercial!!! Its funny thou, when I have conversations with my co-workers about cartoons from the 80's, Robotech always seem to be absent from that conversation.
  9. Yes, it is in the booklet that came in the soundtrack but looking thru my Macross and Robotech VHS tapes I realized that this same picture was used for the cover of Robotech Perfect Collection (Macross) Vol 3 which was released by Streamline Pictures in 1994. I also went thru some of my Macross books and was unable to find if this image was originally produced by the Studio Nue/Artland staff. Maybe it was something that was commissioned by Carl during the time that he was with Streamline Pictures. Since Tom Bateman worked in the production of the 10th anniversary CD, maybe he can shed some light as to who the author is...
  10. This is no Tommy Yune art IIRC the first time I saw this picture was in the Robotech 10th anniversary soundtrack.
  11. Good try Darkwater but we all know the real money maker is in the luggage tags http://www.robotech.com/store/viewproduct.php?id=302
  12. The Sentinels title theme was first released in the french EP of Robotech the Movie and then released in the LP produced in Argentina.
  13. Thank you for clearing that up. You know how HG works (they call LLA new when in reality, it is not new). The tracks themselves are not being released for the first time rather, they are being released for the first time to fans in the west and in CD format.
  14. I'm afraid I don't understand the question
  15. I actually got mine delivered apparently on thursday (I say apparently since I didn't notice until yesterday that I had the package waiting at my front door and I never got a confirmation email nor my credit card has been charged) I got to admit, the work done in remastering the track is actually very good. When you compare the normal version of we will win of past soundtracks, you can tell that a lot of effort was put on this work. For once, I applaud HG for their effort, I wish they would do work like this more often. About the content itself, I was amazed to find out that I had the "third verse" of we will win all this time. I remember downloading it from a site called unspacy database. IIRC, this third verse was part of the robotech.com beta in some way (I cant confirm this since I didn't join that website until 2003). I remeber posting a link to this mp3 in robotech.com. Juan from robotechespanol posted a AMV of Robotech with this third verse and he was claiming that he got it from some insider Actually, this is not the first time that this song comes out in an official product If you check the pic below, the first LP from left to right was released back in 1987 (even before the official US Robotech soundtrack) in France. This LP has The Way to Love sung by Rebecca Forstadt and it also has The Flower of Life sung by Joanne Harris. Regards
  16. I'm a Robotech fan and yet, I don't have Tommy on speed dial on my phone
  17. I know this is long overdue, but here you have the pics from the booklet Now I remember why I didn't scan the booklet back in the day. The booklet is the same size as an LD/LP sleeve and I have yet to find a scanner that will let me scan the whole thing in one pass. If anybody knows where I can get a scanner that is at least 12 x 12 and does not break the bank, please do let me know. This is going to sound a bit paranoid, but last time I shared some pictures of this booklet, the person took my pictures and started to pass them as his own work, therefore I watermarked the pictures this time. If you want an specific picture without the watermark, please let me know and I can email it to you PS: my own personal favorite is the one marked as 21 22 (as in page 21 and 22). The pictures depict the route of Stick and band from his crash landing to refless point (this is the picture that was snatched by the robotech fan and passed as his own)
  18. ah! I see that you were referring to the Clash of the Bionoids cut. That still leaves the question about Best Film edition of DYRL and Kiseki's subtitled edition. Thank you for clearing the information about Greg Finley too! It turns out that this fan is also claiming to have access to same rare Robotech information provided by Macek him self. Talk about Shalom all over again My mistake about the VHS, I didn't have it with me when I posted the information. A few years ago, when the channel Locomotion was still in the air, they produced and aired a spanish dub of DYRL. At the time, I was advised by one of the channel's representatives that Locomotion acquired a license to distribute the movie from TOHO. I did sign up for the original pre-order and I don't remember them saying that they went to Tatsunoko for any material. Tom can help us clear this up as well as I remember that he was in that panel in 2001 with the Animeigo people talking about the remastering process
  19. Tom, the dub in question had an official wide release in VHS and LD in 1987. Both editions were published and distributed by Toho. Now, about the dub made by the hong kong company. I was told by this so called Robotech fan that Greg Finley worked in the dub as Cpt Global. I contacted Mr Finley thru facebook to confirm this but his answer was that he couldnt remember. Do you happen to know if he worked on this dub?
  20. I need to dig in to the rulings of BW vs Tatsunoko as I recall that TOHO is actually mentioned as being the international distributor for the DYRL film Tom, do you happen to have more information on this? I'm helping put together a VHS/LD/DVD catalog with information about DYRL @ macrosschronicle.com and I would like to include (if you don't mind) this information on the VHS for Clash of the bionoids. Have you heard of "fair trademark use"? edit: quote correction
  21. Has anyone ever bothered to send an email to Toho to inquiry about DYRL distribution in the US?
  22. That will be Bandai Visual thru their Emotion label. In all seriousness, In the US: Best Film & Video Co released DYRL as Macross back in 1995. Celebrity Home Video released DYRL as Macross in Clash of the bionoids thru their Just for Kids Label back in 1988. Funny thou, Celebrity Home Video was founded by the same guy that founded Family Home Entertainment (the company that released the first full run of Robotech on VHS). Kiseki films was a movie distributor for the UK and Australia (according to the wikipedia entry) I remember having at one point a subtitle edition of DYRL distributed by them (circa 1998). Its not uncommon for companies to have distribution rights based on territory (like in the Manga and ADV case of the remastered edition of Robotech) Toho owns the international distribution rights of DYRL, heck, they were the ones that commissioned the best engrish dub of all time for the international market in 1986. The problem lays finding out who owns the license to distribute the film in the US since the previous distributor (Best Film & Video Co) seems to be out of business
  23. As far as I know, HG opted to use new SFX for the remastered Robotech edition because of time limitations. Also, let's be honest here, it is way cheaper to use some generic SFX than to properly master a monoaural audio track for 5.1 surround. As far as what was used in the remasterization process of the Animeigo Macross DVD set, it is my understanding that they reached out to HG for the material per Shin Kurokawa in Anime Expo 2001 (I think Tom was involved in the panel that year and i'm sure he can clear this up) Regards
  24. I actually bought it when it went on sale at amazon.com I received a coupon prior to the purchase for $20 and ended up paying about $16 with shipping for the set. I still have to remove the shrink wrap from the DVD set I wont be surprised if the DVDs with the episodes are from the same print-run from the Remastered set (like in the protoculture edition) I doubt it that it will happen any time soon. According to Whois, that domain has been active since 1994
  25. I wonder if this Is this another "we were not paying attention to the store" situation? The actual domain registered to Harmony Gold is http://macrossmovie.com The domain for macrossfrontier.com is registered to GoDaddy/DomainsbyProxy MEMO used to send some of his videos from Robotech cons (specially the ones with Michael Bradley performances) to put up on my old website back in the day. He used to be very secretive about it (he would normally ask me not to tell anyone where I got the videos from). Looking back, I realize that he was only trying to impress me and to trust him as a "good insider reliable source of Robotech info" What a joke!
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