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Everything posted by Bio

  1. Hi, I'm very interested in this tv special, please sign me up for a DVD, tnx.
  2. Hi guys, I received mine today, one word UNBELIEVABLE!!!!... p.s. I love the awesome hands!!!
  3. Thank you Hayao Kakizaki!
  4. Bio

    macross rom for MAME

    Hi, Yes,in this link. http://www.emuitalia.net/emulatori/go.php?sc=0
  5. Hi, Awesome work Jason! You are great!
  6. Bio

    macross rom for MAME

    Now I have Mame32 0.100u3 and now I have the sound Thank you very much guys Hi
  7. Bio

    macross rom for MAME

    Thank you guy's but I search this rom Super Spacefortress Macross / Chou-Jikuu Yousai Macross 2.02 MB http://www.emunova.net/roms/detail/281.htm This rom dont have sound, have you this with sound?. I have Mame 0.68b.
  8. Bio

    macross rom for MAME

    Hi guy's, I am trying Macross Rom for Mame with audio you can help to find it. thank you very much.
  9. This is my film strip sorry for the bad quality!
  10. That's a good one. Close-up of two main characters. 318855[/snapback]
  11. I dont have scan of my film strip but this is the vidcap from my DYRL dvd R2.
  12. then there will be a complete new set of DYRL hands! ...
  13. Hi, But this in the mirror is a open hand?
  14. Hi, I received today, great job Rohby and Exo. Thank you very much! Bio
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