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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Haha, yeah. The only time I've gotten a stronger "This guy's toast" vibe was the doofus at the beginning of Transformers... "Anybody remember weekends?" *Unzips body bag* Physica's wife cheating on him made him more interesting posthumously. All of the sudden you could look back at the guy and realize that he was a poor abandoned sap, playing the "If I'm a better pilot, maybe she'll take me back" role. Really, I think Gigil died at the right time. We'd already learned a lot about him through his interaction with Sivil & Basara. What wasn't well followed was that the torch should have been passed to Sivil. We did learn more a bit about her and she did play a major role in the latter half of the series, but she remained fairly shallow. They could have pushed her interaction with Basara just a little further AFAIC.
  2. I agree. I think Gigil sacrificing himself out of love for Sivil was the most moving scene in the entire series. Especially b/c of the way he sings to Sivil with his dying breath - and you can see clearly that, only then, does she realize how much Gigil loved her. Kinryu's death didn't seem to have to much on the series as a whole, except the loss of an interesting mental picture with the bridge bunnies. I think Gamlin's death would have been more powerful, as he along with Mylene, was the heart of the story. It's true, we would have lost the G-M-B triangle, but they could have shifted more to the Basara-Mylene-Sivil triangle and explored the emotions of the Protodeviln a little more. As it is, I'm happy he lived, he's a good guy. He even handled Mylene's rejection very maturely, showing how much he'd grown since the "Get off the battlefield! Ghaa!" early episodes. edit-grammar
  3. My least favorite Macross mecha has gotta be the Petite Cola machines. So friggin' persistent! It's a wonder you didn't see them all vandalized. Now if it was like Mt. Dewbot from Transformers, I could get on board! Seriously though, I don't really care for the popes: VF-9, VF-14, the Fz's and the SV-51. The overall transformation of ht 51 is neat, but it just seems WAY too complex for the first VF to ever see combat. I have no problem with the VF-25's similarity b/c they'vve had like 60 years to improve micronization and compartmentalization of the fighter's systems. It fits a progression, the 51 doesn't (to me). Battle 7 - almost cool, but pointless, and the hands... Battle 13 on the other hand - AWESOME revision of the existing New Macross design.
  4. Oops, my bad - I used the wrong name. I haven't crack my TIA books in a while, so my memory's fuzzy. Comparing to Mr March's MMM, it looks like they've toned down the colors a little. I approve - the M7 ships were just way too blue and way too white for my taste.
  5. Yeah, I was disappointed that in this fill in the blank episode, so much time was spent on the twins. It really didn't show us anything new about them. It did confirm what a dumbass Alejandro is, though. "Oh yeah, I invited my wife's sultry ex-boyfriend to the wedding, look at them dancing hip-to-hip - what's the big deal?" And does anyone believe that it's a coincidence that Peter was stuck in a cell next to Adam, that just happened to have a grate in the wall so they could converse easily?
  6. Perhaps they've gone to the Project Nova logo. Just sheer speculation... If they've done away with it, I'll really miss the kite. It was something that tied the whole series together, no matter how disparate the designs became. Looking at it again, though, that article loses A LOT of detail to the line screen, so I'm not giving up hope.
  7. I've been looking at the VF-17ish fighter some more, and it looks to have some features from the VF-22. The wing sweep is very similar, as is the nose. Perhaps this is General Galaxy building upon previous success, like Shinsei making the VF-11 off the general template of the VF-1. Maybe it's like the VF-23 or something... Also noticed that they're keeping some of the ships from before: We of course have the Megaroad making an appearance, the New Macross off in the distance, but I just spotted a Maizuru carrier as well. There are also a couple of silhouettes that look fairly Zentraedian. edit: forgot pics...
  8. It definitely looks like the fuselage lifts forward ala the 19, just no uniboob. The nosecone almost looks like it might split in half to fit against the chest. The wings, and possibly the wing roots are perpendicular to the torso, perhaps in the armpits, perhaps behind the shoulders. I'd be willing to bet the lower torso is the bulk of the undercarriage, and the codpiece - like the 19 again - folds forward and is actually smooth on the underside. I've highlighted some analogous areas below:
  9. The VF25 looks like it's got some of the Seiran running through its veins. I'm liking it a lot, but someone needs to give that battroid a cheezburger! I think it's an improvement over the SV-51, but I think it would benefit from a little anime magic in the torso. Can't wait to see it's face! (Second plus over the 51 - no Pope!) PS: Just how small is that pic of the VF25?
  10. To build on Mister E's statement, this is also the best representation of a lot of comic story lines that has been translated to motion pictures. There've been several very good superhero movies, but rarely are they able to capture the emotional depth and complexity of the comics. Heroes manages that, by not burdening the viewer with a lot of backstory (at least from the outset) or strange settings. It is building a large, interesting cast of characters over time. (Sure, I too am weary of the wonder twins, but I gotta hope all this is a solid foundation for later eps) And the most surprising thing is that it's kept people's interest. It had a bit of a rough start to it's sophomore season, but after this week, it looks like it's back on the ball. Mister E: I pity the fool who steps on my really, really big shoe...
  11. Perhaps its all that inbreeding that lead to the mutation...
  12. My friends and I ran into the overpowered mecha problem when we used to rpg. It was fun to generate the awesome stats, but in play, they were just kinda boring... "OK, you killed all the bad guys in one round... Who wants to get cookies?" Eventually, it required even bigger and more powerful bad guys, lots and lots of dice and a great deal of counting said dice. Eventually we learned from our experience and returned to keeping things simple, often handicapping and writing house "Jerry-rigging" rules that laid out the chances of failure. Flaws are what give things character, right? On the plus side, I think the red & black scheme looks pretty neat - especially in the face.
  13. A bunch of my friends have bought some grey muscle-tees and racerback tanks. I've got a jacket that's close enought to the blue uniform, so I'll put some gold plastic accents and either print or buy a patch for the shoulder. There'll probably be about 5 of us in toto.
  14. As tired as I got of Planet Dance and My Soul for You, I thought it did bring some realism to the band dynamic. I mean, for the first half of the series, they pretty much just had the songs from the Planet Dance album. So when they practiced, they played those songs; when they were in concert, they played the songs they'd practiced. The repetitiveness seems realistic. Think of BTO - cursed for over two decades to play Taking Care of Business virtually every night. At least when the second batch of songs came around, they had more to shuffle around. Speaking of which, is there an mp3 or cd anywhere of Mylene singing Light the Light, as in the possessed Gamlin episode?
  15. My DVD is like that too - for a moment I wondered if they had packaged it wrong and given me the movie - which I've never seen. But nope, just a labeling error.
  16. Here's a Youtube Clip of M+ Episode 3. The 19 folds at around 5:30 into the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OphyLYV1Z4U
  17. Nothing... Nothing at all. I've bemoaned this since 91. It gets easier to deal with - at least when you're not in the theater, watching an AvP movie.
  18. Didn't the Varuta show up in the middle of that? Basara couldn't have rocked their world in a VF-1. We saw that quite clearly the first time he encountered the space whale in Dynamite. Basara + VF1 = Fail PS: I agree, it looked ridiculous
  19. I used to play the games a little, but we all tended to get tired of it about half way through. We started out w/ good ol' Rogue Trader, then followed through a couple of editions. We played Adeptus Titanicus and Space Marine more than the regular game. The original Battleship Gothic was pretty cool too - some awesome cap-ship designs for that one. My guys were the Space Wolves, originally back when they were just gray with the little yellow & red logo. I mostly just enjoyed collecting and painting them. Still tempted to pick one up once in a while, but I don't have time for the hobbies much anymore. I think the designs were best about 10-12 years ago. Back when Jes Goodwin was still designing the Terminators and Eldar. The Tyranids were really kick-ass back then too. Since then, the Imperial stuff has gotten way too blocky for my taste.
  20. I guess, with buying all those models, he couldn't afford a bottle of Fantastic. That stain is freakin' me out!
  21. Could you scan the pages with the Sound Force concepts too? Those actually look fairly interesting. Some of those 19 variants look pretty cool, and I'm kind of digging the non-enhanced VF-11MAXL. Then again, I'm not a boob job fan anyway.
  22. "What about Deathman? Now he was an arch-villain." "Deathman is Dead." My wife and I have a soft spot for this movie. Sure it gets a little thin in the middle, but it's fun. The VHS eventually wore out, so we picked up the DVD at Best Buy for $8. It's money better spent than on some new movies I could mention.
  23. Here, here. Some things are better left to memory...
  24. Even before MST3K, my Dad, brother & I would stay up late to riff TNT's "100% Weird." Man I miss that show. I've got a soft spot for bad films - I've seen many of the ones mentioned here. Though I really need to fill in a couple of gaps like Metal Storm and Battlefield Earth. I might download the Rifftrax for that one. If you think Logan's Run was like an acid trip, you should see Wild, Wild Planet. WWP is to Logan's Run like Space Truckers is to Star Wars, a derivative copycat trying to ride the former's coattails. Except, as acidy LR is, I really think WWP's writers WERE on acid when they tried to copy it. I alluded to it earlier in the thread - actually over a year ago, but as far as I've seen, this is the worst movie ever: http://www.cornponeflicks.org/armafinal.html There was another site that had pics, and was obviously written to promote the movie - which I found very funny - but I can't find it now. I've never subjected my wife to this movie. I don't miss single life that much...
  25. To sort of defend the first AvP a little - it did have a few good ideas in it. The isolation of the aliens in Antarctica was a good way of keeping things quiet. I thought the best part of it was that the expedition was run by the Weyland Corporation, which would later become Weyland-Yutani (aka the Company that Ripley worked for). And Mr Weyland just happened to look like the android that his company would later build. I thought - maybe seeing the Preds/Aliens in action would lead to the interest in exploring space, and the standing directive to investigate all signs of intelligent life that sidetracked the Nostromo. Of course, Weyland died, so that all went out the window... The new one looks better than the 1st, but I agree: it loses the claustrophobic fear atmosphere for the Aliens. In all of the Alien films, the idea was that if the Aliens ever made it to Earth - even one of them - that would be it. They'd breed through people, dogs, livestock, bears - anything bigger than a cat, probably. That's what Ripley sacrificed so much for. Now suddenly they are on Earth - in our time. It kind of invalidates the struggle of all 4 Alien films. I just don't see why these have to be current era films. What's wrong with setting a Predator in the future? That way, there at least some suspense of the outcome.
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