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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. I guess this is right before the VF-25F spazzes out on the left. Boy, Battle25's pretty. Looks like both arms are cannons from this shot.
  2. Precisely, that scene made the hairs on my arm stand up the first time I saw it. The music really added to William's desperation to keep big red from reaching Island1. Now, it just kinda happened. Fortunately, though - this week we can move beyond all this DE bellyaching, because it's ALL NEW from here! Woohoo! Hopefully, the subs will come out faster from now on.
  3. I enjoyed both versions, but I liked DE better, primarily for the music. Not just the better rendition of Don't be Late, but really the instrumentals. The opening scene was much more exciting in DE, and also the second half of the attack. That's what I miss most. And the ghosts... 'cuz I <3 them... Edit: Wow, I'm not used to torrents going so fast! Hooray for popular, current stuff! I'm used to waiting a day and a half.
  4. Ah, OK, I read it wrong... I thought it was 2 different ones. I'll grab it when I get home.
  5. I personally love Laplamiz' "scream" or "moan" when she gets blown away. I always try to imagine just what the hell the voice actress is doing. I've also been amused when Hikaru I..chi..jo shouts "Minmay!" when Roy is killed. Ah well, that's all for now. I will cease communication... Cease communication... Cease communication...
  6. So, at this stage, what's the best sub, the AiA or IZ?
  7. I had the same problem, then opened it in Windows Media Player, and it was just fine. Thanks to cyde01, went ahead and watched ep1. Like all the rest, I do prefer the DE. No Ghosts FTL. On the other hand, I don't recall the little Vajra's arms being so threatening before. Could lead to more cool grappling. As for the music, Don't Be Late didn't sound as polished as on the DE, but this could be a good thing. Maybe they'll throw some variation into the performances! That was the worst part of M7 to me was that, every time Fire Bomber played a show, played in battle, or even practiced, their songs sounded exactly the same. This sounded more like a live concert version of Don't be Late, while the version we heard before was the track off the CD. Another good thing: the character designers can draw a good tushie.
  8. My first experience with Macross was the models, really. We found some at Stanton Hobby in Chicago, about the time I was 6 or 7 - just old enough to crudely build them and paint a VF-1S Testors gloss black with flames on it. Yeech! I later found an English Macross comic and made my Dad read it to me (editing out the damns and hells, of course). I could have read it myself, but he did the voices! Not long after that, though, we saw the commercials for the upcoming broadcast of Robotech and were awed that these cool planes were actually in a cartoon. We caught the initial broadcast and the whole family was hooked. I was really too young to know about the series cobbling, but the show never did seem to flow, and I really lost interest after Macross. We had the Robotech Art book, which spilled the beans about the series' origins, but I never bothered with tracking it down. Clash of the Bionoids just confused the issue. Then I was wandering through the video store in 96 and spotted Macross Plus. I couldn't believe that there was a direct sequel to Macross and I scooped up all 3 (friggin 8 month wait for ep 4!). It was enough for me for a while, but I eventually picked up a bootleg of SDFM, and finally watched M7 a couple years ago. Just last month, I finally watched the M+ Movie (I was bitter about the removal of the VF11 seq.) and agreed that the plot was much stronger. I'm hooked again, stoked about MF, and the wife now just rolls her eyes & says "That's great, hon" and just asks me to keep most of the geeky paraphanalia to my office.
  9. Suppressing the madness as I wait for the fansub. I know basically what would be happening but I want the full experience of understanding what the characters say. Hopefully soon, we'll establish a fairly reliable fansub schedule and those of us holding out won't have to sit through the uncertainty. Ah well, if it's not out today, at least we've got Galactica to keep us busy.
  10. I know, I was just kidding. Projecting, perhaps... Oh, and now that I've watched it closer, that Brea Stern character is looking more like a guy. Oh well, at least we've still got Meltrandi!
  11. Well, as crummy as M2 may have been, the Macross Cannon was always Frakkin' Awesome! I, for one, am thrilled that New Macross carriers have move away from the handheld gunship.
  12. Ehh, I'm getting a chick-vibe from the way the character is holding itself, and it looks like (s)he's doing a hair-flip. Ple s the costume seems low-cut, so I hope it's a girl. Really, though, we've had both in the past; but who did you prefer: Millia or Gabil?
  13. If so, it looks like they've resolved all of the beefs we had with Battle 7. Looks like Macross-canon style arms and SDF-1 style booms over the shoulders... That's really exciting. Also, apparently that purple VF was not a pre-production model, but appears in the show. My money's on it being a Vajra VF, piloted by that ghosty Brea Stern lady (who looks to have some interaction with Ozma) I can has fansubz? Plz?
  14. Maybe he's angry that he feels the texture of the holo-suit instead of warm, supple Nome-flesh. Scratch that, he's wearing the Xgear manipulators - maybe he doesn't know it's a holo-suit and is angry his hands are stuck in the Xgear...
  15. I agree with you to a point, but I think that Brazil may have hit it a little better. Not only are many of Orwell's themes present, but the government relies on the fear of terrorism to keep the populace in line. They use the threat so much, in fact, that the safety precautions are absolutely ridiculous, and the average people think nothing of it, and seem unaware when something bad actually happens. Sniffing machines at metal detectors Continual spin on TV Excessive computer-based escapism of the populace Backstabbing and excessively compartmentalized office culture A bureaucracy so thick you can't even get your air conditioner fixed (we're not quite there, YET). Of course, it's been a while since I've seen '84, so all this may be present. Brazil seems to be Terry Gilliam's oddball take on 84 anyway; but I believe he captures the inanity of it all, while 84 just showed us the despair.
  16. "Oh, my beloved ice cream bar! How I love to lick your creamy center!"
  17. The aesthetics ARE the reason for it. You're right, it makes no sense whatsoever to have the big clear dome. You can't see out from inside (unless you're right up on it); unless you're in a Green Belt orbit, you won't get enough light coming in to grow plants; and it does seem to invite enemy attention... but it's pretty! I concur that having an enclosed ship that could open "shell style" upon reaching the colony destination would make more sense. On the other hand, it makes it more difficult for the viewer to quickly spot which ships are the colony ships. In fact, if we look at other series, most colony or garden ships have domes (at least all the ones I can think of) - even if they're for interstellar travel. It seems to be ingrained in the Scifi imagery that colony ships MUST have domes - at least if they were designed for that purpose.
  18. At last, confirmation that this movie actually existed! It's not some disturbing figment of my imagination, I feel better now. Actually, I think my Dad actually paid to get me and the brother in to see that - good thing movies were cheap back then. Didn't it have some actual big names doing the voices? I remember DiveDive was pretty cool, I actually might have him somewhere in the TF boxes my Mom might someday send to me to put on eBay. I'll keep an eye out.
  19. I don't remember how I found it, but here is a link with all sorts of artbooks: Artbooks There's a lot of gundam (inc. sd and MS girls) in there, but also a lot of other random good stuff. I did a similar thing playing Star Wars RPG in college. Eventually we got bored and brought in Macross, Gundam, Gall Force, and WH40K stuff; all pitted together to fight off the Tyranids from the SW galaxy. Then a couple years later the New Jedi Order came out and stole our idea.
  20. My jaw dropped when I saw this as the most recent post! So sad! I might just dust off Rama after my finals (or pick up another I haven't read), to comemorate this wonderful author's life in my own little way.
  21. So does that imply that Ozma will roundhouse kick the Vajra in episode 2? In seriousness to the thread, I too like the idea of the Corsair. I was gonna suggest it myself, but was beaten to the punch. Ah, they'll just call it the Valkyrie anyway...
  22. Have they officially named Ozma's boys as Skull Squadron? Is it too late to change it to Cordite Squadron? 'Cuz then I'd be on board with the Starfighter...
  23. And Zolans - hmm, I wonder if we'll see any of them in Frontier?
  24. Wasn't there a shot in Hikaru's training montage where he was piloting a 1A Brownie? I just figured his training period was uneventful and his skillz so mad that they jumped cut from trainee to squad leader.
  25. What's up with the patch on the new character's head? Hope it's not the NUNS equivalent of the yellow Star of David - all Zentraedi required to be marked as such. Eep, that would drive Macross to some much darker territory... Maybe this is just in the manga. Also, I wonder why she's older & busty in one panel and immature in the next...
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