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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. I'd echo most of the sentiment here. I'd rather buy a Hasegawa for fighter only. But since Yamato owns the license for Mac+, a GNU Enemy Battle Suit would be incredible. Full articulation, opening & closing missile ports, etc...
  2. Pear-shaped?
  3. OR: Didn't it come up sometime that, like DYRL, Mac2 was kind of an in-universe movie about a fictional future? Kind of like 2001, which in reality has come and gone w/ no moon bases or monoliths. They could do a sequel to Macross 2, starring Miranda Marin and a special cameo by Ranzo Saotome! In seriousness, I'll love it wherever it goes. My only concerns about Macross series' have been the wrap up. SDFM & M+ oth wrapped up pretty well (even if M+ was a little ambiguous). M7's pacing was off, with like 20 episodes of padding and a wrap up in the last 3. Zero was rushed in chapter 5 and Frontier has me a little worried. I thought Dynamite ended pretty well, actually. I should be used to it by now, that Macross series' are a little anticlimactic, but I keep hoping.
  4. This is exactly what I'd love to happen. But I refuse to hold my breath or hope too much, lest I be let down.
  5. Wow, what an episode. Can't wait to see where this goes, yet sad the end is coming... I'm still vainly hoping we'll get a Galactica-style "Continued in 2009," but I'm not expecting it. Hopefully the show will close with oodles of win! For those lamenting the lack of screencaps of the 171EX, I took a few. Dang, I hope they make a model of this thing!
  6. While I'm still hoping for a 1/72 VF-171, this should at least give me a back up. I really like the idea of this line, but the $40-$50 price range is mellowing me out. *Edit: Crap! Just looked at HLJ and the 1/72s are $40 too! Dangit, this used to be an affordable hobby...
  7. OK, it looks sexy. The only thing that seems off to me is the "cheeks" on the battroid. Those could be fixed, though. Wow. I hope they release a super soon after this one. And an Armored Ozma!
  8. AH, back online now with a faster rig. Sure enough, the mkvs are working nicely now. Question though: Is it possible to go in and edit the sub file a bit? I wholly appreciate GG's work, but the end of Episode 20 just isn't sitting well for me. Klan/Michel's final confession of a deep, long-felt liking of eachother... Maybe it's not an exact translation, but I think throwing the word "love" in there would've made it flow a bit better...
  9. Hmmm, But will Rhynn Kohler use the RF-31's awesome powers for good? ... .. . Or for EVIL? Fun backstory, can't wait to see some pics. BTW, did you write the story using "poo" or have we received the "Robocop edited for TV" version?
  10. I was just looking at that site yesterday. At the same time, I was going over Mr March's site and the color scheme thread. I think we need to send Merzo some new pictures so he can put some 7/Frontier era ships up on the site...
  11. Sometimes I wish I could understand the songs (that is: know what's being said, not translating) so I could appreciate it fully. Reading the subtitles of the song lyrics is always kind of difficult and it never really comes together. But, I also, like David, I really like the voice as an instrument. So, while I still like the songs, I can only appreciate them on a fairly shallow basis. Or maybe it's deeper? I always wondered if I'd think Macross songs were as dumb as the Robotech songs if I knew what they were saying... I assume they're not, but I can only rely on other people's assessments.
  12. Looking much better, overall. I just hope that fighter mode fits together a little bit better... If not, I may have to try my luck at making it permanent on one...
  13. Well, it looks like I've had the lag problem solved for me. My Mobo just died... It was 5 years old and running pretty sluggish with some stuff. Hope the HD is OK, I'll be checking that tonight. So, I now have an Athlon 64 Dual Core and GeForce 8600 on the way. Around Wednesday, I should be back in business! Hopefully then I'll be able to enjoy those h264s! I bet Corel Painter will run much better too! *Bwah! Come on UPS! The CPU's gonna be a day behind the rest! I'll be 2 episodes behind then! Wants Ep20...
  14. My friends and I played with this idea when we played Star Wars RPG. We called them SLAMs: Super Luminal (Something) Missile. They were equipped with short-range hyperdrives, with just a couple light second range. The fun part was that the enemy would get hit by the missile before they even witnessed the launch. As with many things, we got out of hand and decided that, while cool, the SLAM was making the game boring. That was around M+ time, so of course, we had YF-19s, 21s. We also had Ghosts with SW-level droid intelligence. Good times...
  15. VA: To paraphrase Ranka: So pretty... I love your Max& Millia shelf! I also like your new avatar!
  16. I found a torrent of 35 episodes. I presume that's the whole thing...
  17. I'm about 10 episodes into the series. Just watched "Barbarians" this morning. The concept of the show is great, and I like how it allows many different types of stories to be told and mecha to be seen. I also like all the little Macross jokes that they've tucked in. Kei seems like kind of a D-bag sometimes, though. The odd thing is that, by watching this at the same time as Frontier, I keep thinking my computer is slowing down. The difference in animation technology and frame rates almost perfectly replicates the mkv hanging on my old system.
  18. It kind of reminds me of the Logan and the mysterious Macross Galaxy fighter/transport from Frontier Ep5. Really nice job going from your pencil roughs to the detailed marker drawing. That seems to be the step I never get to. Maybe this'll inspire me to finish my VAF-10 concept. Look forward to seeing the battroid inked out! Great work!
  19. Dang! Was the guy caught? Is everything and everybody ok aside from the heroic hard drive? Didn't mean to make light of a bad situation, but the comment was a head-scratcher. And back on topic, glad you found what you were looking for.
  20. Do you live across the street from a seriously obsessed RT fan? "Shadow Chronicles FTW!!" *ka-POW* Did it save your life like cigarette cases always do in the movies?
  21. It also begs the question of how the Protodevlin controlled their guys. Was it that much different from what Myung and Marje were up to? Maybe the SA and Megaroad 13 crew were more susceptible to that kind of brainwashing after being partially drained of spiritia? I got the impression that it was something similar, since Sharon hypnotised Isamu, then Myung was able to snap him out of it with her song. Just like Basara. It seems like they snuck in a few aspects of M7 into M+ to add some consistency between the two. I always figured the recall signal from Bye Bye Mars was calling the regulds back against their pilots wishes. Never thought about it being a control signal for the Zentraedi themselves... Finally, the prehensile cables used by Sharon were not new to Macross. Whenever we saw the SDFM transform, these cables and wires would fly out and attach to things. It's just 30 years of progression that allows them to be smaller. We also see them used earlier in the M+ OVA when Sharon hooks up to the concert hall.
  22. Actually, now that I think about it - other than gg, are all the subbers on vacation? I appreciate what gg does for us, but my current system doesn't play well with the big mkvs. Though the quality's not as good, I prefer divx or xvid (whatever) because it runs smoothly. Hopefully I'll be upgrading soon b/c my mobo's on the fritz and I'll get around that... Until then, what happened to Kei and Lunar?
  23. Or maybe they're like those garbage bags that can wrap around sharp points, but the point still dug into Ozma. Great episode, good trick. Not really anything left to say what's not been said... Oh, and BOMBA!!
  24. Wowsers! If it's Tenjin Hidetaka, that explains why I love it so! I'll probably bring this into PS and clean up those CMYK screens with a little blur & unsharp mask. I can post it back up afterward, if anyone's interested. Won't be today though, I need sleep! kthxbai, GGemini!
  25. ZOMG!1 I can has hi-res, plz? Wow, that picture is beautiful! Is this a DVD-box sized card, or is it a poster? Not that it matters to me from a purchasing perspective*, but I would love to print this out for my wall. *I don't have an HDTV, BlueRay player, or know Japanese!
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