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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. OK, you asked for it.... BOMBAA! Edit - pushed it a little farther b/c my boss left...
  2. Yeah, looks like Luca's pretending to be Gamlin. I took a second and photoshopped the 25 a little... but I'm hesitant to attach it, because it might ruin it for people.
  3. Fair enough, that works too. But it begs the question:
  4. Well yes, MF had more fanservice than previous series, but it was mostly jostling boobs here & there. It hinted at panties & upskirt views, but it never explicitly went there. Not complaining, per se, just a little surprised.
  5. I look at it as below: I like their music. I appreciate what they stand for. They are both firm in their convictions. Personality-wise, they're both kind of annoying. (Basara = Bono)
  6. Well, I could see Basara looking like that after 12 years. With Ozma such a big FB fan, I could also see him emulating his idol's hairstyle. On another note: Err, what's up with Sheryl, Ranka & Nanase? Those panels looked more doujinshi than official manga to me.
  7. Whoa! Starbird! I loved that thing. I've probably still got mine at my Mom's. Hmm, working at a print shop, it seems like I could get away with making some shelf display for some of my models. Hadn't thought of doing this before... Hmm...
  8. Never really was fond of Luca's green, but otherwise, that RVF looks sexay!
  9. I have great respect for JMS, and that's all well and good - but it's likely that the studio will kick him off the project, preserve a few bits of his script, then hire Paul WS Anderson to direct it. I love the original FP. What astounds me is how well the visuals have held up over the years. Even in the digital age, the effects look incredible!
  10. The grey looks awesome!
  11. Point conceded! I'm not sure I've seen this rather obvious thought so succinctly put. Der. Perhaps the rather new appearance of macro-children was the incentive to create 7-color carrots in the first place!
  12. Hmm, that is a good point. My thoughts were to imply that there's a lot more going on inside a Zentraedi than just a big human. But I formulated that idea before seeing 7 or 0, so I wasn't taking the bioengineering skillz of the PC into consideration... So essentially, you're suggesting a biological reinforcement, and with that might be differences in metabolism and organ function. Hell, the PC revered the Vajra, which were some pretty impressive biologics. Considering this, I still think it's fair to call a Zentraedi an organism based on the human (protoculture) genome, but more than just human. Thanks, March, for helping me look at this a new way. Although, I still maintain that macro-kids would take an enormous amount of food to grow, and would have to eat all day. I think the other fleets might have been right to limit their macro-population.
  13. Until the appearance of macronized children @ Formo, I always thought that the Zentraedi were more than just big people. Built-in reinforcement and armor to make their size possible, contained within an organic template based on what their DNA prescribed. The micronization process would use that template to create the body that actually used that DNA, and somehow transfer consciousness. Or something along those lines. MacF threw that idea in the trash. Imagine how much those kids need to eat to grow. No wonder macro-shoes are so expensive! But seriously, how do their growing bodies support the weight? Temporarily forget the fluid dynamics and physics of macronized sex, what about fertilization and cell division. A blastula the size of your fist! I just don't think it would work. *looks at the corpses of cat-girls* I know I'm looking into this too much, but it was one of those things that could be justified, b/c the Zentraedi were manufactured, not born. It's just kinda weird to think of it now.
  14. Don't forget that Gilliam did not have the black and red stripes on the head of his 25. Those were added when Alto took over (and removed and added depending on how tight the animation schedule was). Are you eagerly awaiting the 1/72 Vajra to make a diorama?
  15. Do you like my snake? He's nervous, because it's his wedding day! He's going to marry A CHICKEN!!!
  16. Haha, you crazy! Do you have anything against Illustrator or Corel? In all seriousness, though, I'm amazed. I had no idea that Publisher could even do things like that. Oh, and 52k8, I really like your VF-4 update!
  17. For serious? I HATE Publisher, but for the same reasons, I'm even more impressed with your color schemes.
  18. So, is the lower-left ghost pic that low-res in the magazine? Looks like someone forgot to update their links!
  19. You know that, if it got made, the Thundercats would all be wearing black leather bodysuits... And they would actually arrive in present day Los Angeles. And Snarf would fart a lot...
  20. Hmm, maybe I should get a 25F for the Super-Pack. Might be a way to avoid those fit issues. Since the S is supposedly better, I can leave that nekkid - at least until the 1/72 Armored-Pack comes out.
  21. Oh, dammit, just when I was ready to order a 25S. Can anybody translate, please?
  22. Actually, it looks more like the VF-19P now. I always though that was a cool variant...
  23. Zounds, that's $62 + shipping!1! On the other hand, 3 ghosts! I suppose with the right custom paint scheme, the RVF could be pretty sweet... I gotta put more transformers on eBay! Ah, hell, I'm still trying to find an affordable S or F!
  24. I thought it would have been interesting if the 25F was the basic model. The only main char. we see with a traditional A-style head was Michel, who had the sniper thing going on. Just think, would it not have been a nifty device if the protagonist was flying a CF for the whole series?
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