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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Because it probably will share 90% of the VF-25 parts. As will the VF-27. Milkin' the molds, baby! Still, I'd get one! Perhaps the wings just fold back, ie the 25, but stick out further.
  2. Awww Snap!
  3. Holy crap! That's awesome, kyekye! Did you use your model as a reference for the perspective, or paint on top of a photo? if it's the former, I can't even put my admiration into words. If it's the latter, what an awesome way to make use of a real prop and achieve great results! Either way, incredible work!
  4. I prefer when the seed of manly lies in the girly. Whoa-yeah!!
  5. Looking at them recently, I think the Seiran-99 actually has a lot in common with the VF-25. Not everything, mind you, but definite similarities in the torso and shoulders. It may have, at least, inspired the transformation sequence.
  6. I bet if you look real close, Minmei is naked on the Macross bridge... Sketchy, yes, but not bad.
  7. Exchange rates, poor economy and embryos conspire against me... All I want is coolness! Sigh...
  8. Raises hand. Gotta have the X-9!! Actually, I've thought that I might tray making an easy mold of the Ghost sprue. It's been a while since I've molded anything, but then I could have S,J, & P, as well as an X-9, V-9, etc... without paying for lots of shipping.
  9. I've been looking forward to this one, too. Will definitely watch, b/c after all, it's Joss on Fox on Friday. Unfortunately, it probably won't last long. Lets just hope they actually start the series with the first episode this time, instead of screwing it up like Firefly.
  10. Thanks, Dashgtr! DO WANT!!1! I wish we'd know if this will eventually come out in VFX-2 colors, though.
  11. It's not that it's shiny; the edges look translucent. The F and S variants don't seem to have this problem. It could just be the prototype, though.
  12. While I have my issues with the writing and cinematography and editing and, well essentially Michael Bay... I'll admit that I do like the aesthetic of the movie bots. It seems like the designers have looked at them as ALIEN robots. Their proportions aren't constrained to exactly human, nor are their faces quite so like our own. While the Autobots look more human than the Decepticons, they still look different. It looks like they're experimenting with different eye configurations this time around too, which I approve of. The beady eyes in the first movie just didn't look right on some - particularly Jazz.
  13. Considers derailing thread, or starting a new one along these lines. Hmm, probably better uses of my time now...
  14. What? Really? I know SDFM was made before cell phones, so the characters didn't use them; but that was another little justification in my head. Around Zero, they announced that the Macross and Real timelines diverged in the early 90's; before cell phones took off, then there were the Unification and Sapce Wars... I just figured that they didn't actually make cell phones until much later. Then again, how canon is this version, anyway? Maybe I'll just stick with that unless otherwise compelled. *In addition: how many times have we said that so many of the SDFM triangle's issues could have been avoided by cell phones? Well, maybe they just don't work in space.
  15. Ah yes, that was it! I'll have to label those files, then. We haven't heard from him in a while. I thought it was rather well put together. To satiate Master Dex's curiosity, here's what Grebo Guru came up with:
  16. Someone here made a lineart composite VF11-MAXL a few years ago. He picked a head from a different Kawamori design and colored whole thing blue. I might still have it on my hard drive at home. I can't for the life of me remeber who posted it, though.
  17. I finally got the chance to go through and watch the whole series again, and I was quite surprised at how good the pacing was. Without the week-long waits and over-analysis, the story progressed much more smoothly than I remembered. No longer did episodes 15-19 seem to drag, but were an even expansion of character and motivation. While a little part of me still wishes for an episode 24.5 to give Galaxy A LITTLE more exposition; all-in-all, I think everything was handled just right! Maybe a little pointless, but I thought I'd share!
  18. Aesthetically- You'd think that, if mounting the ARMDs was the plan all along, they would have been painted the same color. Looks pretty decent, though. I'll bet the top schematic view would look cleaner than the asymmetrical carriers. * Ah, what the hell. Different resolutions on the pictures, but here's the dorsal.
  19. Bodolza looks like my father-in-law in that picture! * To explain the quote, as he's a fairly bigoted guy, this line made last Thanksgiving precious.
  20. Very nice, Pete! I'll keep that in mind...
  21. Something less dorky than we want. For many of us with less anime obsessed wives (she likes SOME - particularly Miyazaki), despite how nice the name may sound, it is tainted with geekery. And despite how much they love us and accept our geeky nature, they don't necessarily want to burden the child with it.
  22. Hmm, not Minmay, but I lobbied for Myria for a while. I don't think my wife's on board. Not Millia - that'd be a harder sell. My friend did manage to land Maximillian for his 3rd kid, though. *edit: too many thoughs
  23. Well, laundry and politics have caused some uproar in the past. Maybe Tom hides a little blue dress in his cabin. Now that you mention it, did Adama actually refer to the folder as Zarek's dirty laundry? Or "There's a lot of dirty laundry in there?" I don't remember. B/C if he did, that's awesome. Those lego vipers are frakking sweet.
  24. I figured it was a cable. While we learned many new facets (or retconned, whatever) about Overtech in Frontier, there have never been any indications of tractor beams. The illumination may just be an easy way to show they were towing the carcasses, or it may really light up. A steel or carbon fiber cable would be all but invisible in space, so glowing cables might come in handy.
  25. I just kind of hacked it together between typesetting some forms. Now that I look at it a little more casually, VF-25 Fire Valkyrie doesn't look too bad. Still prefer the regular S variant in my avatar, though. If anyone wants to shoot me a cleaner scan, I could do a much better composite.
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