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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. I was pleasantly surprised that the WHOLE movie did not turn out like that. All in all, I thought it was pretty good. Now I just have to read the novel to compare.
  2. Those are pretty cool, thanks!
  3. The last line, made it a bit more palatable to me. Something big, something powerful, but not .
  4. I thought so at first, but as it progressed, I thought: This is what the entire series has been leading up to - it's OK to let it breathe. Especially after Frontier ended so rapidly, it was nice to see the epilogue take its time. *short-term avatar update...
  5. Ja, me too. In the end, it wrapped up about how I'd though it would. A little While was a little cheesy, I liked how But before I seem too nitpicky, there was Teh Awesome: Oops, got carried away. Interested in seeing what The Plan is all about. Still not sure about Caprica, though. And I might give Warehouse 13 a chance... edit- wasn't sure about the spoiler tag rule for the West Coast. Thought I'd stick with it to be sure...
  6. Cool, thanks for the reminder.
  7. Maybe they set up a bottle factory on New Caprica. I seem to remember a lot of people drinking from jars in season 2.
  8. I'd use double-sided tape. There's a brand called "Super Tacky Tape" avail. at Michael's or Hobby Lobby that's acid free and very strong.
  9. I applaud your awful movie references. Given your taste, have you ever seen "Armageddon: The Final Challenge"? I recommend it for an awful movie viewing experience, but not alone or sober. I'm morbidly interested in seeing Dragonball. I never could stand the series, but this could be fun. Probably won't want to watch it sober, though.
  10. Any thoughts of scanning said pinups?
  11. I was looking forward to better robot characterization, but it looks like we're gonna see Transformers 2: More, Bigger & Esplodier. Ok, I knew that was gonna happen...
  12. Pretty cool! Personally, I wouldv'e put the jolly roger on the chest in front of the head. 'Course, a 25S would have been cooler too. Yet, I've still got the same VF-1A half-built from 3 years ago - so who am I to talk?
  13. No-no. It's important to get the units correct, or else the proportions will be all wrong. That's 1000 NAKED Misas long.
  14. So, are there any stats for the Dulfim & Kaitos to add them to the chart?
  15. Very nice character designs, especially the girl! Overall, awesome revision of the VF-4. I do have a question about your super pack: is there a reason the shield looks like a carrier deck? Overall, it appears to mix elements of the VF-25 Armor Pack with the forward section of the Macross Quarter, which is pretty interesting. I'm just not sure why the shield has the catapult "fingers" and elevator markings of the Quarter.
  16. It's getting to the point where I can't tell what's been added. It's pretty cool, though.
  17. If we hadn't already seen Pegasus go out that way, it would be really cool. We've even seen Galactica streak through the atmosphere on New Caprica... Maybe Adama will pull a Global & take out the Cylon colony from the inside. Nukes away! (Sans the full barrier overload, though)
  18. Yeah, I'm just sewing discord & confusion. Mwahaha!
  19. Wait, one of the main characters is named Daniel? As in Cylon #7? Maybe this is the sole reason Ellen dropped his name a few episodes back...
  20. Yeah, me too. I found the Prometheus at the bottom of one of my TF boxes recently. No sign of the rest, though...
  21. Wow, it looks great. Is it just me or do the feet look MUCH better in those photos?
  22. Hmm, well if they had gone with that idea, we may have never gotten to Crystal Skull... You decide which was a better fate...
  23. Cool... Man, I gotta get back to using Painter...
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