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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. OK, since we were talking about it in the Character Art Thread, but it's not character art... Back when Ace Combat came out, I downloaded the high-resolution sections of the YF-19 and VF-1S featured on their website. I took the time to stitch together them, with the intent of posting them here. Apparently, I never did. Sorry 'bout that! So, here's the VF-1S: OK, the file size was just too big, I guess. Sampled it down a little bit.
  2. Aaargh! I just watched MSvGO. I give it a 3 drink minimum... Just left me feeling all dirty and with the urge to stab someone. Was there any continuity in this film? Aside from using the same set for 80% of the scenes? Thankfully, they kept captioning the exterior shots of locations, otherwise I never would have guessed that the scientists WERE STILL IN THE SAME FRAKKING BUILDING!! I might have to show the tooth science scene to my wife, the shark tooth scientist; but other than that, this is going in the freezer with Armageddon: The Final Challenge. Unless it shows up on Rifftrax. I'd be all over that.
  3. Shh! Everyone keep it down! Keith and Agent One will hear you!! As for me, I'd buy a 1/60 VF-5000. I like the VF-19F, but the Yamato YF-19 has stick legs - and that would look REALLY weird on the VF-19. I am eyeing the VF-100 line, though.
  4. I patched these together a while ago, when they first popped up. I thought I had posted them here, but I can't find the post. I think I was waiting until I finished my 25th Ann. desktop (before Frontier was even announced) -but I ended up going back to school and forgot about it. I know I still have them, though. So if you don't feel like stitching together the 19, I'll post it tonight. The 1S was easy.
  5. MY goodness, Sheryl has a nice tushie. So toned and rou... wait, what is that?!
  6. I think the new head is pretty cool. Kind of between the RVF & the G. As for the decals, now all we need are better scans of Kathy! (or Cathy, w/e)
  7. Pretty cool. The Basara pilot fig is a nice touch - though it looks like he stole Ray's keytar. I was actually thinking of trying to convert a Hasegawa YF-19 to a VF-19F. I don't know how well it'll turn out, b/c I haven't done much scratch-building, but I have an idea behind it. Wasn't there a VF-19 stubby-wing conversion posted here a while back? I've tried searching for it, but no luck... Probably no longer available anyway.
  8. Woot! That's sexy! Is that a 1/2" grid on the cutting mat? How thick are the tiles you're using? Are they floppy at all?
  9. I'm shamed to remember the beginning of the Charlie's Angels remake, where they sarcastically included a video of TJ Hooker: The Movie. Damn you McG, and your powers of prognostication!!1!
  10. It almost looked like they were going for the high-speed film look, like the beginning of Saving Private Ryan.
  11. It's not a good movie, but I enjoyed it overall. Saw it on 2 nights with different groups, and the twins were much less annoying the 2nd time. There were parts where I felt I was watching an episode of the G1 cartoon, particularly when Megatron & Starscream were on screen. That was a cool feeling. I have many of the same beefs as you all seem to, though. What bugged me most was how much it abbreviated the TF continuity. In the first movie, it says Megatron had been frozen for, what, 10000 years? Then he's thawed and surrounded by his contemporaries. In this one, the ancient history of the Fallen & the original Primes is less than 20,000 years ago. That's like 2-3 generations by the 1st movie's timeline. I miss the ageless quality of the transformers of the cartoons & comics - with individuals being millions of years old. I know, I know, it's not G1 - but it's not consistent within it's own mythos either.
  12. Well, that's what he did in Dynamite.
  13. Yeah, that's the one I was referring to. Caught this on Scifi last month. ACTING!!
  14. Oh no!! Does this mean that the MF movie will feature the long conjectured & feared Macross Country-Western number??!!
  15. But weren't the T1 gas station and T2 picnic in Mexico? In TS, Kyle & Marcus were headed from LA north to SF.
  16. Meh... Perhaps, it's simply that the places I read have been saying that... I guess as long as it zeros out for good fun, and a compelling sequel to ME, that's what really matters. Oh, and fewer buildings and mineshafts that all look EXACTLY the same...
  17. Not surprising, but that sucks. They've been telling us that it would carry over all along, but Noooo... In theory, people buying ME2 would have played ME1, ergo you could start the game with higher level enemies. BUT, you can't assume that these days, gotta reach out to new customers, etc... Ah well, what can you do?
  18. And THAT is what we should have seen in Ep 3... Seriously, very cool. But it's becoming hard to distinguish Star Wars eras. Were those Star Destroyers & Sith Infiltrators? The Temple gets wiped out long ago, then rebuilt exactly the same way? Why can't the Jedi have anti-aircraft guns?
  19. Wasn't that the Dominion? Which really livened up DS9, btw.
  20. I guess that explains why they kept the Guld-type flightsuit for Max & Gamlin. Millia didn't use it, but then again, she's awesome.
  21. Browsing through their website makes me hate myself a little bit...
  22. Still don't like it... I know it's required to make poses like that, unfortunately, but the extra pieces/supports in the Armor kit seem to PREVENT you from putting the back plate all the way down.
  23. That's what I figured too. Maybe they decided that Dead Space was too easy of a title. You can't make money on a scifi flick without some sort of weird, ambiguous title. Right?
  24. Sigh... Snakes on a Train If only I were.
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