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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. #4 reminds me of Space Mutiny...
  2. Probably missed it due to newborn craziness. I'll have to check if my DVR caught it... So was the plan as haphazard as it seemed?
  3. Perhaps if the wings folded up, similar to the VF-27's, it would look a little better. That's what I figured it would do. It ends up looking even more back-heavy than the Armor-pack. * I still think it looks sweet in fighter (& presumably gerwalk)
  4. Wow, that was fast. Thanks Hiryu & sketchley - now I have things to ponder...
  5. Teh aewsumz!!1! Whenever someone can, I'd love to know what's being pointed out in the picture. Like the thing at the end of the shield. That's Sheryl in 2 outfits, right? B/C at first I thought it might've been Alto.
  6. All the 11C's shown in M7 had the pink stripe - apparently it's the fleet's coloration. The Peckers were only seen in Ray's flashback, against a bright "flash"background, so it was hard to see just how pink they really were. But they we definitely all pink. Pretty ballsy gang, if you ask me. Secure in themselves. EDIT: I'm looking at it again, and I like the higher contrast between the fast packs & fuselage. The 11B is ALL the same color. I wish it had the B's gunpod, though. But not green. Maybe I'd lean more toward this one, then - with a little customization.
  7. I can appreciate this as a blank canvas. The white is nice, but too uniform. It needs more color to break it up. It'd be very easy to mod this into the VF-X color scheme, though. Overall, I think I prefer the 11B. I still can't afford either, though. Maybe I can schmooze one for Xmas...
  8. Thanks, Jack. It helps.
  9. Darn fetus is interrupting everything!* Missed the boat on seeing this earlier, and labor's just around the corner. Aww dang. Guess I'll have to wait for DVD. * I kid, I kid! I'm totally stoked! Although I wish I could reproduce AND buy Macross toys & see movies!
  10. Well, who wouldn't, when Misa is your bunk-mate?
  11. The wife and I have always used his likeness on gift tags, but I think we'll definitely have to decorate a barstool this Christmas...
  12. So now that people have seen the product, is there a decent estimate for it's height? And if so, how would it compare to, say, a Revoltech Regult?
  13. My mistake... I've only seen the commercials. But yeah, can't wait!
  14. I've been looking forward to this one for a while. I tried to describe it to my wife before she saw the trailer: "It's like Little Big World - The Apocalypse." She wasn't impressed. After seeing the trailer, she's willing to sit through it while 8 months pregnant.
  15. I was torn between Star Trek & District 9. Both good and exciting flicks. D9 won out for it's effective characterization of humans & non-humans without a single familiar face. And the landmate, of course... We'll see if that holds after 9 comes out this week, though.
  16. I presume it's the same thing as having Iron Man appear on a box of Frosted Flakes. Just shameless, blatant promotion. More enjoyable artwork, though!
  17. I'm excited about the VF-27, but not such a big fan of Brera's unit.
  18. I think it looks nifty, and pretty. But it's all for nothing if the plot flows like TF2 or SW Ep2... The powersuits are a definite improvement over the Matrix 3 or Starship Troopers 3, but after District 9, meh... The Prawn Landmate is the best live-action mecha I've seen to date.
  19. That's outstanding. I don't have the twitter, but it's worth a bookmark and checking in every couple of days.
  20. It was a video game that came out a couple years ago, allowing you to play as Valks, Gundams, and a whole lot of other giant robots I don't actually recognize. Others here likely know more than me about the gameplay and the other robots. I just know it had a neat trailer and high-res pics of some of the mecha. It was only viewable in flash, however. So, to get the high-res pic, I screen-grabbed each section, and stitched them together in Photoshop. After that, I decided to alther the 19 to Roy's colors.
  21. Especially on Michel's G. I just like the artwork, I'll agree that the application is poo.
  22. Kelsain

    1:18th Valk?

    At that size, is a YF-19 worth it if it can't actually fly? Hmmm, I'll bet you could put a smoke generator in it...
  23. And before Frontier was announced I WAS working on a 25th Anniversary wallpaper. Life happened and I forgot about it. Luckily, I had it backed up when my hard drive crashed! So here's my 25 years of Skull Squadron wall: I can alter the resolution if there are particular requests.
  24. OK, I put up the versions I have. I had to downsample the 19 a little bit. If you need the uncompressed art with clipping paths, PM me! See Here
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