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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Touche. And that makes a bit more sense, now. Thanks, cute tushie-person .
  2. Ya know, I always thought this was weird. If the cockpit folds up from the abdomen into the chest, why does the chest lift up to reveal the cockpit? Why not just fold the cockpit back done to fighter placement? Seems like a lot more frivolous moving parts.
  3. Are these prototypes? Or did they switch the gray internal parts? If they are officially white now, I'll probably just get the B. That contrast was part of why I liked it more.
  4. Thanks, DH. I was playing thru again for kicks anyway, but w/ a renegade femshep this time. Wondered if I should be using my paragon... At the beginning of the game, it takes what, an hour or 2 to get to level 5? Yeah, not worth it!
  5. So I have to wait on ME2 for now, but I looked @my old Shep - & he's level 49. Is it worth playing thru ME again, just to boost him past 50?
  6. Beautiful sculpt, but it could use some paint, stat! Zentraedi ships in fleshy tones are NOT a good combination...
  7. I just got to watch this yesterday, and I was very pleasantly surprised. Not only are we getting back story of the colonies before the Cylon War & the genesis of the Cylons themselves, but also the beginnings of Centurion independence and their understanding of religion. It also seems to be getting at the origins of Cylon projection and resurrection. Most importantly, its still dealing with the central tenets of BSG: What it means to be human, and how desperation can lead to the best and worst in "people." Very impressed, not what I was expecting. DVR already set for next week...
  8. That explains how he can wear those pants!!!
  9. Ah, but will she be 1/60 or 1/72? Probably neither...
  10. Yeah, I finally saw it too. Yes, they had a plan! It just wasn't a very good plan...
  11. Where do they get "The classic story that inspired James Cameron's Avatar?" Is it even more literally Pocahontas in Space? With more pecs and boobies of white people instead of blue?
  12. Can't read it, which button do I push to watch?
  13. Saw this a while back, found it rather amusing: AVATAR IN 5 PANELS Seen at Geekologie (may be naughty words in the comments)
  14. Ended up at a 2D showing by mistake, but I often have issues w/ 3D movies. I liked it pretty well. Not TEH GRATEZT MOVIE EVAR!!!!1!, but it was pretty good. A little predictable. The blend between live action and the CG characters was pretty good, but still fairly noticeable. When in the full CG environment, I was very impressed with the quality of the modeling, textures and fluidity of the animation. That's definitely a long way ahead of anything we've seen yet. My main beef, aside from the impracticality of the Exo-Suits, was that the Navi didn't seem to fit in their environment. Biologically. Everything else had a secondary pair of eyes, trachea at the base of the neck, and 4 arms. The virtual eco-system was very well thought out and designed. But it seemed like the Navi were designed by a completely separate team. I know, they're sympathetic characters, so they have to look more human, just something I noticed. It didn't hamper my enjoyment of the film. I did like that the Avatars were very different looking that the indigenous Navi. And I knew right away that Wes Studi was the old chieftain!
  15. Frak, that's the funniest thing I've seen in weeks. Thanks!
  16. Based on that pic, it looks like it has smaller 'ears' than Brera's.
  17. And I checked out Target, then came back to edit mine! Sweet, add that to the Xmas list!
  18. That's the DVD case? That's awesome... But only for BluRay? Mutha'uckas...
  19. The biggest problem I've seen is the utter lack of variety. I like the VF-25, I plan on getting a couple of the models... But how about a little variety? Per Zinjo, you have the 1/60 VF-25's, the 1/72 VF-25s & the 1/100 VF-25's competing with each other. But until recently, nothing else. Even now, it's the VF-27 coming out first, arguably very similar to the VF-25. At least its an adversary... What about the 1/72 red Vajra, or the 171, or the Q-rea? I understand milking the mold to make back your investment - tooling a few new pieces here & there. At least we got some Regults back in the day...
  20. I'm a little relieved as well, now I can ask for Paypal contributions for Xmas... And work on the wife a little... The question is now, will HW Japan extend the preorder sale any?
  21. I appreciate all of the camera angles on Nanase in this magazine, but I'm not sure about that Alto shower scene... Don't drop the soap, Hime!! Also, anyone know what's going on with KlanKlan and the VF-25 biplane?
  22. I've never liked harmonicas - even Blues Traveler... In Planet Dance, I always assumed Ray was playing it on his Keytar.
  23. Yeah, I'm at work... uh, working...
  24. Yeah, we'll be here all year!! It's a fun idea, though. I'm trying to think of plot lines that would have ignited a WTF-1 level of debate...
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