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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Hmmm, is the demo limited to this weekend? Or just from today forward? 'Cuz of course, today's my wife's 1st Mother's Day AND her B-day!! No online gaming for me!
  2. I'd LOVE to see a reissue of the 1/5000 TV Macross. It would go well with a project I'm working on...
  3. Kelsain

    Bandai SD Infinite

    Dang, the hips look better than the DX! If they make an S model, I'm in. Unless it costs $80...
  4. Neato! Thanks, I'd seen the 2500 there, but missed the 5000 somehow.
  5. Are there any more of these little guys available?
  6. I gotta agree w/ JBO, that they probably would've tried to sterilize* Earth. The demonstration Bodolza performed for H, M & K in the TV show was a staged event. The fleet appeared to be massed & positioned & merely awaited a fire command. On Earth, it was a combat situation, more impulsive, and not as consistent or long of a pummeling that the demo-world received. *Not FULLY sterilized, per sketchley, but good enough to feel secure for an Aeon or so... I'm also impressed that the writers never "fixed" the problem easily, as you'd see in Star Trek or something. Based on SDFM's depiction of the Amazon, it would appear that the Zentraedi fleet targeted heavily-populated landmasses first, like N. America & Europe. They might've given Alaska a break on the first volley, but then hit it big-time after the Grand Cannon fired. So, some regions might have come through relatively unscathed, while others became the barren crater-fields seen elsewhere. As DYRL? is considered a "movie," I look at it as an over-dramatization. H&M sounded like they were LITERALLY the only 2 people alive on Earth. Other parts of the continuity discount that. I think an important distinction to be made is the notion of "recovery." Will the ecosystem grow and expand to fill in the desolation? Yes, no doubt, in time. Afterall, all land was devoid of life until the Ordovician, more than 80% of the planet's history. Will it be THE SAME as what was there before? Most probably not. PS: Please forgive my frequent use of "air quotes" here. "I'm sorry." and OT: While it was kinda nifty, the biggest problem I had with Life After People was how it began. It was like the friggin Rapture or something, instead of some indication of decline. "Oh no, the family dog's locked in the house!! It better figure out how to open the door or it'll be dead before you can say Kibbles & Bits!"
  7. Wow, that's kinda funny that the ultimate KO show of Macross officially includes KO Vf-1's.
  8. No, they'll wait until we're REALLY hooked to do that.
  9. Very nice & welcome! But your avatar will give me nightmares tonight.
  10. That's great. I'm loving how Caprica is setting up the world & the cylons. I kept telling myself that the series might show come cylons in use, but wouldn't go into the first war. No jump forward transitions like the end of Season 2... Well, I guess it kind of will. I just hope they let Caprica run its course before starting the new one.
  11. Before the kid, my wife was always supportive of the modeling and collecting. Hell, she had Star Wars action figures in her dorm room, way back when. The negative is that I have a family history of not FINISHING models, so I always got a big if I acquired a new one. Now that the offspring have arrived, I'm lucky if I can cram in 1/2 hour of work along the baby's schedule, let alone leisure time. I'm hoping this gets better... Kid's only 5 months old, though, so I know it will eventually. Even with that, my wife supports the purchase of a VF-11, using B-day money and Paypal. We'll see if it turns into the dreaded 1/60 addiction.
  12. I'm a graphic designer, I'd be able to pitch in a bit. Have to work around my freelancing & the baby, but it'd be fun.
  13. Point taken. One thing you can say for sure, though: They won't have to worry about living up to expectations!
  14. Great, thanks. Now I can never look at the 27 the same way again. Think of THAT next time you see Grace in her pilot suit!
  15. I'd say Glaug or TV Q-rau. I'd lean towards Glaug, though. Aside from the old ARII models (which I desecrated as a kid) and Capt America's beautiful, pricey giant, there's no good Glaug readily avaialble!
  16. I dunno about that. With the first three movies, there was a real thrill: They were REAL snakes, REAL bugs & REAL rats. At the very least, you could empathize with the actors being put in those situations, and their tension came across in their performances. The ants were obviously CG from start to finish, and it just didn't have that same sense of creepiness. And this comes from someone who's allergic to ant bites and has had nightmares about swarming piles of ants!
  17. Weird, never heard of it. Took a look @ their site... The "Heavyweight Yumburger" sounds irresistible.
  18. What chain is that? What bizarre demographic do you live in?
  19. So yeah, was she a mercenary or a pro-wrestler? thoughts? Oh, and Dio - best avatar on MacrossWorld.
  20. Aw man, that's just too easy, even for Agent One... While I probably won't get the Fire Valk, I am stoked about the possibility of the VF-19F. I like it better than the S - too much cranial flair. I think all you'd need is a different wing & shoulder, and maybe have the canards as 1 piece that can be swapped for the verniers on different models. If they plan for it in advance, it should be cake.
  21. Kresphy, are those caps from the remastered M7? I might have to get my hands on those, b/c the caps look great! Catching up, it seems M7 is progressing much faster than I remember. I'm appreciating the character development more on my second viewing. Also, watching no more than 2 eps a day keeps the battle animation from feeling too repetative. Episode 12 left me wondering about Gubaba's connection to Mylene. Pretending to be ignorant of Song Energy right now, the viewer is left to wonder if M & G are psychically linked. Since he was more or less able to track her to the warehouse district, then sat atop the speaker "beaming" Fire Bomber's song to Mylene. As far as Mylene & Gamlin - why is she hiding her identity from him? I didn't think she was even interested in him at first. But at the same time, she's actively seeking to promote Fire Bomber & starring as Lynn Minmei on TV. Did she really expect the charade to last? Finally, I was caught off-guard by the capture of City7. I forgot that it happened so early. It was, again, a nice What the Frak! moment for the series. I think after the lightning 3rd act of Frontier, M7 became this huge giant of a series in my mind. It just went on forever. Really, we're almost 1/4 of the way through! The hard part now will be to slow down to 1 episode a week, lest I fall into the same trap as Uxi.
  22. I'm working on catching up! Trying not to do more than 1 episode a day, so I can start chiming in next week!
  23. Do we have an answer to the internal color question? Are they gray, or white?
  24. Here's the page that had all the pre-CG artwork on it. Linky
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