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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Finally finished assembling my partial paint Mk-II. I decided to break up the white by modeling it after the RG a bit. I also painted over that ugly purple frame with German Gray. What a great kit, for it’s age! And pretty tall on my shelf. I’ve ordered some 1/100 RG style decals from eBay. Once those come in, Elle’s suit will be finished!
  2. Hey, this is in a galaxy far far away... People come in all different colors, maybe they come in different sizes too!
  3. Showing my daughter the ropes, while she was home with the flu...
  4. I was thinking the same thing. These pages look much less toothy.
  5. Amazing work, Xigfrid! I want all of the things you make! But I'd just end up with them in a box and never put them together... Cuz that's how I roll, apparently. I've recently realized that I'm a bit of a hoarder. And specifically model hoarding tends to run in my paternal family. Despite that dose of realism, I am totally interested in the pilot figures, if they fit in other VFs. (i.e. the VF-1 v2, VF-11, VF-171...)
  6. Here’s mine: ... although, looking at the bottom of the photo, maybe I should use a picture of Basara.
  7. My brother in law is planning on getting the Lepin version of the Falcon. I’ll be watching how that goes...
  8. And, you know, after you spring for the blue/white GM Dominance... I think I'm pretty happy with the blue & white one.
  9. Oh, it's a G. I get it now...
  10. Hmmm, so lately we've gotten this guy: & this guy: So, what do you think the chances are for this one: And how likely is it to be P-Bandai instead of a regular release?
  11. Yeah, it had a couple good parts, but was pretty schlocky & terrible for most of it. I can’t do spoiler tags on my phone, so I’ll keep it vague: There’s a sub plot in this movie about one of the new characters that could have given it a different and unique angle, if they had taken the time to explore it. As it was, it was danced around and briefly acknowledged, but it felt like much of this subplot ended up on the cutting room floor.
  12. What’s the prevailing value of a Yamato Vf-19S and Milia Q-rau with pilot? Thinking about letting mine go, as I haven’t had them on display for years now. 19S was opened for inspection, Q-rau’s a little dusty, but in good condition.
  13. Cool, thanks. I'll keep an eye out for those through other channels, or of they come back in stock @ HLJ before my next order. The marine project is stalled, because I got a little bored - so I'll put the Dom hands back on the Dom until I'm ready to get back into that one.
  14. So here's a weird question: Does anyone know of some 3rd party hands that are pretty similar in size to the MG Dom? Other 1/100 hands seem way too small, and I need something of similar size for my 1/12 Space Marine project. I was just going to use the Dom hands, but I decided to finish this MG that's been on my pile for 15 years.
  15. I finally caught this with my daughter yesterday. Overall, I enjoyed it, I bought Alden as Solo, and had a fun time with the Easter eggs. At the same time, it was a little underwhelming to me. I’d give it a “fine.”
  16. My expectations are so low, that I'll be content if Bumblebee is anything other than an a-hole, murder-happy douche-bot; like in the previous films.
  17. Honestly, it doesn't look that bad. Seems more in line with the Spielberg idea for the original TF movie. Bee looks pretty cool as a VW, and more properly sized. Still not a fan of the pacifier mouth, though. Red & White Starscream!
  18. Heh, I'm sure they're not cheap now! I'm thinking about grabbing that GM Dominance, though. It's pretty kick ass. Just trying to figure out if it's worth the $$ to me. Maybe if I sell off a few other models that I'll probably never get to.
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