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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Hmm, if they can get the chest to lock down a little further, not only would it solve the gap - but also the turtle appearance. It would give just enough clearance for the face to show well. I guess we'll see. Can't wait for the VF-19F!
  2. I think that was referring to the sale. All in all, a very good transaction - I'd recommend Toy-Wave. As I said, just make sure to spring the extra couple of bucks for the boxed shipping - if you care about mint boxes.
  3. That's frackin' sexxay!
  4. A friend of mine lives in Downtown Chicago. Today her facebook status was "Just saw a multi-car drive by explosion complete with fireworks from less than 2o feet away then a helicopter flying at eye level in the river for transformers 3!" Sounds like it would've been fun to be around. Too bad the movie will still suck, though. In other news, just watched Moon. Had to crack up at the inspirational "What would Michael Bay do?" sticker they had on set.
  5. Thanks for posting pics!! Added 4th option for decals. If this is what you do, please be kind and share your source with others!
  6. Curious as to where you guys stand on this. I'm torn on whether to apply the stickers to my VF-11B, especially since the instruction manual doesn't give much guidance. Anyone who has stickered the 11B, can you post pics of where you put them?
  7. Wow, looks like they forgot that the ass goes on the back on that last figure.
  8. I'm totally gonna watch the hell out of this movie when it comes to DVD! But only after Rifftrax gets to it.
  9. Think you could sneak off with that while no one's looking? Dead Mule makes for a sad panda...
  10. I found mine at a dinosaur dig in Wyoming, turned out that we went to Jr High together. Been married ten years this month. While it's not a reliable recipe for success, I'd say keep going to places and doing things you love. Statistically, a female is bound to show up that shares at least some interests with you. Then, be prepared to battle the countless other males who feel the same connection. Finding a girl in a bar has never worked out for any of my geek friends.
  11. That's pretty sweet there. Lisa and I had a few geeky songs mixed in with the more standard stuff. A live violin duo plyed us in and out with different portions of Holst's Jupiter, we were announced to the Star Wars medal ceremony piece, and I snuck Nomad Soul from Mac+ into the dinner music.
  12. Hmm, couldn't find the VF-11B thread, otherwise I would've posted there. Finally getting the chance to mess with my 11B last night, I noticed 1 thing less-than-ideal. The printed emblem on the heat-shield is off center! Anyone else ever have this problem? I noticed there was a sticker on the sheet, but I'd have to remove the old one. I might even replace it with something else. Anyone have any ideas how I could remove the painted logo with minimal difficulty/damage? Also, it seems there should be an additional sticker placement diagram in the manual. It doesn't even show where the UN Spacy logos would go! Thanks!
  13. Yay, my VF-11 arrived today!!! I opted for the basic shipping method - and ended up with a decent ding in the side of the box. But I'm not a pristine-box kinda guy, and really don't care. Still a great deal from Toy-Wave. If I weren't about to leave to celebrate my 10-year anniversary, It'd totally be out of the box and swooshing around the living room.
  14. I've been sanding down the epoxy to get the shapes right. The front section is actually pretty smooth and angled now. As for detail, once the shapes are in place, I'll start scribing lines, adding bumps etc. The fins on the conning tower will be made with .5mm styrene. Obviously, at this scale a lot of the finer elements will be lost.
  15. Well, I finally have those updated photos. Watching "Deathmatch on Planet Lux" today, there's a good dorsal shot of the Northampton as the fleet is forced onto the planet. Looks like I may need to make the ass a little fatter. I took off the aft ventral fin, it was in the way and off center, so I'll have to fashion a new one later. The forward hull is smoothing out nicely. I've also beveled the conning town and main ventral fin. Now that I have access to glue again, I'll try the engine ports this week.
  16. Woo! Got a VF-11B coming my way from Toy-Wave. Only $144 shipped. A couple more weeks and 15 years of waiting will end!
  17. I had a chance to smooth out some of the surfaces this weekend, while I'm outta town. The tricky parts that I'm dealing with now are the engine ports, wehre there're some weird compound facets. Without glue (which is back in PA) I can't go much further. Pics to be posted upon my return home.
  18. Ah, well, thankfully I found another Dr Who fan at the college where my wife works, and he's been doing the bittorrent gruntwork. I'm now caught up through Amy's Choice, which was very good. Matt Smith is starting to grow on me, but we'll see how his character firms up. I hope that they continue using a wide array of locations. The RTD years spent a little too much time in Present Day Earth for me. I did really like the S1-4 Dalek model, and am a little disapointed with the new one. It seems to be based more on the Peter Cushing Movie model, which I never really liked. It was just too "Daleks, IN COLOUR!!" They're taller and more imposing, sure; but that's half the fun of Daleks, is that they're little pepper pots, trying to conquer the universe - and pretty good at it actually. It's still definitely Doctor Who, though, and I love it.
  19. Damn, Pete, I hope things start looking up soon... I myself, was holding out for my Remastered set (care of JasonC) to arrive before going any further. It arrived last week, and WOW, what a difference in quality!! I managed to get up through eipsode 24 before popping out of town. This time, I'm seeing more characterization in Sivil than before, which is nice. On the other hand, by this episode, her exploration of "Spiritia Ecstasy" is just as repetative as Planet Dance. This episode also marks the appearance of the controvetial VF-11 MAXL Kai, aka Valk-with-Boobs. While not a big fan of the design, I did think it was kind of fun that Sound Force's first sortie was a total bomb. Fun stuff, and glad to be back in the game. And once again, thanks to JasonC for the awesome set. They will be invaluable reference for my 1/5000 M7 ships (which I'm hoping to work on a bit while I'm away from the house and work).
  20. Which is ultimately why I chose this scale. 30cm isn't nearly as daunting as 60cm. I'm working my way up though, trying not to look too far past the Northampton.
  21. Hi guys! As I'd mentioned in a couple other threads, I was inspired by Captain America's 1/5000 Salan Scout. I thought it might be fun to mess around in that scale, as I'd never scratch-built before. After receiving my materials the other day, I got to work! First, I drew schematics in Illustrator, then applied them to 1mm styrene. I cut them out and pieced them together. (forgot to photo this step) Mixed up a small pellet of Aves and filled in the basic shapes. She's curing now, I'll probably try to do a little refining of the shape this evening. If this works out well, I'll probably try to mold this, they do travel in packs...
  22. Haha, I still use my Citadels too, especially the metallics. Some of them have lasted for more than a decade! I just got my Squadron scriber, plastruct and aves in the mail. I used www.hobbylinc.com for the tools & plastic - they have a lot of scratchbuilding supplies, as well as kits. I got the aves from www.Artplace.com, cheapest price I could find other than SSM (out of stock). Seemed like a wasted to get the 1/4 lb sample kit, when the full 1lb was only 25% more. Thanks for your help! Look out for a new thread covering my project soon!
  23. Thanks for the link, IceBlue. I was beginning to think I was asking for too much! I've gone ahead and ordered a few things from a couple different places, but I'll check these guys out and consider them for future needs!
  24. QFT. The carrier pictures are tooooo pretty.
  25. Hi all! Somewhat inspired by the Astounding Captain America, I'm looking to start scratch building a few things. However, now that I live in Meadville, PA - population 13000 - I don't quite have the modeling resources I once had... It seems that hobbies have taken a hit here in PA due to the economy, as ever shop I've tried to go to within 1 hour's drive is closed. As such, I'm looking for recommendations from you fellows for online hobby shops. More specifically, places I can get Plastruct/Evergreen sheets, scribing tools & Aves in one place. Preferably US-based with good prices. I know StarshipModeler's store is awesome, but they don't have sheets and are out of Apoxie! HLJ has everything you'd need, but then there's the int'l shipping... Where do you guys get your supplies? Thanks in advance.
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