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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. So, according to this week's Entertainment Weekly, Prometheus will be in 3D. Did I miss this, or is this new info? (null)
  2. Sorry for the sad lighting conditions...
  3. Damn kids & their interweb "grammar" better stay off my lawn!! In thread-related news: One of the few pieces of art I've seen with dear Cathy:
  4. Thanks! I'm just touching up by brush, hopefully the future evens out the finish. I wish insignia white came in bottles. I'll have to spray some in a cup for those spots. I also have to order some decal paper. (null)
  5. That makes me sad. *obscene gestures @ Toynami* Any gigs coming up on your horizon? (null)
  6. Even if he doesn't see a lot of royalties from the films, I'm sure the publicity has been lucrative. I doubt we'd see Giger calendars every year without Alien. (null)
  7. Maybe Basara-pony needs the lightning bolt, instead of the Spacy kite. I thought it was Focker at first. 'Course, he'd be a drunken stallion, baby! (null)
  8. Mine is pretty nice. The paint app is pretty dern good, nothing's jumped out at me yet. The joints on the left arms & leg are very tight, for now, at least. It was really difficult to swing the hip bar, b/c I couldn't get the leg out of the way. I love it though, now I just need to figure out a good pose... (null)
  9. Weird, it just plays a crackle intro for me, then nothing. Other shows work... ?
  10. Meh on the Lancer. Is that a scale comparison with the Ghost? It looks WAY too small. Unless the Ghost is huge??? If the price is right, I might go for one those. 2012 is gonna drive me crazy if this full-time gig doesn't go through.
  11. I like how the wing stripes go perpendicular when swept back! (null)
  12. I finally got another chance to get downstairs and do some more airbrushing. After an hour or so, I couldn't wait to take off the tape! There's a few spots where the paint bled under the tape, a few doofy over-sprays, but easily fixed. Whoops, forgot to attach the pic! (null)
  13. The fighter looks a bit more like the VF-X-4, and I kind of like that. I'm with WM, that the previous models have all looked to spindly. That being said, the legs look too skinny in this prelim design. I've never been a big fan of this batroid, but I'm curious to see how the actual toy looks. (null)
  14. It's so cute!!! I also love that the box art is just an SD version of the 1/72 kit, even the Macross itself.
  15. That's a cool article. One of the most interesting things that I see is the explanation of the bio-plant. I always thought that Frontier was a little* TOO big. Given the size of Island 1 and that the action never gets past Island 3, why have the daisy chain of Islands? To some extent, you'd need agriculture space, true - but probably not that much. The M7 fleet only had 1 Sunnyflower... After reading this, it seems to me that the extensive chain of Islands is likely the required biomass needed in order to achieve a true, closed "bio-plant" system. The investment in this fleet (Bilrer et al) must've been considerable, and why it stands out from other fleets. In Movie 2, it even seems that the Galaxy Braintrust would rather take over the fleet, rather than let it be destroyed like Galaxy. Unlike Leon's actions in the series, the Braintrust opted to leave the Island chain out of harm's way when attacking the Vajra homeworld. * Haha, too big, in Macross...
  16. Whatever, Ranka was totally the white bunny... Although, what's with the wolves? 1 more & they'd need to put a moon in there! (null)
  17. Yay, mine arrived today! But dang it, they didn't pack my $7 1/100 kit in the same box... I had to take it out & mess with it a bit, but now it's time to work... numagus99: What brand is that? Looks nice!
  18. I don't think you need the Roger on the inside surfaces. I do think some bla would look good on the leg. Strip would work. Or outline the side panel, like the red on the 11b? (null)
  19. So flippin cool. (null)
  20. Not sure how to link to another thread, but it's 3 or 4 topics down from yours. It's titled "Combat Grade Paint." They've been discussing the use of gun paint on the Yammie VF-1 kits.
  21. There's the combat grade paint being discussed in another thread, but I don't know if anyone's tried it yet. (null)
  22. Nice pics hornet! Eugimon, that smells like a good scratch build idea. Maybe shapeways? (null)
  23. Mine's on the way! After looking at eBay prices: dang, I should've preordered 2, then flipped the other one! (null)
  24. You're gonna paint over the pink on the head, right? Looks awesome - great idea!
  25. Yowza! You know, I'm surprised they haven't made a non-sd nurse Sheryl... The Ranka figure really captures the character & the performance well. (null)
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