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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. I like that they're doing a gerwalk. It's really a distinctively Macross thing. (null)
  2. The color looks like a pretty good match. Looks neat! Gotta wonder if they would add a yellow stripe to those too... (null)
  3. Thx Kyp, just placed a preorder @ Toy-Wave. No $$ down yet, no harm done!
  4. Sometimes they can give you a good deal. I got my vf-11 from them for about $160 shipped in summer 2010. No real complaints. I'd advise spring the extra few bucks for the boxing, my 11 arrived with a big dent. If you're a packaging lover (or planning to sell when the cf arrives), you'll want that for sure. At this point, id go with them, but my PayPal is lacking the full amount due to a software purchase. Well see if there's still a chance by the time my current auctions end. (null)
  5. Aw dang... Seriously, I don't know why I keep even looking at this thread... (null)
  6. As for Lyara's changes, Benezia did have large tracts of land. GameStop got some more me2 w/ the shipment of me3. Started playing today. (null)
  7. But it was a big, scary, pointy mining vessel! I thought I read somewhere that they stole some Borg weapons before traveling through time. I'm sure someone else knows more about that... (null)
  8. Of course, the mystery remains: Are the missiles painted? Do the chest doors open out or in?
  9. Roxette?! Haha, that's kind of awesome. Maybe I'll call the 1 GameStop here to see if they have any new ME2s. Apparently there's only $1-2 difference for used now. (null)
  10. Dang, you've been busy lately! Thanks for all the neat stuff you reveal to us illiterate westerners! (null)
  11. If the armor shows up as a websclusive, I'll probably get a set for the eventual cf version. If they never make it, I can sell the armor for profit! (null)
  12. Yeah me too. Alto's is not my favorite scheme on this plane, but I was prepared to order to improve the chances of the cf. Not worried about that at all now & I value the time to save up for the next one. (null)
  13. Sooo, anyone wanna unload their ME2 before the big day? I gotta catch up! (null)
  14. I see you had your way with the BBTS sale as well!
  15. This must be what it's like ordering Bieber tickets... I was awake for AE's run, but offline. Meh. (null)
  16. Hi res pics on HobbySearch make me sad. But I too feel resigned at this point of the day. Here's hoping Bandai gets their heads outta their asses when the recolor/re-release comes down the pipe. Not holding my breath though.
  17. Hmm, would you be able to take some rubbing alcohol to remove the stripes on the head? (null)
  18. Thanks banshee. I think I'd rather go the comic route, bc I don't even remember a lot of the details. (null)
  19. Miss the 171ex? Sorry, we only made 12... Can I interest you in this Gundam? It's practically the same color! (null)
  20. Healthy attitude, lolicon. Maybe seeing the strategy here will help when (hope upon hope) the teal 171 is announced. Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue. (or take my last dose of habit forming rx...) (null)
  21. I realize that, but a 20 minute window globally for preorders from multiple vendors? Even the native customers get screwed. (null)
  22. Yeah, this is seriously fd up. What a sh1tty way to treat your customers. I was starting to get interested in gundam again, but if this is how bandai is doing things now, I'll give my $$ to TT Hongli for their KOs. (null)
  23. Hmm, for some reason I have a craving for a grape Fanta... (null)
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