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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Glad I didn't put all my eggs in ToyWave's basket! I guess it saves me the trouble of selling the second one.
  2. I'm sure we've all had the same plan. I know I did. Has anyone successfully lobbied their SO's on this?
  3. Didn't the "dog-alien" from A3 nom on a prisoner during the hallway sequence? Maybe the aliens are hollow?
  4. Maybe after I'm done! God knows this thing languished for 5 years while I tried to come up with a good paint scheme... Seems to be my biggest hurdle in modeling. Ok, now it's the toddler, but that's only a recent condition.
  5. I've finally gotten back to the table for a while. I was having some issues touching up the lacquer white over acrylic brown. Apparently I'll need to give it a coat of future before proceeding further. More soon, hopefully. (null)
  6. Kelsain

    Macross figures

    Seriously, Cathy is woefully underrepresented in all media. (null)
  7. Dammit, that makes sense. Bastages. On the other hand, EVERY CF 171 in the show was loaded with the missiles included in the armor pack. So maybe we'll get hard point wings and missiles bundled with the CF 171! (...not holding my breath)
  8. What's different about the cowl, other than the antenna? Personally, I'd probably go for a couple sets of parts. Definitely the face, maybe the arms & engine details. I think I'm OK with the stock missile racks. As awesome as the cannon looks, I probably wouldn't use it - at least not on the Qrau... Besides, when I get to this project, I kinda want to make it my own, you know? I'm not opposed to using some of your AWESOME work for the trickier parts - but I also want to build up my apoxie skills. Great job on all this. Very inspiring. Can't wait to see the prototypes when they finally arrive.
  9. Please elaborate - cowl piece or codpiece? The plate in front of the hips? Is it odd to call that a codpiece on a Qrau? Would it be more of a monspiece? Anyway, that cannon looks awesome, Kurisama.
  10. Aww, boo. Those clips of the vf-25 v1 looked bad... (null)
  11. Nippon Yasan says they're processing mine.
  12. Aw, mannnnn!
  13. Really... You and I seem to be on similar pages in the ideas dept. Execution, on the other hand... Mine are simply the pipe dreams of one with few skills. (null)
  14. DId you use paper?
  15. I know I'd be interested in some of the individual components, at least. The head for sure, maybe arms & greebles. Probably not the missile launchers though. The current ones look ok by me. $136 is WAY too steep for me, as a set.
  16. What's that on the right? (null)
  17. My daughter, while playing with the neighbor Renee, kept calling her Minmei. Close enough, I guess. (null)
  18. Just saw Prometheus last night, overall I liked it, but it wasn't anything groundbreaking. I do come away with many questions, of course. Did the Engineers create all life on Earth at "the beginning of time" as Scott said? Or did the dude at the beginning just add his code to the existing life of our geologic era, influencing mammal evolution? You know, like the Protoculture did. Were they regularly visiting Earth, thus the inscriptions, or was that passed down from legend? What prompted their change of heart? I was vindicated in my later assumption that this was a separate ship from the one seen in Alien. Go me. OTOH, I could see how the Aliens were based on the same bioweapon. The Engineer facility was a good tie in to previous Giger designs, and I thought it cleared up something from Alien. The egg room in the original film always looked too big to be part of the ship to me. Kane called it a "cave," but I always wondered if it really was supposed to be the cargo hold. Now I figure it may have been an analogous to the ampule room, with the crashed ship atop the facility. Hmm, these guys oughta try flying sideways for a while when they take off.
  19. NIce... she looks good! Her expression is perfect for her intro. Happy to see that they haven't retconned her to Klan Klan proportions. Unfortuntate that it's been fully decided that the Bodol-Zer is the flagship. I really prefer the FB from the TV series. Say, there's no chance that the next page after those fast pack pictures says: "those were our ideas, but do to resource limitations, we went with this..." showing the regular ones. Right?
  20. Dang, Disney hd... Oh well (null)
  21. And since we're briefly off the topic of the 25G, anyone have any tips on making a decent Gerwalk pose with the super packs on? Seems like there's no room to pose the shoulders at all... Back on the G, good luck to y'all in the preorder hunt. Michel's fighter sure is purty, but I'm sitting this round out!
  22. I'll be interested to see how you tackle this issue. I've had the same thought. (null)
  23. Yeah, that'd be awesome. I was just throwing that out there for conversation...
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