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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. So is that canon in any way? Cuz it's cool. (null)
  2. Hmm, I may do the feet & arms after all!
  3. Did you get the new waist articulation too? Admittedly, I was iffy on your antenna design. But it does look pretty cool in situ. Great work! (null)
  4. Here he is all ready for panel lining!
  5. This I'd pay full price to put one on the shelf. Depends on how long the boat sits in China, though! Edit: is that a VF-1j throw pillow, or a knockoff of Ranka's backpack?
  6. Very nice! (null)
  7. I painted some areas gray last night, but had already packed the camera. Hit the top of the shoulders, eye mount & various panels. Future question: should I future, decal, future, panel line? Or future, decal, panel line? (null)
  8. Cool. If I didn't know better, I'd have assume you just changed the saturation in Photoshop. Nice job!
  9. Wow, just wow.
  10. Thanks! Little miss procrastination got to bed late, but I'm still hoping for some modeling time tonight. I'm thinking I might throw in a little light grey, just to break up the white a bit - maybe the eye, knees... More pics to come! Gotta finish these so I can move on to the next exciting project! edit: Blarg! Both cans of Insignia White are empty! So much for spraying the required areas on the kits... I was able to touch up a bit on the legs of both with a brush, but it'll have to wait until Tuesday before I can get any more. In the mean time, I guess I'll work on my FiL's 1980 Malibu & lay the keel for the new project.
  11. Godammit, now that's gonna be stuck in my head all day...
  12. So, as I'd mentioned in Jardann's 1/72 Regult thread - I've finally made some more progress on my 1/100. Turns out JB weld makes a nice hold on the cannons to the acrylic ball joints! I've got the base colors all on, but the edges need some cleanup. I discovered (while touching up the paint on my VF-1A) you can't brush on lacquer TS-20 Insignia white over Tamiya acrylics. Therefore, the 1A & Regult both received a coat of future tonight. I'll clean up the edges & oversprays tomorrow - maybe even decal her up, if time permits. Then panel lines! Check out the pics (please excuse the laundry room shots...):
  13. Tonight I've got to put down some Future on mine - got some Insignia White that needs fixing, and I've already discovered you can't just brush that over the Tamiya acrylics. I'll snap some photos before hand and update my WIP thread that's buried somewhere...
  14. Ooh that looks nice! Anyone know if there are missiles in the chest? Or is that just armor? FInally got to play with my 171 last night. Gerwalk was easy & I got a little cocky. The torso transformation properly humbled me...
  15. Ghostkiller, don't you remember the words of Kahn: "...It is very cold in space..." (null)
  16. Perhaps Kurisama has simply overwhelmed Shapeways with too much win. (null)
  17. Nice! I'm just finishing up my old refurbished 1/100 - it's amazing how much better the proportions are on the 1/72! seeing your work, I'd be tempted to pick up a 1/72 repop, but it'd probably sit around for another 20 years, like this one...
  18. Hmmm, I like the teal & cockpit of the CF, but I prefer the dual visor of the EX! I haven't had a chance to bust mine out yet, but it looks like the whole cockpit area is a wider, separate piece. Hopefully that's a good sign that they had the CF in mind from the start.
  19. Woohoo, mine just arrived! I'll have to break it out @ lunch! (null)
  20. Hmmm, I dunno. Whedon can be a sadistic smartass... Could just be messing with us. I'll keep an eye on this, though. (null)
  21. Now I'm kinda glad that Toy Wave fell through. Now if mine would just leave New York...
  22. Ooh, do you happen to have scans of that? 'Cuz I was thinking something similar, way down the line. I only have 1 of each kit, but I thought of casting some of the pieces in resin to cobble together a better attacker.
  23. Ooh, nice. Right now my clear ex gear stand is lending a hand to my gerwalk. I'll have to try this! (null)
  24. Some day this parade of house guests will end and I can get back to the hobby table without being rude. Now that I know how to fix my paint interaction problem, I'm itching to finish this bird.
  25. I bet NY will end up the same as everywhere else by the time the 25G or CF-171 are released, now that the cat's outta the bag. In other news, my package from NY is going very slowly...
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