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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Then go to Autozone! I use duplicolor primer. Works great for me. Besides, there's not a lot of detail that can plug on those figures. (null)
  2. That does look sharp. I wish they'd gone with just one yellow. Preferably the one on the ankles. (moot point bc I can't get this anyway...) (null)
  3. Stellar Jays motif on the tail.
  4. Thanks for the tip. It's been masked so long I forgot about the canopy completely! I need to redip in future, as it was looking a little cloudy. I do need to thicken the leg stripe a little to accommodate the kit's UN Spacy decal, which I'll do tonight. If I have time at lunch today, I'll get into illustrator for the Stellar Jays emblem. Then I'll get the decals ready to print! Wow, all future tense. Sigh. Spending more time ebaying than building... (null)
  5. Got the legs painted, need 1 more coat on the missiles. Looks much better. Here's a ? for y'all who've built this kit: Do you use the canopy frame decal or paint it? If the latter, do you future, mask, then paint? (null)
  6. Well, I've got the old kits, but I'm VERY interested in what you'll come up with. Come on , you KNOW you wanna make variable...
  7. Alas, I'm too indecisive on these sales! Missed the DYRL cf. then I thought I'd get a tv Max 1A, to go with my Kurisama Qrau... Missed that too. So, I got the Kakizaki 1A, and a hasegawa battroid to go with my fighter model. (null)
  8. Sometimes literally. Always keep solvents and debonders within arm's reach of your workbench. ...The more you know...
  9. Hmmm, promotion coming up soon, think I might have to get my first VF-1 with this sale. But I'm torn: DYRL Kakizaki or DYRL CF? The CF comes with the option parts, but I'm planning on getting FAST packs eventually, anyway. I like the Kakizaki green and it's cheap, but it's still another white & accent color valk... I like the off-white brownie, though. Besides, I guess I only have 2 white valks: the 171 & Jetfire. Ponder, ponder, ponder....
  10. Just saw this on The Brothers Brick. The scale's a bit off, but it's fun.
  11. What the what! Where's that from? It's a sweet scratchbuild!
  12. I wonder if those missile launchers in the legs were part of the Varutan redesign. From the M+ screenshot, that looks like where the landing gear would go. In M7, we never see an FZ-109 parked in fighter. Plus, their carriers rely more on the launch compartments. Could it be that Gepelnitch & Gigile just thought landing gear were redundant? Hell, throw some more missiles in! Can never have too many of those! Great work on the illustrations, btw. (null)
  13. I like #2 as well. With the distribution of white on the bottom, that much brown just looks chunky. Grapetang: I was just going to use the kit UN Spacy decals. I'll have to measure them to make sure the size is good. The other decals will be laser printed on clear decal paper. I'm not sure I'll fill the half sheet, so if anyone needs some small clear decals (no white backing, though), pm me! To clarify: I'm offering to laser print decals in the extra room left on the sheet. (null)
  14. Hmm, so I passed the VF-1A on the way to the embattled dryer, and I can't help but wonder if it needs more white. Just seems too brown behind the main fuselage. I'm thinking I might pop the legs off and paint the backs of them white - a bit like the standard CF scheme. Can I get an opinion, folks? Better 1 or 2?
  15. After finishing the Regult last month, I've been back at my MtF VF-1A. Most of the painting and assembly is done - working on the ordinance now, so it's time to think about decals. I did some investigation into how the aircraft numbering works and zoomed in on a couple screenshots of the VF-1 Master File. Attached are my plans for the decals. What is not in place yet is the squadron logo. I'm waffling between 2 ideas: The "Terror Birds" or the "Stellar Jays" Still drafting the emblem for the Jays, but I think I like that one better.
  16. I like Khatar or Diamondback.
  17. Right there with ya Vic! The opening 5 minutes of Mac+ are Some of the best in the whole franchise. High five to Veef too, for Thexder! (null)
  18. Nah, that was just the effect Batman & Robin had on everybody. (null)
  19. Maybe? I'll PM ya later!
  20. I'm trying to clean up a mesh before I order a few things. I shrink wrapped it, and am now trying to add thickness, but mesh lab crashes every time! Trying to figure out an alt (free) way. But I have the vf-11 shield clip & rau head in my cart! (null)
  21. I have both of those 1/5000 kits. I totally lucked out, nabbing a still-sealed cruiser on eBay for $16! (and that karma came back to me on my last batch of eBay sales...) That's why I was interested in the idea of you (EXO) doing the TV ARMDs in this scale. The detail on the cruiser is astonishingly better than the attacker, though. It's got me thinking of casting & converting the two together into something nice. Got a few other projects demanding my attention first.
  22. You should be able to reuse the hull piece for the Daedalus, yes? Seems like that'd be an easier ship to design - unless it's going to open up like Mechtech's behemoth! Echoing ahiachris, it'd be cool if you could at least scale the ARMD's down to 1/5000. I have a IMAI SDF-1 cruiser that I was thinking of doing that to. I'm actually starting to get my feet wet in 3d printing (1/5000 ships), so I could come up with my own - but I bet yours'd be prettier...
  23. Kelsain

    Macross figures

    I'm sensing a tie-in to the FB7 movie...
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