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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Indeed, the fact that the series DIDN'T end with the big battle is one of the things that really set it apart from other stories and gave it more maturity. In real life, there's always an aftermath and consequences, but most stories (at least in film & tv) skip this, ending when the good guys triumph in the great confrontation. IMHO, I think this is something that all of the other Macross productions have lacked.
  2. Some of it sounds really interesting, other parts like it drags out. Reminds me of the middle third of MS Gundam. I'm assuming the sunriser is the barrier overload. I liked the path they took in the show, where the UN refused to let the Macross take a tour of destruction & kicked them off world.
  3. Check out Mr March's Macross Mecha Manual. He does a great job coloring the lineart with that Macrossy shading style. And he's got great write ups of everything too.
  4. Hmm, actually, a VF-1C would be a pretty easy thing for them to make. Old VE-1 mold, new nosecone, head, gun & fastpacks, DONE. EDIT: Even the head is just the VE-1 w/ some extra greeblies.
  5. What a BBV! (Big Beatiful Valkyrie)
  6. Dangit, just after I said to myself "Well, I'm officially done trying to get Bandai talks." I don't think I'll be jumping onto the preorder wagon this time, though - considering the last few releases. Looking forward to a sharper scan, so we can see the head clearly & the profile shot.
  7. Well, then you did a really good job on that. Love the recreation of Hikaru in the hospital too.
  8. Thanks Scyla. Maybe I'll try it this weekend.
  9. Yep, like a meter & a half. How cool would that be?
  10. Awesome! Is that Kurisama's faceplate?
  11. Hmmm, would anyone care to take some pictures or video (or even crude diagrams) of how one loosens the screws or removes the shoulders? I took my 171 out of the box the other day, and the pieces are still ok, but I'd like to try some of these things to keep it that way. At the same time, I'm nervous of screwing around with it too much, without knowing what I'm doing.
  12. So, who's going to add the 5 Star Stories emblem to theirs?
  13. I like the stylization on the storm troopers.
  14. Now that's a knockoff!
  15. Just saw those on the FB page. Sexeh...
  16. My armor parts were waiting for me on my chair this morning! Maybe I'll get the chance to try them on soon...
  17. Sexeh... As for the 171, I'll reiterate that I don't think replacements for the lower triangles should fold. The damn things are fiddly enough when they're in good shape. I'd say, if they're broken, dealing with a removable replacement just makes everything easier.
  18. MJ, those look great! I think if I paint my set, I might go a tad darker, but not much. Fantastic stuff, can't wait to get mine!
  19. Honestly, I expected it to have some black striping, like Michel's 25G, without the white. Can't look for screen caps now, but I could swear the background CF's still had those stripes... I still think it looks great overall, but I won't be getting one. I got my 171 armor parts, and I need to consider whether I want to save up for the new YF-19 next year, or pick up a 19S from HKC. Besides, I already have a 25S. Considering the small size of my collection, doubling up on the VF-25 seems like overkill.
  20. If you do make triangles, I wouldn't worry about the folding gimmick. Mine haven't broken yet (to my knowledge, anyway), but if they do - I'd be happy with a part-swap piece to fill in the gap on fighter only.
  21. I just upgraded from an iPhone 3GS to a 4S this weekend, so this thread is once again relevant to me. (I see no need to spend $200 on the latest model when the 4 is just fine - that's half of a YF-19!) What surprised me is that no one has made a Sharon Apple iPhone case. It seems like such a no-brainer!! Might be time to dust off the Cafe Press account and make one...
  22. April, huh? Right about the time I should be closing on this house. Greeeeaat...
  23. My armor set has shipped out! Economy from NY, though, so I'm sure that other folks will be posting pic before it arrives.
  24. Kelsain

    Lego Anyone?

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