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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Thanks. Hmmmm...
  2. Question for you guys: Does anyone know which version of the 1A head is included in the Yamato unassembled kit? Is it the TV version or the movie version? I've been trying to find a picture that would inform me either way. Cheers!
  3. Let's try spinning! That's a good trick!
  4. I love the option to bank the fighters! If only the bandai mounts weren't so clunky.
  5. If only those tails could slide forward to integrate with the wing. That's my only gripe.
  6. Don't mind me, just vein' a smartass. It's my thing. I do want to catch Sherlock eventually, but my nights consist mainly of getting kids to bed, then doing a host of administrative things for said kids. The only reason I was ever able to catch up on Doctor Who was holding my son on his early, sleepless nights. I love them dearly, but they do cramp my style a bit.
  7. Sorry, 316, pretty sure the spoiler period has run out on that book! I've been urged to watch Sherlock. It sounds good. No time for new shows. Oh well.
  8. Wow, that a lot better than the band-eyesore!
  9. Have you considered doing a Kickstarter campaign to recoup your design time & prototyping investments? Then you could release the STL files to those who contributed, or go with a general release by putting it on Thingiverse. I don't have a 3D printer myself, but my brother's built one. It'd be a way to let it into the wild, make some scratch, and not be burdened by production.
  10. Yeah, the wife & I are into the 'Mericans. We just haven't had the time to watch past the first episode this season.
  11. See, I'm pretty sure that people would be OK with sliced Hitler. For me, I figured the Mom was What bothered me more was the way the finale undid the last 4 years of character development, and the events of the whole final season. They spent a lot of effort actively diverting you from the conclusion, rather than letting it play out organically. Not to mention the pacing - an entire season bogged down in one weekend of story time, capped with an finale that spans 15 years. If they had given the events of the last episode more time to breathe, it would've worked better - even if everyone still ended up in the same place.
  12. I didn't even realize they did this, with our last set. We bought the Winter Cottage for our Xmas village, my daughter wanted to help put it together. So we opened everything up, and spent the first night sorting. It wasn't until finishing the first small item that I saw the picture showing the divisions. Considering it was my first 900+ set in a long time (and her second set ever) that would've made things easier...
  13. Wouldn't it be weird if they pulled the same stunt as the WTF-1 in Frontier, but this time it ACTUALLY WAS the Megaroad?
  14. I do miss opening the perforated bags. The new ones just aren't the same. The monorail's worth $$? Huh. I've got it & the track extension in the attic, but it's probably distributed between 3 boxes. And some parts may be in Washington...
  15. Another wish: less kibble on the valkyries, please, SK.
  16. Oooooooh... That would be a nice addition to the display case.
  17. I think it'd be nice to have a serious female valk pilot. M2 had many problems, but Sylvie was cool. Klan was pretty badass, but that was undercut by the Loli aspect of her character. It'd be refreshing, whether she's part of the triangle or not.
  18. Thanks, Gubaba!
  19. I assume that they're a little tongue-in-cheek, but can somebody translate those little notes all around the photo? Oh, and w00000t!!
  20. These Hellcats and Corsair's have me wondering: Does anyone know of a decent 1/72 SBD Dauntless? I love that plane... I've seen a Testors model, but it looks rather lame.
  21. Ah, I've seen those... And decided they were too expensive to chop up with my meager skills.
  22. Did you use figmas as the base figure? Among all my other project ideas, I've thought of doing something like this - though assuredly not as well. Seems like the base figure is just the right size. I got partway into converting a Halo figure into a 1/72 MtF Zentradi before moving. Since then, I've had no hobby area and a baby to worry about. Would love to someday pick up a Bandai Regult & a Hasegawa 1D to make a diorama.
  23. I've never seen Turn-A, but that's awesomely cool. Very MassEffect-y (I know, ME drew inspiration from Syd Mead). I can't wait to see it in some dynamic poses, b/c it feels like those plates should all shift around.
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