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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Yeah, I went straight into reading the manga as soon as the last episode was over. At least, until it got licensed for the US. At that point my manga site dropped the title. How's the dub?
  2. Independence Day, 2012, Universal Soldier, and Godzilla 98, among other turds. Their strategy has always seemed to be: How many tropes and cliches can we include in one movie, while throwing a shnarfload of $$ at it? While Stargate was very derivative of all your "Ancient Aliens" hokum - it did have some fun new elements, a great cast and bitchin' music & production design.
  3. Ugh. Stargate was the only Emmerich/Devlin movie I ever liked. While I never got into the series', I appreciated that they built on the untapped potential of the film. WIll probably pass.
  4. Cool! Congrats on the F1.2, Yeti. I look forward to seeing your kick starter!
  5. I remember how blown away I was when the Thunderbolt made it's first appearance on B5. That was awesome. Great job, Dobber.
  6. Wait, is the Birdman the winged vagina? I know there's a lot of individual variation, but I'm not seeing it... I don't mind the wings on the 25 & 27. Don't like the 39 or the 30. The sad thing is that it would've been really easy to fix the 30...
  7. We finally saw this last week, previewing for my daughter. It was ok. I enjoyed the characters & the story. The songs, individually, we're good. I felt that the songs didn't really flow together though. And while I enjoyed the reindeer, I though Olaf was a bit forced as the "cute comic-relief sidekick." I did like the ending, that not only was it sisterly love that saved Anna, but it was her own actions. Perhaps I'll enjoy it more a second time, without holding it up to the hype. I'm sure the kid will like it, but she'll be scared by the big snowman.
  8. Bigger than my son, apparently. Less messy, though.
  9. I'm leery of an alternate universe idea. I think the concept works sometimes, and I could agree that MtF could be considered an alt. timeline. After all, they have cell phones - in the original timeline, cell phones achieved popularity sometime between 2040 & 2059. Prior to MtF, I've always figured that the Unification War & Zentradi attack completely changed the development path of technology. Anyway, I've always like that the Macross franchise has stuck to the timeline. Kawamori's insistence that the shows are dramatic interpretations of real events gives it some flexibility, but everything occurs and contributes to an overall narrative framework. I'd be perfectly happy to explore the missing 30 years. I think that the Macross technology moving forward from Frontier is going to start being too advanced & alien. The Frontier era valkyries are already looking to kibbly for my tastes, and I would love a return to the cleaner lines and efficient design seen in the VF-1, 11 & (to a lesser extent) 19. Not holding my breath, though.
  10. Sexeh!
  11. I totally recycled the mailer box on my super parts. I didn't realize it was a big deal... Eh, I'll probably never sell my 25S - unless they never repop it and the value goes up even higher. It's my only 25 and it's the best!
  12. Looks like they're going back to the complexity of the old 2001-2005 era MG's.
  13. Yeah, from an evolutionary perspective, Cope's Rule is (at best) a gross oversimplification. It's an out-of-date notion that really has no bearing on modern biology. Also, 60 years is a bit of a brief period to look for macroevolutionary trends. Particularly as the lifespan of Godzilla & family may exceed this period. I'd chalk the size difference up more to individual variation or sexual/class dimorphism. Or Hollywood's version of Cope's Rule: The last movie was big and the rube$ loved it! Therefore this movie has to be BIGGER, so the rube$ will love it moar!!1!
  14. Takes me back to that dizziness you'd get when you shut down TIE Fighter and stepped away from your PC.
  15. If only Arcadia would make a vf-5000...
  16. Anyone got an alps printer? Cuz I'd love to consider my 171 as part of the Lucky Bastards squadron. It'd be ironic, since they're cannon fodder. More so if it actually does break.
  17. I never got the magnetizer, but I always wanted to build a Blacktron 1 verson. Never got around to it...
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