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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. It'd be easier to pick the ones I don't want.
  2. Hmm, it may be time for some Firefox Battroid fan art... I haven't seen that movie since I was a kid.
  3. I had the LD's long ago, but decided I didn't need them or the player when my Dad moved. Didn't take the chance to buy the Dual DVD set when I could either. <Spleen> BIG MISTAKE!! </Spleen> After I saw that Lucas was trying to swap out the print in the National Archives, I decided I should go ahead & Order the DVD set on eBay. Got it for about $50, just the original discs, no SE's. My daughter's not quite ready to watch it yet, but I'm thinking next 5/4. And dangit, she's gonna see the real version first! Duke: I've heard of those, has he done all 3 movies, or just the first one?
  4. I plan on doing the same. I liked the F, but not for $80 more...
  5. That, and they've wisely discarded much of the baggage of the Expanded Universe. I'm sure we'll see some of it turn up, and they're not likely to throw away all of the background info that's grown over the last 25 years. However, the idea that the Empire could be put on the ropes after losing it's Sith leaders always seemed lame. Palpatine may have been driving the advance of the Empire, but he did so by capitalizing on prejudice & fear. That doesn't go away easily. I always thought the Empire would still be a major player long after RotJ. As for the Solo costumes - I'm guessing concepts, at best. Left is his exact outfit from Hoth. Right is his outfit from Bespin, borrowing Mal Reynolds' coat.
  6. Because boobies & tentacles. (QB's not my thing either, btw)
  7. 5. vs. 6. continues to this day, like you never left...
  8. This. I've read that Chris Foss actually did design work for the movie - but I don't know if that was early conceptual stuff, or if his work ended up as final designs "on film." I love the use of color in this movie. We've gotten so used to scifi and spaceships being all greys, blacks, and gunmetal. It was a breath of fresh air.
  9. Ah, thank you. I thought that they were building to a Season 2 with the Comet Empire. Also, the Cosmo Reverser is not a neutering of the Yamato, it's the ultimate expression of completing it's mission. That being said, it does look a little silly.
  10. So does the new series take place between the last 2 episodes of 2199? Before they use the Cosmo reverser?
  11. I can't afford the things that you make, but I always enjoy watching them come together!
  12. OK, fighter's pretty cool. Battroid is nice, except the wings, blah blah... But wow, that gerwalk is fantastic!
  13. Very cool. Any idea what (if any) scale it is ?
  14. Ooh, you mean this SDF-2? I'd love to see pics of that when you get the chance.
  15. Oh yeah, I realized that. I was just mocking the dialog. Guess I should've used quotes. "Who is that kid?" "Who are those guys?" "Who is that kid?" "Who ARE you?" OK, we get it, you don't know who each other are! I want to like this. I like the design work. I'm gonna wait until it's polished and give it some time to grow before I can say for sure.
  16. Who is that kid? I realize it's rough still. The sound mix is awful. Dialog isn't great. Looks pretty, though.
  17. Yeah, that was epic. Growing up, I was never really a marvel kid. I had a few token Spider-Man books, and a few issues of Rom, but that's all. While I was aware of the prexisting characters, I literally had as much attachment to the Guardians as I did the Avengers going into the Phase 1. I thought they were introduced and handled equally well. I totally agree on the dialog. It was actually the nigh constant action that i got bored from. Thinking about it now, the carrier battle and end battle seemed to plod on after a while. Maybe I was just tired at the time... Damn kids. They're little, so they take up all my time. It actually took 2-3 nights to get through Avengers. For the same reason, I wanted to support & follow AoS & Phase2, I just couldn't keep up. Yep, I concur with all this too. The Nova Corps seemed pretty flashy but useless, too. I dunno, maybe I'm just getting old. I get tired of long action set pieces before they're done, even at the end of GOTG. I used to live for that stuff.
  18. Honestly, I got bored in the middle of the avengers. Never happened once in this film. Both had great rapport between their characters. I am getting really tired of the "invincible armies that have off switches" trope, though. It wasn't too bad in this one, but it's all over the place.
  19. A few more thoughts: I thought Ronan was a passable villain. I'll agree that he could have used a little more set up: all we got were his "I'm the bad guy!!1!" speech at the beginning and a few arguments with Thanos. But he did his job. Does anybody know what's up with his "Necro" stormtroopers? Are they undead? Is there a reason their tech looked all rusty & old? Or are they just generic hellish cannon fodder for the film world? Loved Groot & Rocket. Would love to see Rocket & Iron Man working together, trading barbs while improvising machinery. And spoilery: This has whet my appetite to see some of the other phase2 movies.
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