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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Hope that guy got a Masei helmet!
  2. I will have to check that out. I'll admit, Sharknado was fun, especially beside my shark scientist wife and some beer in the tummy. But yeah, movies made-to-be-bad are just soulless excesses in shlock. Overall, I hate the Asylum films. But yeah, awful movies where you know the director thought he'd made something really special - that's where it's at.
  3. I like it like that! If they'd used red on the winglets, it would've looked like a real test plane.
  4. Whoa. I need that in hi res to add to my desktop rotation. Nicely done. I should preorder that...
  5. This. Amazing anime. I could not handle the thought of waiting until they produced season2, so I went straight from the anime to the manga, as soon as I figured out where to pick it up. I feel like the narrative has stalled a little, but just got surprised with a big twist in Ch 62. Hopefully it'll roar back into full action soon.
  6. I love it, but the giant hole in my yard says no... Thanks for the scale pic.
  7. Man, once LvL starts, he really can't stop... Admittedly, tldr... You do have some nifty story hooks sometimes, but I tend to think they're not right for macross. Have you ever written your own stories?
  8. Nice booty, but it doesn't seem accurate to the show.
  9. Oh no, Blokamp's stuff is totally the wrong direction to look for escapism! Watching the trailer again, as well as the short Tetra Val, makes it likely that Chappie was modified from a group of robots used to police & suppress rebellion among the lower class, without real people getting their hands dirty. Drone warfare comes to the slums. In that context, the machine abuse seems legit.
  10. Sigh, there you go again, invading my needed escapism with the depressing facts of our human dickishness. Actually, I didn't even realize that he was a former police robot. I suppose that this could be how he gets messed up & sent to scrap in the first place.
  11. Admittedly, though I think Chappie is cute, I did get a Johnny5 vibe... My other beef: Aside from the government/MIC trying to quash independent AI development for whatever reason; do you know anyone who'd react to an intelligent robot by trying to kill it with fire? Maybe there's a lot of plot leading up to that. Maybe it's just the subset of interest that I and my social network have. But seriously - who wouldn't think it was cool?
  12. I love it. Might need to get this & a mk2 someday.
  13. Wonder if the intakes are removable, and whether they'll include the should missile boxes. Poseability seems nice and looks like the crotch transformation is more accurate to M+. That means the gun pod will probably sit better in fighter. EDIT: Just realized what Mommar was referring to. Huh...
  14. I figured that was a given - depending on one's taste, at least. But for that matter, lets further differentiate from DC's movie Wonder Woman - how about someone who's not a size 0. A gal doesn't need to be skinny to look good.
  15. Well, direct, no - but the record is pretty good, and getting better all the time. Because of the mechanisms of fossilization, only about 3% of the worlds' species have been represented. This still gives us a pretty good overall picture of Life on Earth, but still just a rough outline. The problem with ideas like these is that they exist to fill a gap in understanding. As that gap closes, the idea becomes more and more preposterous. What Macross 0 did that was interesting for me, was to give a mechanism to the intervention. The Protoculture didn't create life on Earth, nor introduce humans directly into the world - they altered the process of evolution to result in a desired outcome. Would this really work - no, not likely. Does it address the issue and help suspend one's disbelief? At least somewhat. Am I willing to look past it because I love this series? Yeah!
  16. And got buizzaay! There's been evidence of cross breeding between the two. How viable the offspring were, though IDK. And why are we picking on M0? THe protoculture influence on humanity was clearly spelled out in SDFM. While I think the idea is realistically crap, I do enjoy several stories that use the idea, like Macross, Galactica, etc.
  17. Hear, hear! It wouldn't take much. Man, I wish I'd been able to get the 1/5000 WHAM when it was affordable. It'd go well with the 1/5000 Imai I have. (& the 1/5000 Enterprise D on my desk) I suppose this would be closer to AMT Star Destroyer/Galactica scale, though.
  18. So, lighter color = existing sprues of fighter/battroid? Darker color = new pieces sized to give ideal balance in this mode? Backpack looks a little too much like the cartoony Imai kits. I'd prefer the existing Super Valkyrie parts.
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