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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Still, call me tentatively interested.
  2. So, cheap & easy? What does that mean in $?
  3. I'll admit, I AM worried about how those wings are going to fold up.
  4. If your car is blue and/or white, Regult would work...
  5. IF this does occur within the Frontier fleet (which I hope it doesn't), they did make it to the Vajra home world in both tv & movie versions...
  6. Or, the more distant object could be a ship or asteroid. Possibly alien - it doesn't make me think Valkyrie.
  7. We salute you, Captain. -- eh, that was supposed to be a gif. Stupid phone.
  8. Honestly, the quality of the revell kits frustrates me less than their "box scale" approach. I want my kits actually in scale with each other, not all about the same size.
  9. I almost put r2&r5 in private warehouse when this all started. But oh well. I might have to pay a little more on the bay for these, but they'll still be around. Unless bandai decides it not worth keeping the license w/o worldwide sales. Of course, they would've made that decision going into this.
  10. I like this every much, but will have to pass. Too steep for me for such a small, but awesome thing. I will try and recreate it on my own the old-school way, when I have the time. I would be interested in ordering 1/72 pilots & figures if you decide to get into that racket. Sounds like Studio Star Forge is on hiatus.
  11. Boooo! I was totally going to get their 1/72 fighters some day. I was also looking forward to getting more 1/12 figures.
  12. Yeah, I'm torn as well. I've still got the IMAI. But I still like some of it. Actually, I think it'd be nice to add that bow extension to a dyrl version.
  13. Woo, after a bust yesterday, my wife snagged a 6" first order trooper for me. That's all I was looking to get at this point.
  14. Depends on the price, Cap. I love watching you work, but can't afford your full kits. With this being a fairly small mod, it might not be that bad. Just the bow? Or are you thinking of doing the legs too? Edit: oooohhh, you're gonna do a 1/3000. Cool, but a pass, then.
  15. Well, I know we have folks with the talent, resources & know how to address these issues with an aftermarket part. And if no one else steps up, or it's waaay too expensive, I'll give it a shot myself.
  16. I'm OK with the legs being reused. I like that they added some more length to the booms. However, I agree with Captain on the area where the bow joins with the hull. It wouldn't have been that had to add a sprue and replace that intake-looking portion with the curved parts. Also:
  17. Cmon hasegawa, we need M7 stuff!
  18. Yes, this is much closer to the scale of my AMT Star Destroyer. I like consistency. But the math on 1/5000 scale was so easy! As for the parts, I've been looking at the pictures on Hobby Search. (I guess I should be working) http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/image/10308073z8/70/8# I'm guessing this was planned from the beginning, based on which pieces are lumped together on sprues. I'm guessing that they'll keep sprues A-F, then give us new ones for the TV bits. I'm sure they'll leave out the ARMDs. Based on this, below is the box art, highlighted with the areas I believe to be new. I'd love it if we got a new A sprue with longer booms, but now I'm not too sure.
  19. That's pretty cool. I'd thought about adding that one into my last HLJ order, but ended up not. Looks like it's got some good kit bashing potential. Maybe next time.
  20. Yeah, not ready to sell the IMAI just yet. Need to see moar!
  21. My main concern is whether the bow will be long enough. The DYRL is way too stubby for me. The added surface detail on the legs & ventral hull are not deal breakers for me.
  22. Yes, some of it will be the same, primarily the legs. See my block quote on pg 1, that's hasegawa's breakdown. We'll have to see how it comes together, if it doesn't work for me, I can always cancel.
  23. Not what I expected! Cool!
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