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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Oh that's cool. I hadn't seen any content translations yet. Looking at the character pics, I can't help but start labeling:
  2. Finally watched it! I'll admit that I jumped when I saw the Regults & Glaug. And while I am a little disappointed in the boy vs girl group thing, I'm not surprised. I think the VF-31 looks pretty good - but I'm not sold on the head or the forearm cannons. I'm also not thrilled about the next round of back kibble. However, I am VERY curious to see how the DrakenIII transforms. Hopefully the single tail won't just hang off the back. On the other hand - I think this was a good trailer. Maybe it gives us a little better idea of what to expect. Remember how Frontier began? The trailer, the music, the gritty grown up & violent feel of the Deculture Edition premier episode? Then how we got Brera with his tummy, the Hydra battle & Aikun - the panty thief? And cramming all the plot exposition & resolution into a rushed final 3 episodes? Perhaps it's good we got knocked down a bit...
  3. Interested, but I can't understand & I'm tired. I'll wait for y'all to post screenshots & summaries in the morning. Thanks in advance!
  4. How about a cheap, hollow one in 1:72? 😉
  5. My daughter loves the idea of Star Wars. She loves her toys & my old ones. She's crazy about the Lego Star Wars shows. But she's not really into the actual movies. She liked them the first time, but lately they're too violent for her taste. I was really looking forward to taking her to TFA, but I'm starting to think that's not going to happen.
  6. Hmmm, so I wonder if they'll make a photo-etch set for this. Barrigng that, I wonder what existing ship sets are out there that would give us a decent radar mast.
  7. Just paid for mine. Should go into Private Warehouse shortly. I'll probably add in a couple HG Gundam accessories for my kitbashed gm team and maybe a Barbatos before I ship it. Edit - aw dang, Barbatos is Backordered. Guess I should have finished the transaction yesterday. Womp womp.
  8. Thanks, already envisioning my mods. Not sure when I'll get to it, though.
  9. Look pretty good. More TV accurate than the Hasegawa. But, at 20cm, that's about 1/6000 - too far off scale from my other ships. I'm a stickler for compatible scales.
  10. Looks great! I'll probably get a set for mine.
  11. Tried to watch Episode 3 of Orphans last night, but Hulu's subtitles kept hanging up. They'd just stop as Biscuit told his sisters to be careful, but the show kept going. Anybody else have this issue? Maybe I'll try again tonight.
  12. No, the trailer, silly. The movie's only 2 months away. I'm already stoked. Do I need to stoke or spoil myself anymore? As of now, I say no. I may yet change my mind...
  13. Have you read the book? Because that's kind of the whole point, and why it's ridiculous. It's literally Austen's Pride & Prejudice with the zombie and action passages added in. It was stupid fun, and I'm sure the wife and I will watch this eventually. My biggest disappointment is that it won't feature the same cast as the last P&P movie.
  14. I ordered a new head for my Qrau, to get to free shipping!
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