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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Hmmm, David Hingten points out the similarity between the Var song and the Song of Destruction. Wasn't Sara Nome considered a Priestess of the Wind? My memory may be fuzzy, I haven't watched Zero for a while.
  2. The way I look at it: in the movies, apart from the senate backgrounds, most of the familiar species were seen on tatooine. Yes, Galaxy wide travel is easy, but you might find higher concentrations of local species in different sectors.
  3. I just finished watching it. I hope we get an explanation of the Walkure tech, probably once Freya joins the team. As someone said before, the group is a logical extension of the in-universe culture. Cool designs, 262s are badass. 2nd song was catchy. I like that we'll probably see a lot of zentradi around too. We'll have to see what the 262 battroid looks like, but I think I'm sold on a Delta-01 toy.
  4. I really hope it's not another Space-Pope...
  5. Hmm, I'm more excited for a proper 1/144 AT-AT. I've ready that the F-toys one is actually 1/188. If their products are affordable, I'd probably take all they're offering at that scale.
  6. Civilian VF-1 from Dynamite?
  7. At least the list of dead characters in DYRL & SDFM ended up pretty much the same.
  8. Hopefully no spoilers to anyone, but I think this movie contains one of the best lightsaber duels in the entire canon. For once, we see something that doesn't take place in a hangar or on a catwalk. Ever since the first trailer, I thought the interaction between saber and forest would be very dynamic. I was not disappointed. A brutal battle between characters I was invested in, nothing flashy, way better than the over choreographed battles of the PT. Only Vader vs. Luke in ESB carries more weight for me.
  9. Kelsain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hmm, I wonder if the gunpod stows where the missile pod does on the 30. Also, its wings seem to be doing something different back there.
  10. So stoked! Babysitter confirmed for Saturday night (19th), nice dinner & date night confirmed. Then, I'll be taking my daughter to see it sometime in the next week. WIfe may join us for that, depending on how much he likes it, and will want to watch it again so soon. The prequels really burned my wife's SW enthusiasm. It's optimistically returning (she bought us Darth Vader xmas sweaters), but I hope JJ brings back the joy. But for now, I'm singing to myself: "Star Wars! Gonna see Star Wars! Gonna see Star Wars, the second day!*" * used to be "Opening day!," but oh well - kids...
  11. Ah, you've been teasing us for so long! I'll definitely check out the update this afternoon.
  12. Well, my thoughts on Orga have changed over the last few episodes. It's interesting to see them putting all of these pieces on the board. I can't help but think that some of the connections that have been made will lead to betrayal. It seems like Tekkadan has been getting off easy. I liked that Biscuit said as much too. I like that the story is taking its time, even with the battles. Any idea how long this show is supposed to run?
  13. Wow, that's amazing. Your work is worth the price, that's for sure.
  14. How tall is this kit? That's crazy!
  15. That was 09-10, v2's. Usually it was Kakizaki that would drop that far. I remember being severely tempted by the low vis 1S for $90. I had just moved cross country, doing the stay at home dad bit with my new baby. I figured there was always the next sale...
  16. Ooh my Macross arrived today. That's a big box!
  17. Do You Remember when this thread's title meant $45 Vf-1s? I really wish I hadn't been unemployed back then...
  18. Didn't think about the Black Friday sale. I just had my big pw batch sent out. Drat, could've held off another week...
  19. Kelsain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Wot?! Clear stand pieces? Shouldn't those be awful, obtrusive black bricks?
  20. My thought was that Altira was the "turtle shell" that the Bird Human dropped in the legends of the Mayan in Mac0. This is then seen in the geography of the strangely arranged chain of islands around Mayan and the mountains that the people hide in. And of course, all the very interesting structures we see in the Mayan reefs & the Bird Human's head plugged in down there. In my head canon, this explains away the floating rock business. They are pieces of PC tech, which interact with gravity control fields that are activated by Sara's singing.
  21. Interestingly enough, Memento could work as both a reboot and a sequel, because continuity is not really an issue...
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