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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Whoa, that's like a Sound Force VF171...
  2. Yeah, unfortunately I couldn't find a clip of only that scene on YT...
  3. Forget the motors and internals, cosplay that sucker!
  4. Wow! I may be going this route on the 31s & the 262. The DX prices (& availability) are just too much for me...
  5. All this talk of F-104's, I can't help it... "Nice basket!"
  6. I'm betting that Hyate's breakdance fighting uses up his propellant a lot faster. If so, Messer will surely have something to say about it.
  7. Seems like Team Maki/Reina got some traction this week... Cool episode, bug I would've liked to have seen the sound boosters working a little more directly.
  8. The cannons appear to be hinged.
  9. I don't see the need to make it an issue. Elsa's romantic leanings don't really have any effect on the story, and can thus be left ambiguous. If you want her to be a lesbian, she can be. While Anna is clearly shown to have a preference, it is an important part of the story. The fact that Elsa shows more love towards her sister rather than a male character does not mean that she prefers the ladies. The fact that her inner repression & literal closeting is a good metaphor for the experience does not mean that it has to be true in this case. Never know, after hiding away so long, she might not be interested in either. Then again, the movie got so much fauxtrage because of this implied metaphor - they could just embrace it...
  10. Wow. Are those the Destroid emplacements on the side?
  11. Dodo!
  12. Gosh help me, I actually prefer the Space Pope head. The visor is really menacing. The one thing I don't care for is how the wings sit in G & B. That seems to be a sticking point in most of the recent Valk designs. (Although I think the base 25 & 31 have looked pretty good) I wish they would've attached to the shoulders, mimicking the ceremonial armour the knights wear. Or have them swing down, VF-19 style, on the hips. Maybe there'll be some play with the DX to try alternate things.
  13. That's awesome, Ive never seen this before!
  14. Don't let Xigfrid & his cute little Vajra anywhere near your collection. That one little guy'll wipe them out!
  15. Especially with the use of mind control to turn the NUNS soldiers against their people & government. Sounds like history is repeating itself...
  16. Great idea! I'll get my 6 year old to draw it for added authenticity. Toys, man... But, also, I think SK really enjoys the creativity of making them distinct from one generation to another and more complex. It'd be boring to just do the VF-1 sequence over and over.
  17. I guess the question is: is Heinz's song (& Var reaction) galaxy wide, or targeted at specific planets?
  18. So are the wings on the hips, then?
  19. Wow! I'd sketched a similar head on an A-10 style Vf some time ago, so it's cool to see it here. The chest transformation is quite surprising!
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