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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. I sure hope Scarfish was smart enough to to get clear of the Elysion!
  2. So I was finally able to watch some Delta on the big screen tv. Ooh, that's nice. I watched 12 first, then some of the 1st episode, as well. I noticed a couple things this time that I hadn't before: 1) when the Sigur Valens folds in to the Al Shalal system, it looks like all the other Windermere ships are emerging from the same fold window - Babylon 5 style. 2) in episode 1, the knights are shown folding into the system with the same blue cloud fold effect. I wonder if the SV is able to fold other vessels to a targeted location, kind of like the big Garmilas ship in SB Yamato. Or perhaps the 262's have some fold quartz device that links them to the SV's navigation systems & fold drive. I also think the "return to the branch" line is a metaphorical way to say return to base. The knights are sent out to ride the wind for the glory of Windermere. They love their bird imagery, so what would a bird do when it's done flying?
  3. But all of the people had been evacuated, in preparation for the destruction of the ruins. It's unclear where they were evacuated to, though. Inland, or perhaps onto the City ship?
  4. Aw man, we don't have that chain up here. Back in Tampa, we called it "Cross Dress for less."
  5. Cool, thanks for learnin' me good! I'm apparently severely lacking in my Greek mythos to catch these things in Delta.
  6. Are we sure that Kairos is not a poorly romanized Kaos, indicating that the 31A is used by Kaos?
  7. Totally unrelated to the reactive armor: Bwahaha - that's totally the "chairman" from Iron Chef America!
  8. I can has 1/72 Mirage & EX gear seat?
  9. Besides, that bridge was slapped together for the refugee population of Macross CIty in a month or so? You know that sucker's not up to code...
  10. The card actually say 1/2 scale, so it should roll in at about 1' tall. I wish the battle droids came in a 2 pack, rather than with the STAP. The STAP is cool, but I'm not thrilled about paying 4500Y for a single battle droid. Multiple clones will be arriving at my house...
  11. That's the most Bomber thing ever, and I fully support this! Or else, it was when she drained Basara's "essence" & accidentally killed him.
  12. I think dividing DYRL & TV sets makes sense. Maybe 3/2 m/f ratio? Other figs of interest would be tv pilots with open visors, non pilot spacesuit figs (sexy Misa edition), pilots from other eras like M3, M7 or The Ride.
  13. I was a big fan of the original tmnt comics, and I really disliked the tv show at first. But the first movie was a great blend of the two. I must've seen it 8-9 times in the theater, and the soundtrack was the first cd I ever bought. I was really disappointed in the 2nd one & never saw the 3rd. I guess I lost interest after that. After what Bay did to TF (with 2, at least), I knew well enough to avoid these films. And I really don't like Megan Fox...
  14. Maybe I should grab a couple of these as starter kits for my kids, while they're cheap...
  15. Awesome, NZEOD, thanks! As mentioned up thread, I had already bought a 1D fighter & a standard gerwalk kit to combine. It's the figs that would've made this worth while. Pm me when you get it & we can arrange the trade.
  16. Yep, Starship Modeler is out too. Almost bought it there on Saturday, but had to think about adding in something else. Missed out. So, a few others have wished for an extra TV pilot, so they could build it in it's glory days before Hikaru junked it. If anyone wants to build theirs WITHOUT Hikaru & Minmay in the cockpit, and doesn't plan on using the resin figures, I'd be willing to trade my Gerwalk TV pilot + shipping for just the seated figs. I do not have any need for the standing Minmay. Just throwing this out there, as I'd hoped to put together a little Zentradi reveal diorama some day. I'll also make a thread in the WTS/B forum. Cheers!
  17. What's going on there? Is that a cleavage window on little Mirage's shirt? Aunt Mylene, what were you thinking?
  18. The box, on the other hand, contains... "NOTHING!! YOU ARE SO STUPID!!!"
  19. Will there be female pilots in the set?
  20. I know they're usually the first game in town, but are there other fansubbers out there doing better work? I've been keeping up with the show on Mondays, but it'd be nice to find a more reliable source for repeated views.
  21. I'm sure the Andromeda will look great when ishe's fully textured and sweeping by with beautiful camerawork. The Yamato herself really didn't look too different from the original, except for some proportion and scaling adjustments. Besides, look at all those doors. Awesome shooty things will pop out of many of them, when needed.
  22. You've also got your DYRL non-pilot suits that you made for the Rabbit... Would it make sense to cast the group together?
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