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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. I did manage to score an Ahsoka & Shore Trooper Captain lately. Still keeping an eye out for Sabine, but she's pretty easy to find on eBay.
  2. Wait, I'm more excited about Figma Nausicaa than I am even flight suit Hikaru. Think she'll come with Teto & Mehve?
  3. Yeah, the wings & tail are different, but the rest looks about right. I've never seen this in color before... Where do you think the wings go?
  4. It's interesting that the VF-25 was refined for use in atmosphere, considering we only saw 1 atmospheric dogfight in the whole series...
  5. Nice job! My wife is planning to set up her Form 2 printer next week. We'll of course, have to "test" it on a few things... I'll have some input deciding what kind of things these are...
  6. The arm hole looks very similar to the VF-11. Admittedly, that's one of my big sticking points with that toy. However, it's also a pretty effective way to hold the gunned in fighter mode. What if you simplified the shape a bit. While the gun handle may flare out at the bottom in the line art, is it necessary on your version? If the handle is simpler, the shape of the cut-out can be simpler and may look less weird.
  7. I meant that the beak/mouth would look good on Keith's Anubis style head.
  8. Simultaneously glad and sad that I decided not to start collecting 1/1000...
  9. Wow, that looks cool with the wings back. I thought those were attached to the cannon mount and that forced them to flip. It's looks like a really angry crow. With a gun. Think I'm gonna have to get the space pope version when it comes out. Although, thinking of it now, a shark mouth or beak motif would work very well on the 262Hs...
  10. Skipping all entries, just excited to head out for a nice breakfast with the wife before we go to see R1 this morning! W00t!
  11. I can't help but think that they should have made this movie first. It looks like it'll give us all the nostalgia feels that they felt they had to include in TFA. Maybe that would have allowed them more room to focus on newer things.
  12. I was just trying to remember if that was the first beam weapon in IBO. Certainly adds to to the "Oh crap" moment at the end of the last episode.
  13. Finally!!
  14. Dang it, it'd be nice if they gave you a little heads up...
  15. So, is this just a live action remake of the original film? A lot of these teasers look like EXACT recreations of scenes from that.
  16. I'm not really a baseball fan, but I'm a proud Chicagoan. What a night! Damn, that was a nail biter from the 5th inning.
  17. Who else appreciates the kitchen WIP that goes along with NZEOD's model WIPs? Those counters are teh sex. And an integrated fishtank? It's probably good that my wife doesn't read these forums too...
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