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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Funny to see this come up again. My wife finally got the printer set up this month; as yet I haven't had a chance to play with it. I've got a few other smaller models I want to try before I even attempt printing something like this... So far, she's been taking it through it's paces; printing extinct shark teeth, Tully Monsters, neurons and clitori for teaching purposes.
  2. I don't mind the wings on the T-70, but I don't like the engine split. Imagine if the engines stayed a whole cylinder & the wings pivoted up & down around the axis of the cylinder. It'd be a merge of the T-65 & the ARC-170. I'm thinking of doing that mod on a Ship Collection T-70, actually. I am a little disappointed in the new designs. Many of them do seem unimaginative. On the other hand, I appreciate that they're not just giving us more Letter-Wing Fighters, b/c that's what we'd expect. I mean, what's up with the no-longer-canon K-Wing? Designs I have liked in the new canon: Ghost, U-wing, Kylo Ren's Shuttle, Quad-jumper, Rey's speeder, T-70, Imperial Cargo Shuttle Designs I'm not crazy about: Krennic's Shuttle, FO Dropship, Han's Freighter, Imperial Tank, TIE Striker, those weird medium cruisers from the new trailer
  3. So here's the foot of my Q-rau, as of yesterday. First photo shows how the back half of the foot core piece has broken off. As I was preparing to take this photo, the broken bit was claimed by the Carpet Gods, never to be seen again. So, second photo shows the fix I'm going for. I shaved and incorporated this extra poly cap into the foot. Fits pretty well so far. I've trimmed the excess plastic from the core piece and need to drill a hold for the poly cap. As I don't have my drill at work right now, I'll have to try to remember to bring it home for that.
  4. It's the bandai re-pop of the old imai queadluun rau that I'm working on. I'll see if I can find some plastic weld to fix it. It's just a little discouraging, because I've only gotten as far as the feet! If I can't find anything, I'm formulating an idea for a polycap replacement. Im going to forego the cockpit gimmick and add articulation to the head sensor & bicep, if needed. I also figured that I'd replace the old hips with ball joints. I'll snap a few photos tomorrow.
  5. I used hot water to pop apart a clone trooper. I was able to get the head and arms off, but not the legs or waist.
  6. So I decided to start the q-rau. I haven't gotten too far yet, just the feet. But man, what's up with the plastic they used? One of the foot mounts broke and I can't get it to stick together with anything I have. Ca, epoxy, even tried to encase it with aves, but nothing will adhere to the break.
  7. Looks like P-Bandai is giving us a battle droid 2-pack! http://p-bandai.jp/item/item-1000113854/ This appeals to me, because I have no need for a STAP. What sources do you guys use for P-Bandai?
  8. It reminded me of the difference between "Walker Scale" and "Starfighter Scale" from the West End SWPRG. Of course the whole freaking movie felt like a good West End campaign. That's part of why I enjoyed it so much.
  9. Wow, amazing work, wmkjr!
  10. LOL, very creative! I'm actually excited to see how that turns out!
  11. Just watched the trailer. Man, fictional kid murder is one of things that changes in life. When you're young, it brings the thrill of being close to you, makes you feel imperiled alongside the characters. When you're older and have your own little kids, OMG makeitstopineedtogohugmylittleboyrightnow!! Interesting in how the trailer seems to be focused on the young portion of the story. I wonder if they'll follow up with the adult portion after a couple years.
  12. So, I've been kit bashing GM's for the last few months. I think I've got them about as far as I can until the weather improves for priming. I just need to add some more paint to Barbatos' mace before I'd call him done. Now, I'm thinking I'd like to take a break from mobile suits. Which way do you think I should go? SDF-1 or Q-rau?
  13. Thanks for the scoop. This relieves me a bit. I can't help but feel like this is 15 years overdue, though.
  14. Meh, looks like garbage to me...
  15. Yeah, if Hasegawa makes a TV Attacker, I'll probably get it. I think the 8000 scale will be good for size comparison with other ships, but may leave me wanting something a little bigger. I have 2 Hasegawa TV cruisers (with the original intent to mod one into attacker). I'm just not sure if I want to move forward with that size.
  16. There is, but the proportions look off. Almost like it's using forced perspective; the booms are kinda thin, the feet kinda big. I have one that I got off eBay partially completed, and am thinking of unloading it, if you're interested. I also scored a 1/8000 cruiser. I'm considering switching to that scale to save on space; along with a shift from 72 to 144. My hobby area is only about 13' x 9', including bench, storage & all this other crap I've gotta sell on the Bay.
  17. I like it. It's a nifty amalgam of the Alex, Nu & MkII.
  18. TBH, the CG mobile suits in Origin felt weirder to me than the hokey animation of the original. The MS-04 Bugu is great, though. I really like how well thought out the world is. This extends to many Gundam series, but particularly the original. The political intricacies, the accurate mapping of the Earth Sphere with respect to LaGrange Points, O'Neill Colonies. Sure, it's got Giant Robots, but even those have a passable justification.
  19. I watched the Origin on Hulu last week. It was pretty cool, and it inspired me to check out the original show. I'm about 5 episodes is at this point. Following up Origin's animation with the '79 is a bit jarring, but the story's good so far.
  20. Looks great! Is that the 5000 or 8000 kit? I have both, but am thinking of letting the larger one go. Limited space & all.
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