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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Kelsain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I maintain that this should have been part of the show. Hayate teaching Mirage to loosen up and fly like her true self, via teaching her to dance both IRL and in the cockpit would have been a true evolution of the characters presented in the first few episodes. What happened to the Immelmann Dance? It was kinda silly, but it and battroid were shown as his specialties and were off-putting for both the enemy and his team. CLEARLY it should have been part of his final battle against Kieth, who's strength was in fighter mode.
  2. Good on you, South Korean pilot-dude, for now grinning like a dope the whole time. I know I would be...
  3. Alright, so I'll be starting work on the Sauron costume this weekend, I have 2 weeks until we trick or treat here in the 'Ville. In the mean time, I mentioned that I'd show my current WIP: It started with the Marvel Legends BAF Iron Monger. I found a good deal on eBay, and thought this guy had some potential. As it was, the figure I bought arrived broken, so the vendor replaced it with another for free! Here's the raw figure, standing beside 2 Black Series 6" troopers. My plan is to mod this figure into a 1/12 scale Space Marine! I removed the original hands & forearms & fashioned new with some 3/4" tubing. Turns out the hands of an MG Dom (that I've had laying about since 2002) are right in scale for this guy. I'm going to bulk up the fingers a bit, to make them look more like gloves than robot hands. Legs have been lengthened with some 3/8" spacers & custom stompy boots were printed from Shapeways. This adds about 1/2" height to the figure, bringing him to ~ 8.5 feet in-scale. I might add a little torso length to bring him closer to 9 feet. Unfortunately, I mis-scaled the helmet that I designed. It's about 15% too big. Will have to readjust that and try again. I also have a backpack designed in 3D, but I'm gonna wait till I have a few other parts ready & find a coupon before I order. The nozzles are designed to rotate. In the mean time, I'm working on putting together his first armament, a bolt pistol. I'd originally planned on using an MG Ground Gundam gun, but I found a Kotobukiya M.S.G. rifle that seemed to work better. Just chopped off most of the barrel & swapped out the grip. "Pistol" seen here in the arms of the FO Trooper: And apparently, I can't get rid of this extra pic:
  4. Yeah, damn Millenials... They all wish that they could simply jump into the cockpit of an advanced mecha with no training, save the world and the pretty girl, too; all at the ripe age of 16... I bet the red jaeger with the katana is the girl one. As much as I like Boyega, his epic-type speech doesn't really seem to stack up to Elbaba's. I'm meh on this one. I'll go if my friends want to check it out.
  5. Argh! It looks like GundamInfo pulled Zeta from their official YouTube channel! I've been watching that while I'm on the exercise bike lately, and was up to Ep 39. Man... Now I guess I have to find backchannels.
  6. Kelsain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Ah, crap. Why did I visit this thread?
  7. That was, interesting...?
  8. I think it loses something in the transition from a 3 ft tall little dude to a grown-ass man, but I've got a plan. We're not talking SDCC-level cosplay here, though. Mostly cardboard & spray paint.
  9. No, I was just imagining how awesome it'd be to put FAST packs on my boy. I'd most likely make them out of cardboard or foam is I was really going to do it. Maybe next year. We've changed the plan for the boy's costume twice already, this year. Originally, he wanted to be Sauron ("the tower with the red eye") and I was totally excited to build it for him. Then he changed his little 4 year old mind to Adam West Batman, but says I should be Sauron. I'm totally on board with that.
  10. Thanks. It sounds like his prognosis is decent, and his oncologist is supposedly pretty positive about it. I also lost my father-in-law to prostate cancer a little over a year ago, so hearing the news that my Dad also had it was pretty jarring. The FiL's was a very nasty type, though, which had already metastasized before it was even diagnosed. Seems like my Dad's is a little more vanilla, but still very scary. And now I have to start thinking more about mine too. Dad was always doing stuff like that for us as kids: Helping with custom paint jobs, customizing & repurposing other toys, making stop-motion movies with our toys while we slept. Once he brought home a giant 8' long cardboard box, and we made our own USS Flagg. He did some stupid things later and broke the family, but growing up; he was pretty much the best Dad ever. Heh, sorry - a bit off topic. Like I said, it's a little fresh. I'll try and get some photos of my current, non-Macross related project on here shortly,.
  11. It's too late to change my son's Halloween costume for this year! Dang it!
  12. OMG!!!11! We had one of those in yellow. But since GI Joe had migrated to the 3.75" figures by the time my brother and I became interested, my Dad retrofitted the interior with 2 decks & 1/18 scale chairs & consoles. He cut & carved them all out of wood & painted them too. OK, and now I'm getting teary thinking of that. Last night I found out that he has cancer...
  13. It'd be good for laying down base colors, though. I barely ever get past that stage, because handbrushing large areas like shields sucks - especially with Tamiya. I sometimes do rattle cans, but you have almost 0 control there. What will limit this is the colors available in the markers, which is probably more limited that your rattle can selection.
  14. That's hilarious, and I'll admit, kinda cool. One of the main things that's always kept me from airbrushing is the amount of cleaning required.
  15. Who's a good boy? Oh, who's a good boy? Yes, you! Yes, you are!
  16. Didn't see another thread for it, and I'm not sure it deserves it's own: Just saw the Ninjago Movie with the kids yesterday. And while they really enjoyed it, I'd give it a C, compared to A's for the original & Batman ones. It didn't have all of the mythology to call upon that the first 2 did, and was so far removed from the series' concept that it couldn't really build off of that either. While it did have some good action & some pretty funny moments, too many of the rules that had been set up by the other movies were ignored. For one thing - the presence of real plants, to scale with the minifigs. I was willing to accept the water & smoke of Batman, justifying that Will Ferrel & his kid added some more features to the basement layout. Overall, while I do think the TV show is OK, I didn't have high hopes for the movie. However, considering how much I enjoyed TLM & TLBM, I was hoping to be impressed. I wasn't...
  17. That blue looks great, RTKF!
  18. Yeah, I saw this on Facebook the other day. Even with Google Translate, it's hard to tell if it's actually a re-release - or just a guy sharing his thoughts on the show after building his own VF-1D. Can anyone here read and infer the article?
  19. I remember getting some awesome Dougram and Dunbine toys, in addition to the Gakken Legioss. We took the Legiosses(?) back, though, because the wing pins kept falling out.
  20. There's not, we're just far more likely to go to Target in Erie for all the usual stuff. And maybe a toy, depending on the circumstances. The only times we've done TRU lately is on Force Fridays, which was far lamer this time.
  21. This does make my heart a little sad. I have many magical memories (and a few bad ones) from TRU as a kid. The nearest one to us is 45 minutes away, and with Walmart and Target closer, who has the time to go to TRU? Especially when you have to factor in the time it takes to have your kids make up their damn minds and then extract them from the store. As it is, my kids have only been to TRU less than 10 times in their lives... I'll have to keep an ear out about whether the Erie location will be shutting down, and whether they'll start marking things down.
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