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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. In general, I like the movie. It was definitely different, and went places I didn't expect it to go. I have only seen it once, so I'm not going to try and rank it it the saga yet. I had issues that many of you have already pointed out, largely with the tactics of the FO & the Resistance:
  2. Is that how this tends to work at HLJ for re-releases?
  3. Awesome news! I missed this last time!
  4. I’ll admit, I feel a bit of morbid excitement when I see that there are new posts in this thread...
  5. What? That’s almost as bad as John Voight replacing Peter Graves in Mission Impossible...
  6. Woohoo, my shipment from Shapeways arrived early! While I may have gone a little overboard with the height on my Space Marine, I wanted the body proportions to look right. He now stands just a bit short of 9" with the helmet, which is almost 9 ft scale height. I guess he's a Primaris, then: Need to drill some holes for the backpack mount & knee pads before I can get them attached properly. The elbow armor snaps over the existing Iron Monger joints. I'm also still working out how I'll do the attachment for the giant shoulder pads. The required tolerances of the WSF left the backpack nozzles a bit loose, so I'm gonna have to figure out how to tighten those up without locking them in place... My first helmet print was about 15% too large, but this looks much better. I also whipped up a couple accessories for a loose (probably bootleg) Sabine Wren fig that I got off eBay. New pistols & her jet pack. I'm gonna try to update her to her Season 3 look.
  7. Hobby Search has actual photos of the TV Storm Attacker: http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10502166 That looks awesome! After looking at these, I think I've figured out my main issue with the DYRL version. The down-sized bridge tower is just way too small. It looks like the attacker's been decapitated. Or Zika.
  8. I wasn’t looking to directly equate the 2. I actually like 7 a lot, ZZ is growing on me. However, both were comedic follow ups to pretty serious entries, in order to change the tone. Both have very repetitive first 10 episodes or so. I found myself humming Planet Dance during the Shangri-La portion of the show. Both are polarizing among fans of the worthiness of their entry in the franchise. And, since their original airings, both franchises have had more contentious entries; giving these shows a little more legitimacy.
  9. Highly Sophisticated Interlocking Brick System.
  10. Kelsain

    Bandai DX VF-31

    For a moment, I was all NOOOOO!!! Then I realized that this is good. I'm no longer tempted to drop a whole bunch of $$ I don't have on something that I have no place to display, and no time to play with. It is purdy, though...
  11. We can live! We can both live!! thats amazing!
  12. While I’m rolling my eyes at this whole thing, the giant crocodile bit happened immediately after I thought “what about the lizard/Godzilla one?” Well played, trailer editor. Well played...
  13. I'm about 8 episodes into ZZ. I've heard it was a rough one to get through, but phew... Experiencing it first hand is a whole other animal. Gonna try to hang in there. They're just leaving Shangri-La now, so maybe a change of venue will help.
  14. I'd say one piece tray, bc my carpet loves to eat small parts. And really, how many of us take the missiles out, even on the VF-4?
  15. Holy carp, Xigfrid!
  16. It was a good night. Batman couldn't keep up with Catwoman & her friend though, so he and I slowly plodded through the neighborhood. I was worried he'd get all mad at me and demand that he should be Sauron, cuz that's what he does lately. Fortunately, he was not jealous at all, except maybe that I got more attention. the glow sticks were a bit of a let down though. You could only really see it once it got really dark and we got away from the street lamps. I also got snagged in a few trees... Final assemblies for the boy and me:
  17. I'm keeping it cheap, so I'm going to put a couple orange glow sticks in the lantern. Maybe a couple at the bottom too, to simulate lava.
  18. Since our town will be doing Trick or Treating tomorrow, we had to finish up all the costumes today. My son wasn't wearing his final shirt for test fitting, though. My Barad Dur costume slumped a bit after painting, but I think it's fun. Not sure if I'm going to bother with the balaclava, it's a little too tight for my comfort.
  19. So, as I'd mentioned in the 1/20 Valkyrie thread, my son was going to be Sauron for Halloween. He then changed his mind to " Adam West Batman," but then said I should be Sauron. He's 4. I'm finally making progress on that costume, and it's ready for paint tomorrow. Bonus: the cats are already eyeing this for a great fort. I also have to figure out wtf is going on in my my engine after replacing an O2 sensor...
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