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Everything posted by Kelsain

  1. Sorry y’all, but I had to put my vote in for Nausicaa.
  2. Argh! I hate that. got my notice as well. Still no movement on the 1D gerwalk, though.
  3. Different gun pod between the 11B & 11C. I, personally, would love to have a Hasegawa VF-19 from the M7 era. Not that I’d ever get around to building it...
  4. Thanks for posting that link, I’ll have to grab it. We put out the Xmas village and every year, but I’ve been disappointed by the last couple sets. I then had the idea to design a similarly scaled version of our own home to add to it.
  5. Ugh, dammit. Now that's been dredged up from my memory banks. May you begin peeling an orange before you realize you have chapped hands!
  6. Through her teeth, most likely.
  7. Awesome work! Where did you get the 1/144 N-ger? I've seen that there's a 1/100 garage kit that has popped up from time to time, but never a 1/144. Although, I guess all those pods are technically 1/100, so if it's in scale with those...)
  8. I kind of like the shorter neck. Looks a little less goosey. EDIT: Looking at the photos on a bigger screen, it looks like they've used the cooler, more-Macrossy, flight suit from the VF-4 Master File. Apparently they switched to this one around 2019. As others have said, Hikaru's FB2012 flight suit has got to be the ugliest version out there, so I think it's a good change.
  9. Welp, both my local TRU & my childhood TRU are on that list...
  10. Kelsain


    Are these going to be 1/60 scale? This one looks amazing, I can't wait to see the other styles!
  11. Yeah, besides the obvious statements in the arms dealer dialog, I also saw it as a nudge-nudge, wink-wink to Disney, Hasbro et al. The wars will continue as long as there’s $$ to be made... ”Live free, don’t join!” ... Checks to see when 6” Rex gets wider release...
  12. I, for one, have always thought that TIE Fighters got a raw deal in the EU as having no shields and being utterly disposable. In the films, they're really just as explosive as the rebel fighters - if you're hit, you're dead. Unless you're a main character, of course.
  13. Oh good, now that the Xmas special is in the bag, season 10 is on Amazon Prime now. Can finally get caught up. Despite how meh I am about some of the plot lines, I still do enjoy the show, and I do like 12.
  14. Back in my West End SWRPG campaigning days, we actually used this concept as a weapon against a superior Imperial fleet. Of course, Rogue One and Rebels have been tickling a lot of WE SWRPG nostalgia lately too... Dang it, I really need to get my new circle of gaming friends on board with doing some of that. D&D just isn't the same for me.
  15. I LOLed pretty hard at that point. In the theatre, they damped down the volume and evened out the sound mix while leaving the house lights on, but dim. My daughter has problems with the loudness at the movies, so she usually wears my shop ear protectors. We didn’t pack those for holiday travel, so this was a lucky break. There was also no stigma for being loud or disruptive.
  16. https://youtu.be/825JXKZEOxs
  17. Took my 8 yo daughter to see this yesterday at a high-sensitivity showing. We had to take a break, as she declared it the scariest Star Wars ever. She asked to leave repeatedly, but I convinced her to stick it through. In the end, she loved it. I enjoyed it even more the second time around, though I still have issues with the pacing. Best parts of seeing with her was her excitement for porgs and when
  18. Thanks to Slide here and info from 505th Airborne in the VF-31 thread. The VF-1D Gerwalk kit has been listed as backordered at HLJ as well, instead of Discontinued. Apparently this is how HLJ handles the rereleases. I've decided to order one through them, since I have this handy 5% off coupon...
  19. Cool, because the VF-1D Gerwalk kit also reappeared in this state, since I heard elsewhere that it was being renewed. I placed a backorder for that one.
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