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About Kelsain

  • Birthday 01/05/1977

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    Meadville, PA

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Alaska Base Survivor

Alaska Base Survivor (10/15)



  1. Right?! I’m still hankering for a 1/72 Czvarke. That Cosmo Python is pretty slick.
  2. Ok, so I know we’re talking about the ball releases, but is anyone else excited about 1/12 Yuri?
  3. So, I see that the fighters are mostly about 1/100 scale. What about the figures? How tall are they on average?
  4. Yeah, with Williams and Natalie Holt doing the score, it’s shocking how lame the music was. I really hope that we see more SW like Andor in the future, and that it’s not a fluke.
  5. Just saw the news, while wearing this shirt! It’s a Thursday, but I’m thinking it might be worth taking the kids. My son & I LOVE this movie.
  6. Nausicaa looks great! I’m not sure why her Mehve has a Gundam Unicorn Destroy Mode, though…
  7. I’m willing to give Cinemark another try to not screw it up.
  8. I still think “Brief-25” on Frontier Episode 1 was the best mis-translation.
  9. Dang, that new Leia is badass.
  10. Right? Let’s ALL gather up in one tight spot behind this speeder… Oh, and let’s continue shooting at the things that aren’t affected by being shot.
  11. In addition to the weird music mix, it seemed like the footsteps were all REALLY loud. On another note, while I like some of the pacing changes, I really do prefer the OVA. For one thing, the CG was ground breaking for it’s time, but has not aged well. And Wanna Be An Angel just doesn’t hit as well for me as the full use of Information High. I do hope there’s a chance of Fathom showing the Frontier or Delta movies after this.
  12. Happy I didn’t bring anyone new to see this. Our theater didn’t start on time, took several of us to complain. Finally got started 1/2 hour late, then cut off automatically right after the Ghost dogfight. Theater staff had all gone home by then. We’ll see what the refund policy is. 😠
  13. No… not yet? I made sure to get here by 6:20, so…
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