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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I'm sure if I were going to support it, I would be at $400 at least... But I don't understand how it would work still so I'm sitting it out. Also want to see them ship the GBPs first so I don't already have so much money tied up in their pre-orders.
  2. In the movie there are four TCs that attack the base so you can call it generic but it's intended to be one of the four main characters and you can determine which one by which weapons you install since they had slightly different load outs. I guess that's kinda generic but Chirico/Gregore/Murza/Byman is more accurate.
  3. I didn't get around to doing a HMR review, I went to do one only to realize I never did a dual model review so I spent a few weeks getting that done instead. I probably won't get a proper HMR review up until the round mover version comes out. I have a big backlog of other toys to get through first and not a ton of time to work on them.
  4. If the kickstarter doesn't happen, I hope they put the weathering edition Battlepod up for PO. That seems like an easy one to get out there and make some more money.
  5. Bbts always takes an extra couple months because they ship by boat
  6. At least if this doesn't work out they can easily come back with another, much more specific kickstarter, hopefully after they ship the toys they've already done POs for. I would love to see what Cyrus could do with all these designs.
  7. The 50th release is a normal box with a flight stand so I'm hoping they can keep pulling that off. We'll find out soon!
  8. Missiles plus a flight stand for 2000 Yen is reasonable but it's a store exclusive so I don't think we should get too optimistic that it will set a precedent. Those things are what makes the exclusive special. Hopefully I'm wrong.
  9. Yeah, if they release their battlepods and gbps, then did this, it would have been met with more goodwill. I also think having the Kickstarter just be the scout pod or pilot figures would have been much better. Poor Cyrus, this is a lot for one guy trying to manage.
  10. It's a bit more expensive than a standard release.
  11. I have so many questions about how that Kickstarter could even work... Feels like they should do one item at a time and have at least a proposed delivery date. They should also start with an easy to deliver item to build trust.
  12. jenius

    Hi-Metal R

    Or they'll show everything we want since they already have it and then just not actually sell it.
  13. Your you already looks customized so paint the red parts and you're good to go!
  14. They should have made it so the inside of the legs opened up to form a shell over the bottom of fighter mode then stored beefy arms inside the leg cavities and under the backpack. Hell, put the vertical stabilizers on the arms and get rid of the backpack. It doesn't look like the original design so why not go nuts? Super Parts could still open in like the old joke machines. No matter what they did though, having the intakes stick way out from fighter looks bad.
  15. A boring scheme but it looks like they're giving it decent consideration.
  16. It'd be nice if they could tout some improvements.
  17. jenius

    DX VF-27 Revival

    I'll buy one reluctantly... Not my favorite frontier toy.
  18. Oh wow, I thought these would be significantly cheaper.
  19. Oh they even have the boxes behind them, maybe they'll be out soon.
  20. It looks like ThreeZero also shipped out their RoboDou Scopedog. Mine is ordered from BBTS so I'll be lucky to have it before year end. I think when that arrives I'll do a comparison of the HMR and RoboDou.
  21. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't check that out. Way to go KC for making the extra effort. Maybe the future has light and heavy artillery pods sold separately. If they go that route, they really ought to include the extra standard head lasers with each one and make them just a tad more expensive then the regular unit.
  22. jenius

    1/55's revisited

    Shawn, did you get it? I'm so curious about it. As a custom, whoever did this put a lot of work into it. Lots of paint stripped, new paint applied, maybe costom stickers on the forearms, custom backpack and vertical stabilizers, and a custom head. Maybe it had resin guns that didn't make it. Curious though that someone would do all that work and not make the head 'eyes' green. This is like a custom trying to be a prototype VF-1D toy rather than a custom trying to be a VF-1D.
  23. Could we glam onto Robo Toy Fest somehow? Looks like that happens in the middle of the summer though.
  24. IIRC, there were no changes in markings on the pre-order page so I'm not expecting them to go there.
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