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Everything posted by jenius

  1. I voted NO but maybe if they made a whole new movie, like a DYRL 2 and included some preface and updated visuals it could do pretty well. It could cover your standard anime needs pretty easily (ie. hot chicks, big robots, blood, a bit of drug/alcohol abuse, a mysterious enemy that gets hacked down at the hands of the underdog, and maybe a tentacle or two). They could even call it The Sentinels ! <laughing while running for cover>
  2. I too have the a problem where I keep mixing up my displays. It often leads to me feeling I need to buy more to complete a new idea I have for a really cool display (that's why I'm on the Gakken kick at the moment). PS - do 1/48s look less goofy or more goofy in Gerwalk mode with super armor???
  3. HOLY CRAP... I hate to give you bad news dude (feyd) but right after I wrote that reply about how i just sent Toynami my replacements (on Saturday 1/22) I got a reply saying I would be receiving my replacements in 1-3 days with a UPS tracking number. SWEEEEEET... I wonder why they're givin' you the run around????
  4. that makes me feel craptastic, i just mailed them two Alphas for replacing... Hope they don't take so long...
  5. Whoa, what the crap, I just noticed that Battlepod... That's a Playmates re-release from the look of it (grey instead of blue legs). Yikes, I've bought two MIB Matchbox battlepods in the last year or so and each were around $50... Hey, if that POO auction is fake it'd still be something funny to own. Not that I would own it, but it is funny.
  6. he said he got a Rook, we're all waiting on a review of the Lancer MPC. I'm tempted to buy one but I'm going to wait until Toynami sends me replacements for two of the other MPCs I purchased. I would like to buy one near full price just to show my support for Mospeada/Robotech toys and then I'll probably wait until they're much cheaper before buying any more. I want a BETA darn it, even if it means I gotta spend an extra $20 on each Alpha as they're released...
  7. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    nah, i'm a firm believer in some sort of karma-driven existence. Then again, i do have this person's address if I think karma needs a hand
  8. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    Thanks again for your help everyone. I actually think I may be able to get my money refunded for the purchase so it may not come to my having to fix this afterall. That being said I did just find my old Jetfire that has this very same problem so I'll probably give this a try on him. You guys rock -
  9. Lynx, I agree with pretty much everything you said about the Alpha. Perhaps my post said it in a rosier light but, generally, I was trying to say about the same things. One thing I find particularly humorous are the missile bays on the arms. C'mon, if you're never going to be able to get them to look right then why even bother?? Still, I appreciate the effort and I stick by the statement: When you get one that is done RIGHT it kicks butt. So the Valks and the Alphas have problems... maybe the company will get everything right just in time for the Beta?? Shut up... let me dream... it's such a pretty dream...
  10. Although I can't see the pics I'm assuming they were the same ones linked to earlier. I tried to make a post about them before but my explorer crashed while loading Anyway, it's pretty clear that the pictured alpha did not have its legs and torso extended.
  11. I'm not making excuses for Toynami but the Alpha is a much more complex toy than the (1/60) valk. When I got my first one I was amazed at how many things had to be pushed and pulled and slid into place all for the sake of both perfect transformation and accuracy (let's not discuss the Shadow Fighter). I was pulling and pushing and admiring the detail when I broke mine. It's so close to perfect transformation EXCEPT for that shoulder piece... what's the deal with that??? Anyway, i think just about everyone who gets one is astonished at how great the hands are, just like i did, only to have one fall apart. The toy is flawed but it is a pretty ambitious effort from a nearly virgin toy company and the ones that come out right kick butt. Yamato took an easier route and simplified the design and abandoned true transformation. Yamato has more money, more experience, and larger production volume so, while Toynami has no excuse, Yamato should stab itself in the gut with a sword if it can't correct its glariing deficiencies. The 1/48s are much better but yes, there are many complaints about them too. They're said to develop stress cracks with regularity in certain areas, have birth marks, and have logos painted on crooked (that's from this site's various topics from when I was researching whether or not to buy one). I love the one I have and it's vastly superior to an MPC valk and I would easily pay twice as much for a 1/48 over an MPC but since you're never going to see a yamato 1/48 Alpha there's really no point in anyone comparing the companies in this thread.
  12. In regards to the Ikea cases... Yeah, if you're talking 1/48 scale mechs those will never fit in all three modes in one of these cases (unless you do some crazy posing, use stands to have them all at varying heights, or don't mind them looking extremely intimate). You could fit three 1/55s on one of these shelves in each mode pretty easily though.
  13. Check it out... those Ikea Detolf (or whatever they are) cases are just the right height: The SDF1 fits in their like a glove! Uh, don't try to fit your MISB SDF1 in there though... that doesn't work.
  14. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    wow, thanks a lot for your help! I investigated the inside of the shoulder and it looks like it's just ever so slightly shaved. I actually can pop it back on and it will stay there as long as I don't tug. Unfortunately just doing that doesn't effect the ratched spring assembly so it just lets the shoulder spin on the screw. So now if I'm stuck keeping it the decison will be whether or not to just pose him in the display case so you can't tell there's an issue or to actually do some surgery... yikes. Thanks again for the pics and showing me exactly what I'm dealing with. If anyone has some helpful advice about the "surgery" that may be done here from anecdotal or personal experience I'd love to hear it. Always better to be over-prepared -
  15. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    a hypothetical for you, do you think i could use some sort of material to rebuild the part that has either shaved off or been broken? It looks like it's just a plastic ring, almost like a sleeve formed by a half on either side of the shoulder. So, is it possible to disassemble the shoulder, rebuild the half ring, and then screw it back on to that screw? If so, would this also make that joint "click" again on that ratchet or is there another procedure that could be used for livening up that ratcheting shoulder sprocket? Sorry for all the questions, I just really love this guy and would love to make him work like he ought to (and like I paid for him to).
  16. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    Here's another so you can see there's nothing in the shoulder of any help...
  17. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    Here's also a side shot. I dont' see any broken plastic anywhere but the should is just disconnected. I imagine there should be a spring of some sort somewhere??
  18. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    Gladly, here it is:
  19. jenius

    Takatoku fix

    Is there any way to fix the old vintage valks (and Jetfire's) shoulders when they break? I just got one off Ebay and may have been ripped off (i'm currently inquiring about a refund if i return the item). Anyway, it's in beautiful shape if it weren't for the shoulder joint being messed up. Can you guys let me know if it can be repaired? PS- i quickly tried a search on the subject but failed. Let me know -
  20. I voted glass plus hinge, like the others I use the Ikea ones. Super cheap and you can add a light to them pretty easy and cheap also. Unfortunately I do not like the full glass back to them. I don't live in a cave and I want to keep my pieces out of the sun so I had to invent my own backs to them. It's okay, it's forcing me to get creative. I definitely prefer to keep them enclosed as it severely limits the dust build up that might otherwise occur.
  21. I wouldn't worry about online orders. I get the feeling mine was used as a display item and then put back in the box. They also had a VFA-6H that was clearly opened and they were the last two left. I just called just about the entire SF Bay Area looking for a place to exchang it with and none of 'em have it anymore. Darn.
  22. I just got one from a Gamestop store. Got it home to find it had obviously been opened before. Removed it to find it broke in box. Wonderful. I was already shipping one to Toynami... now I'll be shipping two. Hope the other one i have coming turns out better.
  23. Okay, there's my little collection (sans Ben, he's off fighting a battlepod in front of the SDF1 in another display case ). They're all very pose-able even with the armor weighing them down. The armor itself does pop off pretty easy since some parts are only hanging on by the strength of magnets. I find them to be a bit sharper than my old 1/55 but they definitely don't feel nearly as sturdy. The old 1/55s got me used to the idea of having metal swing bars so those don't bother me. The idea of a valk not being truly transformable really does bother me quite a bit. If I wanted a kit I'd buy a model. I do love flexibility though. That being said, can someone post a pic of a super yammie 1/60 doing some sort of pose that the design of the MPC does not allow? That might convince me to give those buggers a try...
  24. Man, I've been collecting valks for a short while but could never figure a good reason to buy the 1/60 Yammies so I came to this thread trying to determine what their strong points were... Unfortunately the link that looked like it'd be helpful was dead Also, it seemed like everyone had terrible opinions about the MPCs but no one did a visual comparison. Here's my effort, can someone please post a 1/60 pic that shows how much better the Yammie's are? (not the 1/48s, i know how great they are) Please don't mind the Robotech background album... it's just for a good display backdrop... honest.
  25. DAMN THEM!! I just purchased this one for $50 'cause i figured that'd be about as cheap as it got. Wouldn't you know it??? Well I guess I know what I'm going to wait for when the green one comes out. $80 might be ludicrous for this toy but it's definitely worth $40 IMHO. Then again, i haven't seen my red one yet.
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