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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Let's not forget that this is the bookends for the ALPHA MPCs. Having two Cyclones as your bookends would just be wrong wouldn't it? The Cyclones are supposed to be next so those bookends will probably be much more up your alley. I haven't purchased a bookend yet and am not going to start now. I like my toys more than my boxes also.
  2. phenomenal artwork on that site. A lot of the mechs look like porcupines to me... I probably just need to get some more modern anime though.
  3. Uh, would I???? I gotta imagine he wasn't the first boxer to feel he was getting head-butted all night long but he's definitely the only that springs to my mind as taking an ear. "This isn't revenge, this is punishment!" I'm not disparraging the boy though. He put his name on Punch Out and that's one of those few games that actually made me as manly as I am today. I still go jogging around the neighborhood in my bright pink sweats occasionally.
  4. jenius

    Anybody know...

    well this thread just convinced me to spend the last $80 I have buying strike parts. Now all I have to do is starve until 3/15.
  5. I think a better example of stupid ppl are the people who have bid $50+ on that "like takatoku" loose Galaxy Defender. If I'm not mistaking that's a $9.99 knock-off that was sold at Walmart??
  6. wow, now we have wiggle, jiggle, and lubricant all in one post... this is really starting to get out of hand. Sorry to say you've come across a problem I haven't seen myself or heard about someone else encountering so I'm flat out of advice. Maybe if you just wiggle and jiggle steadily, like 20 minutes every night before you go to bed, you'll be able to eventually loosen up the knee and sleep easier...
  7. wiggle and jiggle as you tug downward. sounds like the leg isn't coming down far enough.
  8. Ooh, thanks for the pic, the paint job i was fabbing up is quite a bit different. The tricky part is really going to be the head. Oh yeah, that's right, my custom would definitely have to have four lasers on the head and retain a very similar shape to the original.
  9. Nah, the sad thing is I plan on getting at least 4 more (although I'll probably sale one of the Scott MPCs at some point). I also might wait for the greenie to get ridiculously cheap and try my hand at creating a VFA-6S (that's what I imagine Skull One would be in Alpha form). I bought two of the Alphas at my local Gamestop so $39.99 and no shipping. One was a gift, one was $60 after shipping. The other was $96 shipping included. So i think I'm only at about $240 which is pretty close to what I just paid for a classic Alpha MIB... all in all... i'm insane but there are people who are far worse. Please note, other than my one MPC that is a first production run Scott, all of hte others are pretty high class in the quality standpoint. Even my first run scott really only has problems when it comes to the landing gears (they're all pointing in odd directions).
  10. C'mon Promethuem, just show it a little more charm. If you're charming enough you might just be able to show us a YF-19 posing with an ankle above its ear... Oh man, I sooooo gotta get out more!
  11. Thank you very much for your assistance!
  12. LOL, yeah right, now I get to spend the next half hour putting them all back into their boxes!
  13. Thanks for hookin' up the pics Shiyao. It's too bad to hear your legs don't lock into place? Did you try applying an almost insane amount of pressure that would feel like you're almost pulling the toy into two different pieces? That's what I had to do with mine.... In your fighter pic it looks like your arms snug right back up... I don't see that very often.
  14. Is that a stickered up Green MPC?? Could you post pics of that in the MPC thread? Graham was askin' for 'em. I like what you did with the 19A there. Love this thread... just wished I had some space for my stuff. My pics make people claustrophobic
  15. I think he has been sent by God to teach me very valuable lessons about patience
  16. I don't know who that guy is but he has been buying a TON of RT stuff for a TON of money lately. I'm thinking about retiring from Ebay for a few months so he can get everything he needs before I try buying anything again. He just paid $310 for an MIB Alpha, we had a member here selling one for $145 and only getting nibbles.
  17. you can also find bootleg VF-19 toys for SUPER cheap on Ebay. I find toys are a great asset when i'm doodling transformations.
  18. Okay, it sounds like this was already answered but I want to be absolutely sure. In the original Takatoku SUPER VF-1S there is no wing stop so you could pull the bone white wings all the way forward. In the 1990 Bandai RE-ISSUE SUPER VF-1S a wing stop has been implemented so you can no longer sweep the wings the entire way forward? Also, it's said a few times that there were no heat shields for the Takatoku valks but the Super VF-1S takatoku does come with a heat shield doesn't it? Basically, if you don't own either Super VF-1S but you come across one at a garage sale with no stickers applied, no box, and no armor, what would be the easiest way to tell which Super VF-1S it is? I'm guessing it'd be by sweeping the wings forward and seeing where they'd stop. Does the Takatoku Super VF-1S armor fit on other Taka valks?
  19. Hmm, can't really say as I know what would cause one of these to "sag." I take it yours has the chest piece touching the ground with the landing gears down? I'm guessing if that's your case you have a problem involved in the condensing of one of the parts. Also, the way the upper fins attach to the main body causes a mild amount of pressure that is pulling the nose upward. Occasionally you need to apply pressure downward to the tip of the nose to fix this. When I took mine out for the requested photo i had to do this once or twice. Also, make sure the rear landing gears are placed on the surface before the front one. If everything is sucked back into its proper place your fighter mode should look pretty similar to that.
  20. Sorry, I don't own a greenie and I have yet to sticker-up any of my alphas. I hear they look really sharp when stickered-up properly and would love to see someone else's work as well...
  21. it's cool, I figured as much but didn't exactly know how to search for the answer. I got it now so if someone wants to delete the thread i'm cool by that.
  22. If you watch the first Macross episode, Hikaru's valk is labeled VT-102.
  23. Hik's first valk is the VT-102 but we know it as the VF-1D. Was the VF-1D originally intended as a trainer but became a fighter due to the needs of the fierce combat with the Zents?
  24. While this may be true the Alpha/Legioss doesn't help its own cause any. The nosecone area of the fighter is not centered but rather way up so it also causes an optical illusion of an arched back.
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