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Everything posted by jenius

  1. A little note on this, the first three thousand Scotts have a different paint on the intakes/chest so you can tell them apart. Some day this might make the first run Scott's a little more collectible. That being said, they are horrific from a QC standpoint. I've had two and both were really screwed up. The best of the two just has landing gears that all slanted in different directions (the other one came with floppy shoulders and a hand that disentegrated the FIRST time I put the gun in it). I returned the really bad one and got a post 3000 number that is absolutely excellent. I then received another Scott as a gift and it's in great shape also. I have returned one Rook but the toy was wonderful, it seems that one of the tabs somehow snapped in shipping (probably too tight of a fit). The two Rooks I have gotten since have both been pretty good with the exception of the somewhat crooked head and slight paint flaws. I hear the Lancer was pretty good overall and I have every hope that the SF will be excellent. I'm told that the YF-1R Archer MPC is by far the best in that series QC-wise.
  2. if only we could figure out some way to make those pictures bigger??? Is this a Bandai 1A reissue with VF-1S reissue armor (and obviously a new paint scheme)?
  3. You musta got some good ones. I own/have owned quite a few of these. Beware on the Scotts, some are pretty sloppy. The other ones seem to be a bit better. The only joint of concern I have is the shoulders, other than that the super fragile hands. The shoulders seems like they can get really loose really quick and you'll never be able to hold the gun up once that happens. Gakkens had a ratcheting shoulder that ensures no worries here but the Gakkens aren't nearly as detailed or poseable. I only own 2 1/48 Yammies and I love 'em but I own at least 5 MPC alphas. It's gonna boil down to personal preference so if you can find a way to handle an Alpha first that'll definitely help you make this decision. The Alpha is also complicated but relatively sturdy... many of the people who hate it didn't have the patience to overcome its complications.
  4. Whoa, don't sell it short man, we're talkin' cyborg pole dancers... you can't even fathom the things this chick-type thing can do...
  5. JANICE looks like some sort of pixie/whore... I LIKE IT! Actually, I like it, but I don't think it works well for a sci fi space war flick.
  6. I didn't buy a 1J when it was super cheap just because I expected the armor to come with it in a bundle when it finally gets released.... I still have my fingers crossed. I have a RF 1S with strike parts and a LV I like naked so I wouldn't have any reason to buy the armor unless I could land a 1J or comparable other 1/48 with it... here's to hoping we see some re-issues! (or some new ones like a TV Max or CF)
  7. jenius

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    That's seriously friggin' weak. I tried to open one of the gun pods, found it really friggin' hard so I gave up and grabbed the other and that popped right open. Since I wasn't looking for anything John Woo style I quit at that. I hate hearing when toys get snapped because of bad QC or design... I've done it before myself and you have my sympathy... but I can't help you on the guns.
  8. My point was that Mac7 is clearly more targeted for children that Mac2 (trying to stick somewhat to the theme of the thread). Children still have idealized preconceptions of love and relationships with no comprehension of sex and its many accoutrements. Mac2 actually plays off of adult relationships (from what I vaguely recall) where Mac7 does everything it possibly can to avoid anything adult. We get an attempted arranged marriage to avoid the potential sticky issues of dating. Mylene in love with a Basara who only vaguely recognizes her as being anything other than male. Gamlin being that retarded kid who has a crush but couldn't tell you why or act upon it... unless he knew it was already too late. Basically it plays up to the girl/boy situation most of us experienced in the 4th grade where we knew we favored some girls but still could say "eww girls are gross" and run away from them (knowing all the while that we are destined to spend our lives with one). When we do get a brief flash of something else it's positively scintilllating since our mind has been sucked into child-like mush by the other 9999 hours of kiddy play. That whole episode with the biker chick wanting Basara was so different from the rest of the child-safe viewing I was practically scarred by it... only to have Basara rebuff her and Mylene deem them both whores (more child safe viewing). Mac7 simply can not be a show geared for adults... unless it's geared for adults who somehow managed to skip high school and were too afraid to leave their dorms in college. All that being said, it being aimed at children alone does not make it a bad show. My tastes however are for adult shows and as such I think Mac2 panders closer to what I want than Mac7.
  9. Hey guys, glad ya like it! The photo paper is pretty reflective so it was hard to get decent shots. Believe me, this was a much bigger arts and crafts project than I expected! LOL... a UNSpacy logo in goat blood... something to look into. As far as Misa topless, I haven't drawn/photo-chopped anything Macross in a long long time but that is definitely something worth considering! Just the bare minimum insurance. It's a 99 Saturn SC2 that I used for my commuter car. It was always meant to last me just a few years... unfortunately it's now dead a year earlier than I anticipated. AGREED! I think the only red Legioss I don't have is the 1/72 scale hence the signature. I also need three greenies (MPC, 1/55 Gak, 1/72) to make that shelf look a little more full... For a lot of toys that's kinda the only way I can find to do it. Like the Mac + collection or Mac7 goods. The Legioss and the VF-1S collections are perfect for mixing and matching since so many different ones were made. A really ambitious person with more money than myself could probably do something like I have for the Legioss/VF-1S but with all the major Mac valks... that'd be pretty friggin' sweet. Thanks again for the kudos guys... now I just gotta clean up the tremendous mess I made while making that background.
  10. Out of curiousity, did Basara ever show a sexual interest in any female character? I'm pretty sure Hibiki was interested in women but, if I'm recalling Basara correctly, he seemed pretty apathetic toward sex completely. Even with Sivil he seemed more pleased with having an affect on her than he did smitten with her. I think there was even a scene where the ultra hot biker girl was throwing herself at him and I think he was still like "um no, listen to my song." If this show were geared toward an adult audience do you think we'd get at least a little more sex and violence? PS - my "ejecting" quote earlier was more just making fun of the idea of ejecting in space, not how Macross in particular handles it. The part where I mentioned finding pilots through their singing was definitely making fun of "sound energy" though...
  11. The idea of being ejected in space is at once hilarious and tragic. It leads to the idea of pilots be hurled out of their crafts into the safety of the eternal nothingness around them. They can contemplate the meaning of irony as they safely escape the fiery battle zone and drift endlessly toward starvation or a more horrific death. BUT WAIT!!! THis is MAC7 we're talking about so it really was easy to find these pilots. The scientist onboard Battle7 would just hook up his giant tethescope (sp?) and listen to the void of space for the Pilots singing in their flight suits!!! Surely the could find those drifting pilots by the power of their song!
  12. jenius

    My Macross toys

    Personally, I think Yamato did a pretty poor job on designing the big missiles. With all three on board they don't really line up well... I think the mixed load is a definite visual improvement (this comment applies to both the 1/60 and 1/48)
  13. The story of the Mac + Valks being on the bottom: I like to leave collections that are still works in progress at the top so it's easier to work with. I'm only missing one Mac+ valk and I don't think I have room for it in those tiny display areas so the Mac+ers have been pushed to the bottom for now. They actually used to be tucked away in a closet and my Mac7 toys were displayed in there... but those guys aren't nearly as pretty so now they're keeping my clothes company... I really need to get a couple more display cases but that STUPID STUPID car wreck has definitely killed that plan. A word to the wise people, CHECK YOUR TIRE TREAD. Believe me, I just nearly hydroplaned to death. The cop that found me had a good chuckle looking at my "slicks." Yes, I am an idiot.
  14. Was Minmei 14??? I know she was 15 in SDF Mac but I thought she was older in DYRL since she was already a popular singer. Then again, how old was Britney Spears when most old men first knew of her (and subsequently wanted to "do" her)? Maybe she still was 15 in DYRL... I thought they aged her a bit though...
  15. Please don't judge me for my collection, I realize it has a lot of big holes. Unfortunately I just totalled my car so my collecting is going to slow to a trickle after this month is over. I really wanted to get three shadow MPCs too for that upper left display Oh well, hopefully someone will get the birthday hints I've been giving! I do plan on finishing all deals I've begun though so nobody worry!
  16. The case toward the side also has the side decorated... here's an example:
  17. I owe a few people thanks for helpin' out on the DYRL pics... i should probably redo some of this section...
  18. It looks better in person The Mac + pics are the pertiest
  19. Okay folks, here's the results of my efforts of decorating with screenshots....
  20. Let it be known that while generally I think A1 speaks pretty well of my own opinion of Mac7 I'm going to differ from him a bit here. Like I said earlier, the Power Rangers was a hugely popular show with movies and toys and video games but it completely sucked. If Mac7 was popular that has nothing to do with it potentially being any good. Yeah, it was probably aimed at the kids and the enormous buying potential they represent and so it may have been a successful business venture in Japan but that still doesn't make me think it's a good show or even worthy of the Macross name. Now, to differ from A1, i don't think those little kids are gonna grow up to become sissies with anxiety issues. I think they're just little kids and more entertained by bright colors, electrical-guitar piloted mechs with faces, and clowny villains than they are by a plot meant for adult consumption (with emotional depth, strong characters, or a "realistic" science fiction).
  21. Wow guys, thanks a ton! I had got everything together very late last night but I think I might have to take it apart and sub-out some images... I will post pics somewhere or another when I'm done with the new backdrop. Thanks again -
  22. When i first heard about Mac7 I went and asked everyone how I can get my hands on it and what they thought of the show. I didn't receive one positive response from about the ten people I knew who had any familiarity with anime (friends, employees at rental places, etc.) Now you may say that haters are the ones who cry the loudest and that this show is really super duper popular, but from my random sample I gotta disagree. This show was hyped up huge, carried a name that probably helped make it successful, but the majority of viewers saw it for what it was... and will never watch it again.
  23. Power Rangers were popular... does that make it a good show?
  24. hmm... i don't care if she is an Inbit/Invid... from my angle she's certainly worth my time of day
  25. Mospeada fans angry??? I think Mospeada fans are the ones looking forward to this new RT chronicle the most... what else do we have to look forward to??? Besides, I'm not one of those people who thinks a terrible sequel ruins the original art so it's not like RT can ruin Mospeada for me... even if the characters were dead-on identical.
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