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Everything posted by jenius

  1. A little update on VF-1 Jasun, I never did get the item I won but he did refund my money. Kinda seemed like he knew it never got shipped and was just hoping I wouldn't come looking for it. I told him I'd keep him bad-feedback-free if he could produce the item or another variant since he owns every RT item ever and he said he would... then posted his entire collection up for auction leaving me SOL again...
  2. Why? The more toys the better as far as I'm concerned. If Toynami actually begins to think it's competing with Yamato we might actually see both companies put a little more effort into what they produce.
  3. If I had to guess, I'd say the Shadow is lingering longer only because the green one is selling poorly. They're probably just givin' it some time to get sucked up. Then again, Gamestop shows the greenie on backorder so maybe I'm wrong. Either way, I sincerely doubt they're doing any last minute tweaks that would affect either QC or the toy itself.
  4. I'll give an update too: 1/72 = 5 (need YF-21 original release) 1/60 = 1 (VF-1S Strike, the only 1/60 i'll ever own) 1/48 = 2 (VF-1S Focker and LV)
  5. Goleta, California? Aww, I remember it as if it were yesterday. 18 year old girls with coke problems away from home for the first time with something to prove... ah, those were the days Go Gauchos for all of those in the know.
  6. Can we start a new poll forum in which we ask which is worse, Mac7 or Robotech? Personally, I'd have a firm vote for Mac7... at least Robotech had the redeeming quality of introducing me to Macross... Mac7 was almost enough of a reason to get me to quit Macross altogether. First and foremost, Aisha/Ariel can fly in the original series. I think she can even just kinda appear places like some sort of phantasm so, while disjointed here, it's not really anything to have an issue with. Now, her lips not moving when she turns is something else. I think Scott's looks will just have to grow on you, like the look of any new anime character. Still... it looks a little like flash. The mechs look like they're on another layer, that's what gives them that "fake" look someone described earlier (or that was my opinion at least). A1, I'm going to rip off your eating someone's soul move and not give you credit when I actually do it so I'm giving you credit now.
  7. man, it's really tough to judge anything off that darn PSA. At times it looks like it was made using Flash. Eh, maybe it's just a bit choppy 'cause it's on the computer. Scott (and Ariel I suppose) is utterly unrecognizable. I still can recognize the alpha though
  8. Sorry guys, two spelling corrections (major pet peeve of mine): affront as opposed to afront and imbue as opposed to embue. I still haven't gotten around to watching Mac7 again so that's it for now -
  9. I think to the number of board members who frequently refer to their childhood as being "raped" my "afront" was very mild....
  10. I was told to use a product called "paper thinner" One day i pull out my old Jetfire and see if I can't find out what exactly that product is...
  11. Usually I'm with you. I typically get a real kick out of terrible movies. Movies like Soldier or any Kevin Costner flick... but that's because there's normally something pretty darn funny about it which embues some sort of charm... I didn't really find that to be the case with Mac7, it was more like an afront to my childhood.
  12. RT.com members are splashing a 5/1 date also...
  13. See, that's what I get for commenting on something I didn't buy
  14. To clarify, I believe it's only the Super VF-1Js... if you just get the Hikaru VF-1J non-super I don't think it has 'em (someone please correct me if I'm wrong).
  15. Nope, it's Stig's paint scheme with Houqet's head from the look of it. Looks pretty darn sweet though. I really love the Legioss.... I'm glad you were able to have fun with Robotech Invasion... I thought that game was really frustrating. I'd get 90% through levels and then get lost and have no idea what i needed to do to finish it.
  16. Well, I would argue the hands are now poseable... so that's an improvement in poseability right? The head certainly is. Having a mech able to look in a particular direction makes a big improvement sometimes in the pose.
  17. The toynamis have more poseability at the hip because the feet aren't so huge (that sounds really strange but if you're holding one of each in front of you you'll see what I mean). They also have a pivot point above the waist that Gakkens completely lack so you can have their feet pointing one way but have the chest turned back another... that's a pretty handy pivot point. The other much more poseable part would be the head and hands... Sorry, i should have been a little more clear. I didn't mean to compare the sturdiness of the chunky monkey to the sturdiness of the Gakken, I meant it more like the old SAT question: Chunky Monkey is to Yamato 1/60 as... Gakken 1/35 is to Toynami 1/55 MPC What I mean is the Toynami isn't as sturdy as its predecessor but overall it's a better toy.
  18. The Toynamis also trounce the Gakken 1/35s in a lot of way. Like the chunky monkey in the VF world, the old Gakkens are sturdy as hell but they're really no where near as detailed or poseable as the new stuff.
  19. mmm.... Betty. Yeah, as one of the few people in the world who found that movie hysterical, I like the way you think.
  20. Excellent question. Vader's one bad mother (shut your mouth) but I have a problem siding with him. In the end he was just a crusty old guy in a suit... and redeemed no less. First guy that comes to my head is Christopher Walken as the angel Gabriel in The Prophecy. I really recommend that movie, lots of people being evil for the sake of being evil.
  21. 4/15
  22. Wow, I had completely forgotten about the panty shot episode of Mac7 with the perverts selling her picture and some obsessed little boy... I don't really consider any of that to be aimed at adults. In fact, I think it's further evidence that the show was aimed at 12 year olds. C'mon, once you're an adult you're bound to think the panty perverts and the little skirt flick is completely childish and certainly not arousing and it clearly did not lead to any sort of sexual situation. However, 12 year old boys who are just being put through the puberty rings are going to find a little kick in it. I think all that fan-service stuff is clearly aimed at kids (although clearly not 6-10 year olds, maybe 11-14 year olds. No more comments from me though until I've seen it again. Is there ever a passionate on screen kiss even?
  23. Yep, that's what I'm saying. Mac7 makes sexual overtures and hints at the fact people can have sex lives while everyone does everything they can to make sure none of the characters have one. Remember that time when Gamlin finally got some balls and grabbed someone's ass? No? Remember that time that Basara did anything to imply he wasn't six years old? No. Yeah, biker chick is hot and bothered (I discussed that), Sivil may be naked-ish but so are teddy bears, I can't really call who Akiko was or what happened during the Jamming Bird tryouts, and when did Milia do anything sexual? I thought after she neutered M7's Max she ensured neither of them would ever have to worry about intimacy again. Seeing as some people are diametrically opposed to my opinion I think I'll watch Mac7 again and see if it doesn't grow on me somehow. Be forewarned though, if I hate it as much the second time I will come back with a fire and wrath in future M7 threads that A1 only dreams of! <Nah, I'll probably just be slightly more indignant than I already am>
  24. I was just putting all the toys I can't display into a storage container while DYRL played in the background. I definitely made sure to look up when Milia started wrecking shop. God, I can't get enough of her blowing that dude's face off. This is still the coolest kill in all of Mac for me.
  25. Didn't you just utter that same thing about the "morphers"? Man, you got the completist bug bad! The friggin' horse from Ren & Stimpy (if I'm not mistaken) is hilarious.
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