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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Oh man, are you trying to defend M7s use of recycled exploding VF-11 animation? M7 redefined "cannonfodder" and while you can come up with theories why the pilots fly straight out and explode it's just a theory, the show never addresses anything. Besides, your theory is a little lacking. While these were colony ship pilots you would have to imagine VF training is superbly rigorous and all should be capable of doing more than fly straight out and explode. At the very least they should be good enough to warrant new animations of how they fly straight out and die. The mech action in Mac7 is terrible. Point of confustion here, probably because I have a misunderstanding of Mac7 somewhere, but weren't the Varuata just brainwashed Zents from another colonization mission? Wouldn't their mechs be technologically inferior to the VF-11 since their colonization mission went out several years prior?
  2. I'm friggin' screwed if they try to release any more mac plus valks. I kinda hope they do give us a YF-19 FP though, I've never transformed any of my 19s and would like to have one in jet mode
  3. Here, i rearranged and I think it looks slightly less cramped now...
  4. And people say you can't fit anything in the Ikea display cases.... (well, they're not really wrong) Edit: picture re-sized
  5. I'm gonna agree with Duke Togo. However, you can get m7 basically for free and if you find yourself recently unemployed or otherwise incapacitated you might wanna just sit through the agony to earn your M7 badge. The valk action overall is pretty terrible (with a few exceptions) so don't look for M7 redemption there.
  6. The Battlepod toy from the 80s Matchbox line really isn't bad. By no means is it great but considering some of the garbage that got released along side of it I think it's stands out as one of the better items. The Officer's Pod is also pretty nice. The male power armors on the other hand... well, let's just say they don't stand out so much.
  7. You know, I think it'd be even worse than that. What they'd probably do is just not include the gold certificate in the book (or put a number anywhere on it) and not put Roy's portrait on the outside of the box to distinguish it from the original 15K. That's kinda what they did with the appendix A reissues. I'm still really hoping this is just rumor though. Maybe they'll give us a DYRL Hik VF-1S instead Oh man, I can sense a lot of MWers just got the urge to throw a brick at me.
  8. Well, if they're re-issuing the Fokker maybe they'll give us a TV Max at some point? I still don't get anyone who could praise a 1/60 Yammy and bash the Toynami VFs... I like to think they both suck equally but at least the MPCs transform. I do have to question a company's ethics that releases a limited edition collectible and then fails to limit its numbers...
  9. I find it hard to believe they didn't make it to 15,000. I have two and both are 11000+. I kinda doubt they're being re-issued...
  10. I doesn't claim to be a Macross item does it? Looks like it says Mospeada everywhere. I give the guy credit for the effort.
  11. With a CF and armor coming out, I think a fast pack re-issue would be a sure thing also... at least I hope. Man, I wish I weren't broke, I really love the 1/48s.
  12. Wasn't this the same one that was listed in the suspicious auctions thread? Don't mean to scare you, just curious? I think someone pointed out there were two auctions using the exact same photo. There's a good chance I'm way off base though.
  13. That thing's wearing like 6' heels. Still me likey.
  14. jenius

    CUSTOM VF-19

    did you add an actual stabbing implement to the gun?? Is that the stock gun pod?
  15. I don't get it, if you take off the weathering there's nothing "low vis" about this valk and I don't see it as having nearly the collectibility. True, a lot of folks don't like the weathering and remove it, and a lot of people don't mind and buy it anyway, but I think at that point you ought to consider it a "custom" and no longer a "limited edition." All the 1/48s or sweet none-the less.
  16. I figured if you have both you should just vote Taka...
  17. I remember the days when I thought less than $100 was expensive for a toy... how my wallet longs for those days...
  18. Uh, that doesn't look like a true LV at all. The paint job is missing the weathering...
  19. The shoulders getting loose is my biggest complaint about this toy. I handled my first one pretty rough and it very quickly could no longer hold an arm out-stretched. The only thing I could imagine doing would be some sort of cheat like a dot of Elmer's or something but I doubt that would even work. If it makes you feel better, all old Alphas (other than the ratcheting 1/35) suffer a similar fate in the shoulder department. Personally, that doesn't make me feel better and I really think Toynami did a piss-poor job here. An upgrade should have been a must.
  20. I have both the Taka and the Matchbox, how do I vote?
  21. Yeah, I haven't yet modified any of my alphas. Although none are in front of me right now I'm pretty sure they all look like this one: I'm pretty sure it's still just mostly an optical illusion when it comes to the "upward pointed" nose. You should be able to draw a straight line from nose to tail.
  22. I've said it before, but I like saying it again, don't buy the 1/60s
  23. I got lots o' valks (clearly not nearly as many as some of the others) and the 1/60 is my least favorite. Maybe it's because I had my 1/48s before I ever got a 1/60 but I think it has more to do with how it needs to be assembled to switch from one mode to the next. For some reason that entirely spoils all the magic the valk has for me. I think I enjoy my Joons more... (nah... probably not). I'm glad I have the one, it does look sharp in fighter mode in my display case, but I'll never understand why so many members here have hard-ons for these things. I have a similar lack of love for the Bandai reissues... I think they could have made some major improvements and if they had Toynami would have had nothing going for it. As it is, it's either vintage or 1/48 for me from here on out.
  24. I am thoroughly unimpressed... I hear this thing can't even transform.
  25. A little update on VF-1 Jasun, I never did get the item I won but he did refund my money. Kinda seemed like he knew it never got shipped and was just hoping I wouldn't come looking for it. I told him I'd keep him bad-feedback-free if he could produce the item or another variant since he owns every RT item ever and he said he would... then posted his entire collection up for auction leaving me SOL again...
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