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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Good eye Nightmare! Toonz - dead on Detolf, the other square is the Mac + collection but I think I posted that in the Yammy picture thread so I'll spare you the rerun.
  2. mmmmm chunky... takas and a bandai for ya peeps
  3. My Fokker MPC hangs with his cooler Focker 1/48 alter ego...
  4. since they get no love....
  5. Whoa man, that was the joke... hence the laughy face.
  6. When I bought my Taka SDF-1 off a collector I asked him his take on plastic yellowing. He told me "For the most part it's moisture and sunlight so if you avoid both of those it'll keep for a long time. There are absolutely no guarantees though. I have kept items in their box, in a storage container with a package of shipping salts to avoid moisture and still have had items completely yellow on me. In the creation and molding process of making a toy if everything isn't just perfect then there will be more impurities within the plastic and it's only a matter of time before they affect color." He went on to describe the temperature of plastics during vacuum molding or some such and really lost me in technical babble but that's the part I walked away with. Basically, be smart about how you handle things and keep your fingers crossed 'cause if it wasn't a perfect day at the plant you may just be screwed anyway.
  7. Of course the SDF has an organic quality, that's part of the wonders of its mysterious power source.... protoculture!
  8. I'm way more fond of the notion that they are having problems selling the green alpha... I don't even think they've done the second release of them yet (#s 5000+)
  9. picture.. is... gi... normous.
  10. Oh c'mon, you guys know you all prefer Robotech's dialogue to Macross' out-of-touch gibberish. It was clear the creators of Macross never really gave much thought to what the characters were saying. All they were worried about was big explosions and playing to little children. I mean seriously, every time I watch the original Macross I long to hear "BIG BROTHER!" over and over again. It makes me feel uncomfortable to see blood or hear characters have discussions about serious content manner... as it would any other adult. Jeeze, references to sex and alcohol, the original is so childish! Hold on a second, I think my head is beginning to rupture. If it weren't for that horse, I would have never spent that extra year in college.
  11. Okay, so I missed a bunch of shows and caught the finale, is the monster that sucked the previously crippled guy underground a machine? It really sounded like chains being drawn around a cog of some sort...
  12. I've been kicking around the idea of adding a layer of UV resistant film to my display case for a few months now (we had a thread on decoration of display cases back then that quickly slid into protection of the items within). Does anyone have recommendations of the best way of accomplishing this? Should I just remove the glass door and have someone do it for me at a shop of some sort or is there any easier/cheaper way?
  13. These kinda read like autobiographies but here's how my collecting went: When I was little Transformers and Robotech were the two major shows that my brother and I could keep ourselves occupied with. I drew anything Robotech constantly. In junior high school I learned about the original series but I had absolutely no means of learning anything more about it. So, after college, I did some more research. I bought all the original series and the Macross sequels and decided to replace my bright yellow Jetfire with a new Toynami MPC. After I got that I decided to see how they stacked up to the other valks over the years. The New Gen of RT always really appealed to me and the limited scope of the merchandise has made that my real focus. I kinda split my efforts between that and every Focker/Fokker VF-1S I can find...
  14. Sadly Kanata, the red Alpha in this thread is the 1/55 Triple Changer. It's not a very detailed toy. The Diecast 1/55 is much much sharper looking but nothing on it can collapse making the transformation into jet mode impossible. So, both toys kinda miss their mark with the triple changer looking plain and the diecast one not being able to make jet mode. So sad...
  15. Yep, there are four, go here for examples: My Alpha/Legioss thread
  16. LOL, on second thought, it looks like your fin might have broken too...
  17. On Ebay a 100% complete one goes for between $40 and $100. I've only seen one hit $100 and that was a green one and is hence the only reason why I have yet to own the green one If you're thinking about selling it let me know what you want for it, I have a red one already but the top fin has been broken off and glued back on.
  18. jenius

    HCM 1/72 VF-1S

    There were two not too long back MIB that went for $150 with BINs (if I remember correctly).
  19. Fast Packs will get reissued, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday. Mark my words (because otherwise I'll forget I said it). YF-19 on the other hand... who knows. If they do sell it it will probably be in yet another version leaving the previous examples still collectible. That's my opinion at least (worth $300??? That's another matter).
  20. That Nazi theory is a lot like Macross 7 threads and their descent into flame fests. I used to work in a Longs Drugs Store and we definitely kept light bulbs in the electrical section, I think this thread would be better suited to that forum.
  21. You haven't seen nothing yet, if they do ever release a YF/VF-19 FP I'm going to suspend them from the top of the display case and have them flying out just above the other Valks' heads. DAMN IT!!! YOU WILL ALL FIT IN ONE CUBE AND YOU WILL LIKE IT BECAUSE I'M SICK OF PUTTING TOYS IN STORAGE!!!!
  22. Nice desktop. You really ought to try to pick up the Matchbox Officer Pod also. I have a nice little "squad" but I still need the gray-legged pod to go with it. Sadly there's no room in my display cases and they've all been moved to storage until I make much more money and have a much better place to live
  23. I swear I must know this PAM... I dated a girl (first relationship, pretty long and serious) that was a very similar trainwreck and she likes to pop back into my life. The even larger problem I have is she's either a pathalogical liar or got hit in the back of the head with a shovel at one point and got all her memories screwed up. She tells all our mutual friends when ever she blows in like a tornado all sorts of things we did (some flattering, some just bizarre) that are absolutely not true. Then whatever girl I'm dating (this has been happening for about 8 years) inevitably hears about these wild lies and either feels entirely intimidated or jealous and it takes weeks of smoothing over to repair the damage. ARGH!!! Rumor has it she just moved back from NY into my neck of the woods too... Fortunately I do double duty between SF and LA and my current gf is beyond the scope of her treachery.
  24. It was actually the first 3000 and I am fortunate enough to have one of them (or unfortunate if you like, word is they have easily the worst QC). The only real difference I can see is that the blue intakes (chest) are a brighter green/blue on the first 3000. That's the kind of thing I'm looking for though. As far as I know, the Henshin Robos were just the same toys released in Europe. Maybe you guys can help me clear up the differences between all the continental releases though. I know that the Gakken Japan 1/35s have shooting guns and obviously a "Gakken Japan" stamp on them rather than "Gakken Singapore" but other than the packaging are there other differences? I also have seen that the blue 1/55 triple changer is packaged with a white false back in the Japanese version but a blue false back when sold elsewhere. Were all the Gakken 1/55s sold with white false backs? As for the Tread... I believe that's right about where my Mospeada obsession ends... and I think that's somewhere before the 6' tall superposeable...
  25. Oh man, my girlfriend is always complaining that she wants to buy me "my toys" and gets frustrated when I give her no help or direction and insist she does not. Around my birthday or Xmas she'll say things like "you gotta tell me a transformer I can get you." This, in itself, makes me cringe since I only collect Mospeada and Macross stuff. I can just imagine how bad she might get ripped off if I told her to get me one of the items I do need. She also puts up with my ol' college buddies and the stories of the various nefarious deeds we engaged in (although I am hiding the digital photo album just to be nice). Fortunately for me she thinks my love of toys and anime is "cute" so some day I may just have to marry her. Then again, even if she didn't think it was all that cute I don't think I'd let it bother me. After all, to paraphrase Dave Chapelle, I like my toys, but I love P*SSY.
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