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Everything posted by jenius
Amen to that brother. I actually got a 1/48 before I got any of the 1/60s. I'm currently still trying to finish buying up the 1/48s while I occasionally pick off a 1/60. I'm guessing it'll take me another couple months before I have the scratch to pick up a 1/60 Elint and an Ostrich... God this hobby is soooooo expensive.
I think it's $180, not $100. It it's not it's certainly supposed to be.
That doesn't strike me as too insane. It's a lot more than they used to go for but it seems like all the 1/48 prices have been climbing. The Max 1A has been selling at about $200 lately.... that thing used to be worth just as little as the Hikkie 1A
Thank you very much. Sounds like that oughta solve my problems nicely.
I've sent about 4 PMs in the last week and none are showing in my Sent Items folder. I'm a little concerned that maybe this means my PMs aren't getting to people? Also, occasionally I'll read a PM, respond to it, leave MW and come back later to be told I have a new PM... which is exactly the PM I read last time I was on the site. Sorry if someone has already touched upon something similar in another thread... It's always possible that I'm doing something wrong also, I don't claim to be particularly computer savvy.
Fair enough, point is there aren't seven little kids running around the house... Also, can't they drive a lot younger in M7? So that'd be nice too, even less kids around. And people like M&M still got the nannie brigade backin' 'em up.
I can't agree with that at all. First off, they apparently marry their kids off at like 12. I don't really agree with it but apparently that's the way people like it in M7. So, you wouldn't have all kids at home if they're married off at 12 or ace fighter pilots by like 15 (why are the ages so screwy?). Second, Max is a high ranking officer and Milia is a politician, they'd have nannies all over the place. Max gets home from a leisurely day on the bridge to some quality Meltrandi lovin'.... except not in M7 where they hate each other but may still love each other but are publically getting a divorce while they secretly are trying to reconcile (I'm not a fan of M7, let's just stick to remembering the hottie Milia with only one kid from the original Macross).
Milia all the way. You gotta think of it like this, if you met the girl when she was say... 18ish (guessing on M-TV/DYRL age) she was ultra hot (even with anime friend's distorted views). The downside is.... she has no idea what to do in the sack. The upside is, she's ultra competitive. She'd probably want to kill all your exgirlfriends and then would work ultra hard to be far superior to all of them in bed (so you tell a few lies about just how kinky past relationships were and watch her one up everybody). Alright, so you've turned the freak loose in her and now you can't get enough. She pops out kid after kid and STILL has the body of her 18 year old self after SEVEN kids. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I want kids some day so I'm definitely viewing that as a big plus. Some people think she was domineering in M7... Personally, I like to think M7 never happened but even so I blame it more on how the show portrayed Max... seems like he got neutered at some point after the war but was magically still able to have kids. Second place: Rex. I hate M7 but I think i sported half a chub after the biker girl giving a little zipper action. I think I just have a thing for hot biker chicks though.
I think collecting anything Macross in the hopes of a large monetary increase would be kind of optomistic at this point. I would bet at some point Yamato will come full circle and re-release all the 1/48s. They will see demand climbing and climbing and they will plop 'em back into our hands. The 1/72 and 1/60s may not see another run but they're vastly inferior to the 1/48 so their value will certainly hit a glass ceiling (more so for the 1/60s as the 1/72s have less competition). The Takatokus, Joons, and Bandai 1/55s will now also have a much lower ceiling as the 1/48 has clearly limited the collectibility of those to truly diehard fans and the sentimental types. The MPCs are a bit of a wildcard. They won't be re-released and they have greater access to the American market. They also don't compare to the 1/48s but they certainly stand their ground against the 1/60s and the Bandais 1/55s. I would guess they have more long-term value than most the 1/60s but not nearly that of most the 1/48s (even if the 1/48s see several more rounds of production).
I wouldn't say I'm "in the know" but you should look at Cap America's threads about creating the two seaters to see just how much work is necessary. Certainly more than a new paint job and head. Thus, it seems highly unlikely.
Any members in Japan (or wherever this ad is for) want to buy a VF-1J Hik on my behalf and ship it to me?
I noticed this the other day. I believe there are ones at BIN for $60 also? What the heck gives????
I NEED THAT VF-1J, someone figure this out for me PPPPPPPlllllleasssse!
Why would anyone even include Lynn Kyle in the Sentinels? I thought his exit was great from Macross (TMS). Granted, stranger things have happened... I mean all the Zents were super pro-war and ended up being against it (kinda).... but why Kyle???? I hope they poo-can almost everything that happened in The Sentinels. It's my understanding they've already scraped all the End of the Circle stuff completely out of continuity so I think all that Zor being his own father's mother's cousin's friend's roomate in college is no longer a problem.
The cruddy thing about this is that the original has no gun. I definitely prefer it in every way except for the missing gun. So, that being considered, I guess I would go with the Fast Pack version.
Silly Mospeeder fan (yeah, I'm makin' fun of someone by writing the name wrong), you have Rey from MOSPEADA fighting Corg from Robotech The New Generation. Go outside and hit yourself with a paddle a few times in front of your neighbors as punishment. Besides, you got my boy all wrong. Rey never fights Batra (RT's Corg), he fights some blonde Inbit and royally hoses the guy but the animation isn't all that wonderful for it. I LOVE the sounds of the huge shells of the Beta's gun nailing that sucker though. It's Stig that puts down Batra in the battle at the Reflex Point. That battle is also pretty lame from what you see on TV. It pretty much looks like Batra just flies by Stig who cleverly turns around and shoots him in the back. It also suffers some major pussy points from Houquet's being unable to blast Batra because of Rey. I think there's better mech action in the NY episode but I haven't watched the series in a while. My vote for best mech action? Clearly it's from Macross 7. It's that scene where all the VF-11s fly out and then blow-up. That scene's so great I'm pretty sure they put it in every episode! Kidding aside, right now I'm diggin' Macross Zero. Maybe the first scene we see Focker doin' damage. Milia crushin' head in DYRL and using bodies for shields was pretty cool too. EDIT - TYPOS
Was lookin' on EBay and found an auction with this pic: Notice this artwork shows that same upswept nose everyone complains the Toynami Alpha has... I wonder if the origins for Toynami's "arched-back" syndrome actually began with their working with Imaii molds? Maybe that's just the way the Alpha is supposed to look...
In the world of the mute, the man who talks out his ass is king. Here, you're just driving an argument based on flawed logic into the ground. Next time I'm speaking Japanese you can tell me I'm saying "MOSPEADA" wrong; when I'm typing it in a forum you better bow down to the proper and internationally accepted spelling of it. Oh christ... isn't Anime just the french word for cartoon. Let's not get elitist with French words please, the French are already high enough on themselves as it is! (J/P you french MWers). First off, Kawamori could give a crap about RT using the term 'SDF'. If he didn't care about Macross II he's certainly not going to think RT is worth moving his bowels over. Second off, you're watching rough previews, HG has shown artwork for new mechs (if you really want something to complain about, you should check those out). Third off, if this is going to be MOSPEADA 2 in Japan then wouldn't it make sense for vehicles, like the SDF-3 and the like, to tie in to the vehicles that were in MOSPEADA. Timewise I think RT:SC is supposed to take place shortly after the ending of New Gen.
If that's directed toward me... yeah, I have. I would think it's safe to say that Yellow is certainly a main character. Does that make me think he should be femmed up on the cover of every DVD? Nah, not so much. Afterall, I would say he was portrayed more often as his masculine self than as his feminine counterpart.
Man, I'm gonna go take a sharpie to all my MOSPEADA merchandise now and correct it to Mospeeder. You think that'll hurt the value? Can we call this Mospeeder bit dead now? My further posts will be back on subject. I think they should redesign the hovertank to make it a more functional design and more in tune with what you see in Mospeada (not to say everything we see in Mospeada is more functional, just more in line with the art). That way there you could tie it to Southern Cross without jolting Mospeada fans.
Seriously, they got Yellow dressed as a chick on the cover of each DVD? Seems a little... um, odd. EDIT: Maybe he's not dressed as a chick... maybe he's just really glammed out. Still, where's the rest of the cast?
I got one for you, you Google "Mospeeder" and tell me how many hits you get then Google "MOSPEADA" and see how many hits you get. Me thinks you'll be changing your tune. From some fansite: MobileOperationSoldierProtectionEmergencyAviationDiveArmor I don't know about all that though.
They look to still be in early prototype mode. The plaque suggests 2006, I would think it means Xmas of 2006 at the earliest. I would love to be proven wrong though.
While the VF-1s would have to be removed I think they could leave Hovertanks in. At this point the VF-1 would be really dated (having been followed by the crapfest of airborne The Masters vehicles and then the airborne vehicles of The New Generation) so I think it makes sense not to have them in the show. With slight cosmetic updating the hovertank could look completely unique from the Spartas. Really though, even if you left it as a Spartas I don't think many Mospeada fans would care.