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Everything posted by jenius

  1. In preparation for the impending arrival of my 1/48 CF I decided to prepare my CF display case. I pulled the guys out and tried to figure out some good looking poses. Here's what I've come up with -
  2. I think it's just "limited" for now. If demand doesn't warrant a second release then this bad boy will be pretty rare. By not specifically labeling it "limited" they reserve the right to dump thousands more on the market when they notice secondary market going through the roof like it did with the LV. For now, it's just a gamble.
  3. Nice weathering on the Milia 1/48 fast packs. Looks like you panel lined the 1/60 Hikkie 1J also. Did you do any weathering or panel lines to the Milia valk?
  4. As crammed as I can get my Milia cube... I finally got a minty Milia JM! *Edit - it occurs to me that this is supposed to be a yamato display thread so this post is really in the wrong spot since it's just a random display case pic. My apologies.
  5. jenius

    1/48 VF-1S

    The 1S Hikkie also sold horribly when it was first released so the only 1/48 I would ever truly think won't be re-released is the LowVis. I also think Yamato has learned from this and that's why the Mass Production is (ironically) a limited production toy that won't be marketed as such just in case somewhere down the line they want to release more of them. Coincidentally, isn't that exactly what happened with their 1/60 mass production toy? They sold it as a limited edition but demand was large enough for them to make a non-limited edition as well? This time they're being even smarter, if they never call it "limited" in the first place they'll never have to make a slight change to the box or paint tone.
  6. Lets your Hikaru Collection that I have noticed below your Millia collection 328066[/snapback] Oh don't worry, pics of that will be available in due time... I'm waiting until all my Hikkies are dressed up in their GBPs before I take any pics though. Sadly I think the box containing my Taka GBP-1 was stolen! I just got a Milia JM too so I think I'll have to snap another pic and see if the Detolf cube doesn't just appear to be solid red
  7. You too can own a Toynami superposeable for only ten times MSRP! Graded Toynami toys... .what a mistake that is. You'd have to take that thing out of the plastic just to know it's not broken. $99.99 Superposeable
  8. Yeah, I noticed this as well. I started with halogens in my first two display cases and switched to Xenons for the second two. I believe the xenons produce friendlier light (no UV) but are still just as hot as the halogens I too only use them for a minute or two at a time. Really though, if you move your hand six inches down from the light source it doesn't seem hot enough to really do any damage. The xenon lights let you angle them though so you can angle them out to the glass (although this means less light to all the toys).
  9. Another Detolf-er! Those little cubes will be packed in no time!
  10. There can be no doubt, use of the destabilizer spells certain death for the pilot.
  11. Didn't the mechs/spacecraft in WotW have sphincters they used to eat people... people they carried around in a scrotum? I'd say that was pretty organic looking to me. Also, don't you guys think the Q-Rau is kinda organic? Was it mentioned already?
  12. anything you guys can say to make me feel less gay about saying this dude was a hot lady is greatly appreciated. Thanks Keith and everyone who has referred to Geppy as a "her." I appreciate it. I thought of something else I liked (very briefly but then didn't like as it played out). That scene where the Monster fires one massive volley and rips the top right off a building. While kinda dumb that was still cool, made me wish we'd seen more hot destroid action.
  13. As you can see in the pics above, and as I've stated a few times, you can really minimized the arched back of the fighter mode. It was a real struggle though but at least I learned about that arm now. My red alpha is simply amazing, not only does that thing have all three landing gears on the ground but it can actually roll around on said landing gears! The arm in the pic came out a little but it can actually still pull off all three landing gears with both arms tucked in pretty good. Sadly, most my other alphas aren't so nice. What should Toynami Have done? 1) Place the slots the arms attach to the legs in slightly more upward. 2) Move the apex of the nosecone ever so slightly downward 3) Move the slots the cockpit flaps (aka front wings) fit in ever so slightly forward. It's a delicate act and I don't believe the Legioss/alpha was ever meant to have a raked appearance... just perfectly flat.
  14. This is soooo wrong. First of all, he calls it "the Battle Fortress" like big version of the toy states all over it (omitting the word MINI that is clearly written on the box of the smaller version). Sure, it is a small rendition of the battle fortress so I can look beyond that. Then he describes the toy as "very poseable" and that's just not right at all. That is a downright lie if I ever heard one. Then he also states they're very rare... which a loose mini matchbox SDF-1 is certainly not. Mini SDF-1
  15. LOL, I just went to verify if what you said was true... and from the looks of the random shadow fighter I grabbed it is. So then I tried massaging the arms back and had great success! Turns out hte arm wasn't really attached internally at all and I was able to walk it right off the back of the fighter. I'm gonna go email Toynami now
  16. jenius

    my toy smells funny

    Wait until I make the topic "my new toy tastes funny" before you really become convinced I'm insane. "Don't get me wrong, it's not bad, but it definitely doesn't taste like fresh Japanese Gakken, more like stale Korean Joons...."
  17. Hey folks, I did a quick search on "smells" but came up with nothing. I recently scored a toy with box and noticed upon opening it a slight odor. At first I was confused as to the odor but now I recognize it as the smell I have after a late night of boozing... stale cigarette smoke. It's very mild but it's there. The toy itself seems nearly unscathed but the box has one side that seemed to be closer to the ashtray than everything else. My questions: 1) Does anybody know a way of making plastic smell prettier (for the toy)? 2) Does anybody know a way to help take the stink out of cardboard? I was pondering several ideas: 1) Febreeze. Maybe spray a little on a cloth and give the toy occasional rub downs. 2) Febreeze in a plastic tub. Put a cup of Febreeze in a sealed storage tub with the toy's box and maybe even give it a very light febreeze dusting. 3) Put the toy and the box next to a candle (not close). The problem with that is I run the real risk of having the toy and box smell like a candle. In the meantime I have the toy airing out (i'll just have to remember to dust it occasionally).
  18. Man, I don't know if that even counts as an ASS anymore, maybe just a piece of ASS but if anyone knows me, I'm always down to check out a piece of ASS. Oh God, am I number 1,000,000? Was I the millionth person to make a "piece of ASS joke?" <fingers crossed>
  19. While I'm here, here are some comparison pics I did when I got my Rook MPC to my Gakken 1/35.... Well, i actually compared it also to the other two Gakken 1/55s but those look so bad in comparison to these it wouldn't be fair to include them.
  20. Another crappy alpha eh? You might be screwed if you bought it from an individual, I'm not sure how their return policy works. If you have a credit card receipt though (or some other receipt) then you might be fine. From the returns others have pulled off I think they're pretty lenient. Go to Toynami.com and you'll find two Email addresses. One is for info and the other is for sales. I sent an Email to both. They'll send you a form response telling you to ship the item to them with a receipt. Then, about two weeks later, you ought to receive a replacement (NOTE: many people have claimed it took several more than two weeks, in my case it took about 4 business days). This sounds similar to an Alpha I bought at my local Gamestop. I figured I couldn't go wrong for $39.99. When I got it home it was broken in some pretty major ways. They must use those things for display pieces or something and just let anyone handle it and mutilate it. Anyway, Toynami gave me a perfect one in exchange so I'm a happy camper (NOTE: others have complained that Toynami gave them crappy ones in exchange for their crappy ones).
  21. Found my earlier post
  22. I whole-heartedly disagree. I wrote a post a while back comparing the Toynami to the Gakken and the Toynami won out. I will probably be selling one of the big ol' Gakkens soon so if you're really interested keep an eye out. I will also do a picture review for y'all when I get the chance. The Gakken is definitely the more sturdy of the toys though, with that part I do agree. That being said, the Gakkens were no where near a 10 on a scale to 10. They have knees that break super easy and a host of other problem areas.
  23. Dave, my experiences with Toynami have been very good. If you have a credit card statement or receipt of any kind I suspect they would replace your inverted heel Scott. I do remember another member once complaining about having something inverted in their leg that kept it from behaving properly. Possibly the same problem so you might not be alone. Wolfx, there are some common complaints among new Alpha owners. 1) The instructions suck.... and yes they do. You're one of the fortunate ones if all you have are stress marks when all is said and done. I actually broke my first Scott by trying to pull out on the rear hatch instead of pushing (the hatch behind the sensor mount). Oh well. 2) The hands fall apart... and yes they do. Fortunately you'll avoid this problem by going straight to the shadow fighter since those don't have the uber fragile design and there's no finger manipulation necessary in holding the gun. 3) The vehicle has an arched back in fighter mode. This is true but only slightly and usually if it's pronounced in any degree there is something you can do to help reduce this. Of all the Alphas I have displayed in fighter the arched back isn't noticeable. Think back to when you first took the toy out of the box... if the back was super arched then you may be out of luck. If the thing looked okay then there's probably some latch you can massage or joint that can be compressed an iota more to smooth things out a bit.
  24. Can someone play "the Crying Game" for me? Ivano Gunther sounds like a man's name to me... Come to think of it though, wasn't there a scene or two where he/she/it is dressed in armor with giant spikey things on it's shoulders? I guess that shoulda clued me in too. So sad. I'm gonna go watch some Vandread episodes so I can feel better about my ability to judge male from female anime characters. Maybe ol' Geppy is a female so when she possessed Ivano it femmed Ivano up?
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