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Everything posted by jenius

  1. it looks like a takatoku 1/55 chunky that someone stripped of paint and then left to yellow.
  2. I used the same technique to find the Gamestops with Alphas near me. The only crappy thing about that is they would take them off the website just before the first mark down (after Rook's was released) so you couldn't find out where they might still have some. There was one in San Jose and one in Daly City that seemed to get them pretty consistently. I think there was also one in SF but I never quite checked that out.
  3. Man, all the stupid Gamestops near me got wise to the fact that everyone just waited until the were marked down to half price so they just stopped ordering them altogether. I scored four alphas for the half price and I very much feel that they are a good buy at $39.99. Now, $19.99???? I would have bought a truckload of 'em (and resold them whenever I was low on cash for a handsome profit )
  4. I think you're missing the point. The fact truck tons of merchandise didn't make it out (MOSPEADA was supposedly also a failure but even it dominates in merchandise in comparsion to SDCSC) kinda points to its lack of success. The fact stuff was released post-humously doesn't rewrite the past. It's a CD with music from that era, success or failure, SDCSC was of that era. I'm not saying this to knock that particular show, you love it and that's your business, but it was a resounding failure regardless of the couple of items that managed to make it into production. I love some stuff that failed also though, that's just the breaks.
  5. Very well spoken Kanata
  6. This just in, based on these facts history has been revised to reflect that Super Dimensional Calvary: Southern Cross was not a dismal failure in Japan. Good Job Red Devil! It's been a while since I watched it but I vaguely recall enjoying some of the music in comparison to some of the other music that was out at the time.
  7. Has anyone ever seen a bootleg 1/60 valk? Were any ever made? 344235[/snapback] That's about as likely as a Toynami MPC bootleg.
  8. That's $150 US before shipping. Man, that's not cheap... Do people pay more for ver 1 than ver 2?
  9. white? Mine is definitely tan.
  10. many years ago there was a weekly Conan animated series right? I seem to recall watching it several times. For some reaosn I seem to remember it fondly. I will likely go see this movie... and my gf will roll her eyes at me but be happy i don't have Conan action figures of any kind.
  11. jenius

    Fracking Tab B

    I got my first edition, removed it from a box, set it in a pose next to all the other Mac+ toys, then never touched it again. I'm convinced this is the only way you can be happy with the toy. Seems like the paint chips if you breathe on it and the tabs break if you try to transform it. I'm very sorry to hear about your loss though, I know how hard it is to find and it sounds like you were on your way to enjoying yours much more than I do mine. In a related note, you know how everyone gripes about the VF-11s hips? The other night I heard a loud clang and found that some how my VF-11 had fallen from its display 4+ feet to the ground. I hurried over expecting it to be in two parts but was greatly relieved to find it was just fine. I think the VF-11 isn't as fragile as people claim.
  12. Oh, you like Genesis Climber MOSPEADA eh? Me too! PS- I just realized I had that diecast MOSPEADA figure locked away in a box, you're right, it is a nice display piece. Don't mind the Ride Armor background, it used to be my Misc Macross display but I decided to ice that for a while. Anyone got advice where I can get free webhosting. I know nothing about websites and don't care to learn but I feel bad dumping my pictures on MW
  13. I'll buy it off you for $80+shipping (ya lucky bastid) Maybe he forgot to include a $1 in front of his BIN
  14. Why wouldn't the card game begin with the first series of Robotech? If it started with The Masters portion everyone would wonder WTF happened. It only makes sense to start with Macross and then progress.
  15. That matchbox thing is ridiculously bad. I brought one up here that went for like $100 incomplete though. THere's another one on there now (or ended recently) with a $180 BIN. Strange, it's hot right now, I remember MIB ones used to not go for $50.
  16. I think he's just showing off his work probably hoping to get people sending him stuff for customs. Kinda like $1 advertising... and if someone buys the actual toy that's good too. Personally, I hate that toy. Notice how the Battloid mode is always hunched way forward in every pic???? That's because it has to be or the radome and everything else comes crashing down.
  17. I think the fact the Minmay Macross Barbie goes for over $150 gives us an answer to that one. "BUT Hey, the Minmay Macross Barbie is way better!" I'm not here to judge... but perhaps the best way to maintain dignity is not to squabble over dolls... even Lord Helmet knew to keep that passion secret.
  18. is this where I pull a jedi mind trick on Kanata and try to convince him to sell me his Macross stuff so that he could keep his Camaro? PS- I sold off a road race Corvette that was about half-way done not too long ago. Race built 383 with Lingenfelter fuel injection equipment and a rumble scary enough to give children nightmares. I find Macross collecting to put me much closer to a state of Zen than cars ever did. Nothing but headaches and bloody knuckles... but I do miss it sometimes.
  19. There's a dye for car interior plastics that other members were using to great effect in the past. It did not involve pressure cooking of any kind and seemed completely scratch resistant.
  20. aaajin, that website rocks. Make me feel like I could do that! In fact, if I ever get around to the one custom project I really really wanna try, I will do that! Now, do you have a website like that that shows an idiot how to paint?
  21. The fact you do see their DVDs on shelves actually speaks volumes for their ability to get their product out there. They also do seem to have some ties to cable networks. They've been on Cartoon Network, the Sci Fi channel, and now the Anime Network (does anyone have that/). Are those networks all owned by Turner or something? Anyway, speculation is silly at this point seeing as patience will lend results in (supposedly) only a couple months. Since I do like to be silly, I'd bet it makes an Adult Swim spot.
  22. Model huh? Looks like if you were gonna get any of the playsets that was the one to get.
  23. So you think they'll hit the release date eh? I'm a 4/25 kid myself... unfortunately I don't really trust anyone with buying this kind of item as a present. "wait, so it's like a transformer... but not... and I gotta order it from Japan? Can't I just get you a new work shirt or something, I'm too afraid I'll mess that up..." That reminds me, when the Yammie Q-rau came out I got it for my older brother who introduced me to RT. I gave him that and a copy of DYRL for his birthday. His response "Dude, that was totally awesome... but you know you gotta really grow up. What am i gonna do with a toy?" Son of a... (oh wait, that's my mom). and finally, to get back on track, I'm with Haterist, no preorders for me. I'll wait a few months.
  24. what the heck is this thing? eBay item
  25. The term "Holy Grail" item is completely subjective. It could be something so rare or elusive we're not even sure it exists (like the real holy grail or the prototypes referenced earlier. It could be something we know exists and quest for zealously but seemingly to no avail (like a fundamentalist crusader or some of the models and extremely rare items listed here). It could be something more figurative than literal, something that is just a pain in the arse to find. I think it was SaveRobotech's intention to find out what items we would like but are a pain in the arse to find. He is in anime's Jerusalem and wanted to know what relics he should be looking for. He doesn't want a list of things he could never find.... although that stuff is always fun to hear about also.
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