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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Maybe it's just my childhood perception but wasn't the original Voltron one of the coolest toys ever? It had flaps and gizmos that could move to reveal weaponry all over the place. Not exactly the most poseable but man that thing was sturdy as a rock and super cool. How exactly is Toynami improving upon it?
  2. OMG What did you do to that poor Elintseeker!?! Eh, I guess you need to do it.... Out of curiosity, when you do something like this does it destroy the original?
  3. I've heard many people complain that the little missiles pop out of the fastpacks. I, for one, have never tried to attach them although now that I got a kit of the see-through covers i might look into it. Also, the missile tower of the fastpack does pop off pretty easily but it should take a lot more than a strong breeze. I know that whenever I try to transform a 1/48 with the fastpacks on a missile tower will eventually pop off before i make it completely to the next mode. I've never had a problem with them falling off in the display case though. As far as the legs go... I haven't had a problem there... especially in fighter mode...
  4. My impressions: 1) Roy sounds like he's drivin' a big rig. I can totally imagine he's the driver in that Sega acrade game where you drive a big rig around smashing things. He is the only voice so far I absolutely hate. 2) Hikaru - goes in-and-out from being acceptable to being to pipsqueak-ish. I think it fits though for that portion of the series so I'll not be too critical yet. NOTE - At times he sounds EXACTLY like Eddy Fuhrlong (sp?) from Terminator 2. 3) Minmay - Yeah, Mari's great and Reba West sucks but Mari's English sure doesn't help the flow of the dialogue. So far I think she's more of a problem than Hikaru but everyone is right, it makes sense that Minmay would have an accent so I can live with it. 4) Who calls Roy "lame?" Is that Claudia? If Claudia calls him lame i'm okay with it... if it's Misa I think its... well, lame. 5) PUDKNOCKER? Now my Hong Kong subs may be admittedly bad but I'm pretty sure PUDKNOCKER was never supposed to be in the script. Why not just "idiot?" Hell, why not "Dumbass" What the heck is PUDKNOCKER? PS - Keith, if you think the new Roy is preferable to Robotech's Roy than you need to put the glass pipe down before you pull a Richard Pryor
  5. Yeah, I like it! I wanna do mock-ups of a bunch of different LowVis style paint jobs now.
  6. Here's a quick mock-up in MSPaint of my Martian LowVis paint scheme. Obviously MSPaint would do a horrible rendition if I painted the whole toy so I just started doing one arm so you can get an idea for the color scheme I had envisioned.
  7. Tom Cruise is the only 5'6" guy I can imagine that I am actually afraid of. Somebody once told me: "If you're ever in a fight with a guy you're sure is going to kill you... rip off your own lip. That'll make him think twice about trying to pummel you. Beating the snot out of a sane person is easy... but fighting a guy crazy enough to rip his own lip off? That takes more guts than most guys have... Always bet on crazy." Now I'm not sure if my buddy was quoting a movie, but I am sure that Tom Cruise is crazy. And as such, he's one little spunky man that I am afraid of. All that being said, I'd never interview him but I can still suspend my disbelief enough to watch him in a movie. I'll rent this when it comes out on DVD... just like I did the others.
  8. Whoa now, Max is considered a stud in Macross. Hik even gets a bit jealous when Max threatens to swoop on Minmei. Doesn't he even boast he's a great singer or was that just in Robotech? Eh, regardless, while Max may look dorky I believe you're supposed to have the impression that he's a lady's man although not in the style of Roy. Then again, I'll bet any man on the Macross could be a lady's man eventually. The girl you like has a boyfriend? Just be patient... he'll be dead soon.
  9. Nope, I'm just imagining it in my head. I was bored at work today and started thinking about how the LowVis wouldn't work at all on Mars... so it occured to me there should be a Mars style LowVis. I would mock it up on photoshop but I don't have photoshop or any computer skills beyond Word and Excel.
  10. Okay, so I got a new BRILLIANT plan (as all my plans are. How about a LowVis Mars base style? Give it an orangey-brown color with the weather spots and off orange markings instead of light blue? Okay, that might also turn out to be the most god-awful looking valk ever... but it might be cool. Who knows??
  11. I agree with the last two comments. First of all, I was astounded that we were seeing yet another Focker release. However, had they made it a TV gray version I woulda snatched one up in a heartbeat. As a matter of fact, I just watched DYRL again and I was thinking: In the scene where Max is skull leader in his blue VF-1S (which should be a toy) I'll bet Hikaru is actually flying a red 1J. So there you go, there's yet another toy that could be made. Then you could go up the ranks with Hikaru. Also, LE Kakazakis are a must. Personally though, I don't collect the DYRL paint schemes so I wish we'd get TV Max 1A and Hayao.
  12. C'mon Kin, I know you have at least one floppy-knee Gakken lying around somewhere. Shaggy, you are in for a long drought . Next release probably won't be happening until this time next year. Hopefully at that point a third MPC thread will get created. In the meantime this thread isn't going to be much more than plaQue.
  13. So I was cleaning my display cases today and decided I would rearrange some of the poses. As I was doing it I remember members around here telling me that the Toynami MPC isn't much more poseable than the Gakken 1/35. So, I started working with a shadow fighter I had in battloid. It's true these things could be more poseable (there were many times I only needed one more little twist to get a really cool pose and the toy wouldn't accomodate me) but the comparison to Gakken's poseability is just mean. Here's the pose I settled on: *Edit - So what is it the Gakken couldn't do? 1) Twist at the hips 2) pose its legs at all with any sort of lean 3) turn its head.
  14. No harm in wishful thinking. The 1/60 CF had more direct appeal to the traditional macross fan though and it does differ from the original TRU release. If they want to release a valk similar to the LV (like a flat gray without weathering or something like that) I don't really think there'd be the same outrage generated. Either way, considering the hikkie 1S was selling for more than the LV I think demand for the LV is curtailed by the fact it never made an appearance in any animation... as such I doubt it, or a variation thereof, would be re-released.
  15. Jesus H. Christ .... Sithlord you have one heck of a collection! Is that three of each HCM I see??? Wait, I think that's three of EVERYTHING I see. Lordy, I thought I caught the bug bad but you sir... you sir are sick. My jealousy is hindered only by the realization that I could never house such a collection. Truly impressive. Where do you get your display cases from? EDIT - Punctuation.
  16. Wishful thinking. Personally, I'd be upset if they re-released a "limited version" toy. None of the other valks said that though so I doubt we'll ever see the end of their being reissued as the secondary market dictates.
  17. Nice collection... I agree about the new Basara... big improvement.
  18. I was right (as were others). NEVER DOUBT ME (mwah hahaha!). You know, about a year ago I determined I should stop collecting anything DYRL and stick to just the TV versions and it has saved me soooooo much money. I do make exceptions for elints and ostriches though.
  19. Imagine an era when people actually looked forward to Toynami releases...
  20. In robotech-speak it's a Beta, in MOSPEADA-speak it's a Tread, in bad translation speak it's a Tlead. When a Legioss is in this mode they call it "armo-soldier" so I imagine it's the same for a Tread.
  21. Man Solscud, you've made me realize how important the background is to these pics. Everything looks very professional.
  22. Release date: 12/06 I think it was actually put "4th quarter 06"
  23. The VFs and YFs from Macross are darn pretty machines. I think I actually like the YF-21 the most due to its Zentraedi influence. He took his sweetest bad guy mech and melded it with a good guy mech to create a bad-butt machine. I can't really comment on what he's done outside of Macross though... I'm not worldly enough in anime.
  24. I paid $250 for mine six months ago (LV). Now if your choice is between a future minty one for $300 or a stickered one for $275 I would just wait for the minty one. Now, if you think the price will shoot to $400 for MIB ones in the future (which I doubt) then maybe you should get it before the big price sky-rocket.
  25. I'll add myself to the list of people looking for a junked Alpha. I'm kinda hoping to get one that is just hopelessly floppy, loose, missing its gun/cyclone/inserts, but not really too broken up as far as the actual toy goes. I want to make a VF-1S style alpha out of it.
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