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Everything posted by jenius

  1. Yeah.... not exactly the most photogenic though since they don't really cooperate with flash-photography but they stand out nicely in a display case. I have long-since removed the non-chrome ones from my cabinets but these guys will probably stick around for a while. I'm also afraid to transform them though... it was scary enough just standing the VF-19s antennae/guns up... I was worried a piece of chromey plastic would chip off or something.
  2. aw, you mean these guys
  3. I've got a nice situation going. My LowVis is down at my girlfriend's grandparent's house in Anaheim area (where I bought it). It was too big to fit in my luggage so I left it with them. That was like a year ago and I still haven't been able to pick it up. I want MY low vis and I can't get to it
  4. 5961922624 1/65 Bandai DX Fire Valkyrie Macross 1 $16.39 USD $16.39 USD 5961923234 1/65 Bandai Blazer Valkyrie Macross 1 $31.99 USD $31.99 USD 5961923725 1/65 Bandai Stealth Valkyrie Macross 1 $16.39 USD $16.39 USD 5961923859 1/65 Bandai Stealth Valkyrie Macross 1 $74.50 USD $74.50 USD That was in March.... all four for under $150 shipped. Edit - added pics so you can see they're not boots
  5. sweetness.... did you also alter the red in that Milia valk in the background?
  6. $150 for the original Blazer??? That's crazy talk. I bought all four original Mac7 toys for under $150 shipped. Maybe the chromed blazer might cost you that much... I sold a reissue VF-19 Bandai for like $30... it's not hard to find them for that price on eBay. Still, you can get two knock-offs for that price so it depends what you're doing with them.
  7. I just directed somewhere here to follow in your footsteps Pat... did you ever overcome your engineering hurdles?
  8. Could be a problem from the factory but at this point it's moot. More than a few people complained that their Yamato Mac+ toy was crummy right from the box but Yamato isn't going to help you out unless you live in Japan and it's six years ago. Lemme see if I can't dig up some ball joint stuff for you. Go here, you owe me a favor if you find what you're looking for http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=11036&hl=yf-19
  9. Did you keep the toy in a display case or was it on a shelf somewhere? Was that particular wing in the sun more often than the rest of the toy?
  10. Breasts are like strippers. They're plenty hot on their own but they're even hotter when they're moving. Watching breasts heave, rock, swing, and sway can be just as enjoyable as actually handling them. If anything though, I bet women wish they had the +/- breast function. They could shrink 'em down to mosquito bites when the creepy guy is around or they're jogging and then super plus size them when they're looking for attention.
  11. that's cool, is that what the scale would really be like?
  12. Man, this totally blows my theory that I tell to all girls in relationships who I want to be single. I always tell them "Hey, you've been with him how many years and he still hasn't married you? That means he's never going to." Usually that's a surefire fight starter leaving the Jenius to swoop in pick up the remains and do some consoling of the newly single lady-friend.... I'm going to hell.
  13. didn't this have its own thread already?
  14. I choose #4. We get 17 days of notice = orgies, boozing, drug usage. Safe sex, birth control? Eh, why bother???? If you have one of those "I've always wanted to do this before I die" you actually can make it happen before you die! Hopefully what you want to do doesn't involve anyone being at work though... I think everyone would be cashing in their vacation time.
  15. It's been a really long time since I saw the thread with the YF-19 ball-bearing hips but I think it was linked to a "how-to." Try doing a search and if you can't come up with it hopefully another member will remember where it was much better than I do and point you in the right direction. I do do a lot of drinking though so maybe my memory is just playing tricks on me.
  16. View this as an opportunity, not a disaster. There used to be a thread about adding ball-bearing style hip joints on this toy and, IIRC, it made for a nice looking upgrade. Perhaps if you're already going to have to tinker here you should look into the feasibility of improving the toy by using this technique.
  17. Nice! 2 pts to you sir! Upon further review of the drawing... there is a resemblance to Keanu... but I would hate to see that play out in live action.
  18. Another Takatoku oddity. This toy is ugly:
  19. And Zeus harkened down from the heavens to this thread: Rise from your grave! (2pts if you can name the video game)
  20. Me thinks your source is very wrong... it would make no sense. I would actually begin to appreciate Toynami more as a company... at least when they say something is "limited" they stick to it.
  21. If AgentOne makes the following speech he can have my vote: "If I am elected as co-admin, I promise every thread shall contain more Southern Cross and no passing reference to Mac7 will go unpunished." So let it be written... so let it be done!
  22. I understand the area you're referring to where the legs attach to the chest. I own several 1/48s and fortunately have encountered any problems in that area yet. Mine seem to lock in pretty nice and require a bit of pressure to unhinge for transformation. I do agree about the gun attachment being piss-poor to the arms. It's a major PITA to get that thing to stay like it should. Also, the fastpack variety 1/48s do not come together in super fighter mode as nice and tight as they do without the fast packs on. Without fastpacks the backpack/tail section keeps everything together but when it is folded up the rear of the toy gets a little loose. When the rear is loose it's a lot easier for the arms to sag... especially with the added weight of the fastpacks and the gun. You can rectify this by adding pressure on the outside of each legs to pinch the arms a bit when you're holding/positioning the toy.
  23. Hikaru proved that the bicycle in space is a surefire way to get shot down quick. Now... if it were a motorcyle... you might be on to something. Wait, wasn't that in a Matthew Sweet video?
  24. Yeah, that's good stuff! Wonder what the little blue lion is yelping... Look how cool that big Voltron is. I remember the sides of the yellow lion's head opened to reveal some sort of guns or rocket launchers or something. Anyone have a link to pictures of the old toy? There's no way I'm going to dig up mine but I feel like checking it out again.
  25. Towards the end I think they had some frantic space battles featuring helicopters and tanks. I remember at least one instance of a cruiser being used as a battering ram to destroy one of the Zor's big ships.
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