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Everything posted by jenius

  1. "Most people" are morons... they often times don't get the hundreds of literary references thrown at them, asking them to pick up on obscure anime references is a tall task. I think the term "homage" is really off here though. They're more like inside jokes and the beauty of those is they're not supposed to be understood by many people.
  2. jenius

    1/144 Vf-11

    I don't know models at all, who produces this kit?
  3. Is the Thunder Clapper ever in Southern Cross or is it like a Design Works mecha (kinda like MOSPEADA's armored Tread)? I would say the Totally Spies girl's ride doesn't really resemble the Thunder Clapper at all but certianly has a lot in common with a Flash Clapper. Problem is, I think if any of us tried to design a hover cycle we'd almost all design something that closely resembled a flash clapper.
  4. He was debating between the affordability of an MPC and the coolness of a 1/48. I told him to watch eBay and forums like this for a deal on the 1/48. It's a shame the 1/48s aren't more affordable.
  5. I just had a high schooler ask me about toy advice and said his next purchase was going to make his friends jealous. I'd say that's a pretty good sign for the future.
  6. Well Chowser, if you don't care about the picture on the side of the box, I'll trade you for my minty reissue
  7. Rob, you're going to start a list up on these forums also when you get the final price/release date right? I'm gonna need both those, a GBP, and a VF-0 comin' up here and might as well get 'em all at the same time from the same place if ya follow me... Spatula, try this thread, it may feel like dejavu
  8. Not according to this guy, who was generous enough to shell out $150 for an Appendix A. The best part is, he has paid!! OMG!! Anyway, sellers are now falling over themselves to put their VF-1S bookends up for auction because of this. I can't believe it. 366991[/snapback] That's the original Armor Apenndix A with the picture on the side of the box (reissues come in all white box). It's pretty tough to come by the original armor. $150 tough? I find that hard to believe.
  9. Quoting getting too big... can't read page...
  10. It's great news if Yamato poops out reissues quicker than we can afford it. that means the reissues sit on shelves and when we finally can afford it we get it below MSRP. I don't mind that at all....
  11. Toynami actually did a better job... The backpacks and giant head lasers on HCMs look funny. I like 'em though, it kinda gives 'em a charm.
  12. This won't make you feel better, but they don't all just fall apart. Mine has been mishandled pretty bad a few times and has since sat on a shelf for many months without any problems. It even survived a 5 foot fall without breaking (in GERWALk mode). There must be some motion in particular that is just kryptonite to that hip that I have managed, through sheer luck, to not do... I'm trying to learn what that motion is so that I can avoid it forever.
  13. Actually there can be a TON of LV paint schemes... the only certainty is it won't have anything real dramatic about it to make it stand out in a crowd. Ooh i can't wait
  14. What were you doing when the leg broke off? Was anything unnatural or did it just kinda *snap* on its own? I wanna make sure I don't ever do it to mine.
  15. crud, no wonder no one discounted the GBP to a reasonable price... Kensei had gone and bought them all already! Doh! Sweet pics though, doesn't make me want it any less that's for sure.
  16. 88 minutes? i was hoping for at least 120...
  17. Pretty sure they're just talking about the designs, not the toys at all.
  18. Sorry if I sounded preachy... also sorry that I don't have photoshop or any artistic talent at all when it comes to manipulating software. At one point I felt really eager to see what a Martian LV would look like and I put this together though - (note, I didn't change the gray to the more tan color I'd like to see anywhere except the bottom of the gun arm 'cause it woulda looked horrible in MSPaint)
  19. It would seem that this thread then serves to provide a more concise conversation. You are working to keep a sloppy thread as sloppy as possible rather than letting it bear several more concise topics. Obviously, people feel that the original thread's scope of conversation is too broad... and it is. I guess this is something for the mods to determine though. I personally would rather not have to read through a dozen posts in the other thread to find the one post that might refer to a cool new LV theme. Speaking of which, i still want to see my tangerine Mars LV pattern. Replace the light blue on the original valk with a light orange and the gray with a dusty tan. NICE.
  20. No offense but the Logan looks like an aborted attempt at a transformable jet... hardly anything I would ever call "cool." It looks like they stole it from the Go-Bot reject pile. Actually, that tends to be my opinion of most Southern Cross mechs. I think the Hovertank was the most respectable effort.
  21. Why merge it? I think this thread offers people the ability to provide examples of LV camos they'd like to see whereas the other thread is bouncing throughout many many subjects.
  22. This makes me curious, what were the ones you guys decided to skip on? For me, I don't collect DYRL stuff, so I skipped the Hik 1S, 1A, and Max 1A 1/48s.
  23. I think my opinion of the Beta is skewed because of the sound effects used in Robotech's TNG (I haven't watched MOSPEADA recently so I don't recall if it's the same). Anyway, in the scene where Rand goes ape-poop on a fully evolved Invid the sound of his gun blasting the armor of the Command Unit away just stuck with me. Whereas the whole show is full of the laser-type sounds the Beta delivers a THUNK-THUNK-THUNK as it ripped the enemy to shreads. For some reason, that just made me think of the Beta as the ultimate bad-butt mech. Then to have it used later to put an end to Corg was a nice reinforcement. Looking at it now I'm not so impressed by the design but seeing it in battloid mode will always give me that "that's one bad mother... shut yo' mouth" feelin'.
  24. If they made the little tube jutting off the front diecast? I think that'd be dangerous (as in, poke an eye out). Plus, if you dropped your toy or even had the front landing gear collapse while rolling it you'd risk bending it or chipping the paint.
  25. If they made the little tube jutting off the front diecast? I think that'd be dangerous (as in, poke an eye out). Plus, if you dropped your toy or even had the front landing gear collapse while rolling it you'd risk bending it or chipping the paint.
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