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Everything posted by jenius

  1. That's been on their website forever. It alternates with Rand and Annie skiing downhill, Gloval yelling at Miriya, and an MPC VF-1 head.
  2. I just finished the series and i was honestly quite impressed. The first ten episodes had me really on the fence. There are still some things I don't like it but overall it was pretty darn good. The ending seemed a little rushed but I think that's just because the subtitles were getting really hard to follow. I am confused about one thing, it very well could just be a subtitle problem, Keith says: However, in my version of the show it is explicitely explained that there are hundreds of dimensions involved. They even show a map of Earth that is completely fragmented by a multitude of dimensions. There's a diagram shown where something like six strains of dimensions are sucked into one though also. Perhaps the subtitles are just screwy and it's trying to show how fragmented those six universes are on Earth??? Also, that ending is a total mind pho ck. It seemed to me that once the anomaly was collapsed pretty much anything could have happened. It was kind of a "Hey, it's over now, make believe whatever ending you like... just as long as its happy." I also just took this from the Orguss Viewer's guide:
  3. Do you guys think you'd like the Camo VF-1A more if the head were painted green? I think I would....
  4. Quick question, why would you show a suggested MSRP on a toy that you have no intention of selling? That confuses me....
  5. How many minutes of staring did it take you to realize that That comment about westerners stealing things and not giving credit is classic!
  6. Man, if the VF-0 were released in 1/48 scale I'd have a serious problem finding room for it around the house. I also tend to think that Yamato has picked a scale and it is 1/60. The 1/48s are like the uber premium line but in 1/60 we've gotten all the VF-1 varieties and Q-Rau, now the Zero, and maybe someday the Monster (crosses finger). 1/60 makes more sense (even if the VF-1 toys do suck) because in 1/48 scale many of the items in Macross would be gi-normous. For me, that'd be horrible because I'd have no place to put everything. I'm already cutting it close as it is. It's also great news to hear that the LV and Camo VFs shown are just protoypes that may not even resemble the finished product. I do think that Stealth could grow on me but that Camo guy needed more work. I do hope that the new LV isn't too similar to the old one though, maybe just a different heat shield and trim color with a slighlty darker main color? I could go for that
  7. I'm an idiot
  8. I've owned about a dozen MPC VF-1s and the only flaw I remember seeing (besides finger prints that could be wiped off) was a paint smudge on the foot of a Max VF-1J. I'm not saying they're great toys but only one significant flaw out of 12 isn't too bad a ratio. Ooh, wait, I just remember I owned a Ben Dixon one where it looked like the "eye" of that battloid was twisted a bit to the side. Still, I'd say that's right on par with my Yamato 1/60 experience. The Toynami Alphas... well, let's just say they're a bit more fragile. I still love 'em but I've definitely learned to treat them like completed models rather than toys. I've probably owned close to a dozen of those also and at least four had some pretty bad problems (that's ignoring the crooked neck and slightly arched fighter mode that almost all of them have). You're going to have to keep (or start) praying that Harmony Gold goes under for that to happen. As you probably know, they have the worldwide rights to MOSPEADA which has helped fuel speculation that the Shadow Chronicles OVA they're producing is going to be released in Japan as a sequel to MOSPEADA. Sorry, no Yamato MOSPEADA or Southern Cross goods for you... ever (in all likelihood).
  9. Will the Stealth come with the strike parts??? That's what I really want to know. I've been looking at it closer and I think that it actually might look pretty sweet in Battloid mode. I can't wait to see more pics! I wish the Camo VF had black trim instead of brown. It really feels like they just over-produced the CF-s so now they're dippin' 'em in a bit of green to sell off the rest.
  10. I don't like the bandai Mac7 toys but the metal plated ones are pretty fun. I know it's tacky but if Yamato did a super limited metal-plated (appearance-wise) valk I would totally buy it.
  11. So they're going to release a shiny metal version of the launch arm eh? Well I think the camo version looks like an easy custom someone made of a cannon fodder... which I guess is exactly what it is. Does the writing indicate that these will be Limited Versions? The stealth looks unfinished. What's up with those strike parts? Is this going to be the first valk that actually comes with strike parts?? Why do the strike cannon and missile tower look completely flat gray? No GBP shown. Does that mean the next GBP offering is just a reissue? WHY NO TV Max 1A?? They're going to put out these wierd one-offs and avoid official schemes? LAME. I would rather have had an Alaska Base green valk over the camo one Yeah, I'm buying them both, but they won't be getting much love in my display cases.
  12. <--- crossing fingers
  13. I'm confused. Are you telling us that someone should be able to provide pics or are you saying that they must have changed their minds?
  14. Toynami's creation is as much a product of Japanese in-fighting over the rights as it is Harmony Gold's. Didn't I hear that HG actually did try to make an arrangement with Yamato only to have Bandai throw a fit? I think it was something like that.....
  15. That was my initial response when I read what Graham said but then I remembered the first thing Graham said, "This is not a reissue."
  16. overboard?? Man, i think that's like 1 BILLION pictures. All very nice though. -
  17. GOO! (again) $99 should get you the chrome version of the toy...
  18. Are those ball joints in the hips???
  19. Wow UN Spacy, that Legioss model looks SHARP. I don't understand why the models came with that center missile rack and the ability to clip the gun on it though...
  20. Really? This I did not know. Do you have a picture of the MPC Alpha suitably close to a 1/48 Yamato Valkyrie for scale comparison? 371080[/snapback] Hold on, let me don my scale nazi hat, if you do the math the MPC and the Imaii kits are neither accurate 1/48s nor 1/55s. They lie squarely in between. This probably made Toynami feel a lot better about taking them and "changing" the scale to fit their previous line. You want proof? Alpha in battloid is 28.7' tall. Convert to inches: 344.4 divide by 48: 7.175" divide by 55: 6.26" Actual height of MPC: 6.7"
  21. The smallest Gakken Alpha and the Tread toy were both 1/72. If you own one of them, you know just how bad they were. Now imagine trying to do that toy even smaller. OUCH!
  22. You dare doubt me? I smite you! Edit - joke about comments you must make to your girlfriend about the size of other things has been removed Edit II - you're probably talking from the tip of the nose to the tail of the fighter. I'm sorry, I always meant to be talking about how tall the thing is.
  23. Flop is a bit intense. It wasn't the dramatic hit people were hoping for but enough people were bummed about its being ended early that they did produce the Love, Live, Alive send-off.
  24. Me too and it bums me out
  25. I would like it to have "Limited Version" scrolled on the front of the box also. I like LE toys Why do people want LV fast packs and GBPs? It doesn't make any real-world sense. Ah crap, I just said 'real world sense' on a forum about giant transforming jets. Nevermind, I guess they'd look cool but I'd rather see a color variation to match one of the TV valks.
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