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Everything posted by jenius

  1. The weathered battlepod would be an instabuy for me. Hope it goes on the store after the Kickstarter.
  2. I've never opened my Houquet but I was excited thinking it had redesigned swing bars that would be less likely to crack... This is obviously a bummer.
  3. I still haven't even received a shipping notice. I wonder if they only shipped the ones where people paid for express shipping and us slow-boaters are going to have to wait until more arrive from the factory.
  4. Looks good on my phone! I'm sure it will get yanked down soon though
  5. Not from the usual stores though if you're outside of Japan which is lame!
  6. I know sentinel never bothered with a Robotech license, but that shouldn't matter. We bought all our macross items from HLJ for years. Sentinel is shooting themselves in the foot here.
  7. Further embarrassing Harmony Gold and their inability to get a Robotech movie made.
  8. I think mine are flush on both versions... If there not, they're so close I didn't notice.
  9. Why is the Tread or Legioss reissue still not on the usual websites?
  10. I would interpret that to mean if the hail Mary doesn't score the touchdown, KC will look a lot more like Arcadia going forward.
  11. No movement on mine yet and I think I picked surface shipping so it'll probably be a while.
  12. Probably needs some time to process before it's available in higher definition but here's the corrected video with the double-jointed knee discussed: Thanks for anyone who left a comment pointing out the issue!
  13. So I didn't notice the toy had a double knee joint because it was so stiff... after some comments I tried harder and got it to move so I'm going to do a quick edit and upload again.
  14. Lol, thanks for the compliments. Hopefully the review lives up to expectations! I think my next ThreeZero video will be a direct comparison of the Yamato VF-1J weathering Hikaru vs. the ThreeZero Weathered VF-1J Rick. I'll probably take a break and do some other reviews before coming back to it though.
  15. It also looks cheaply done with the big seams down the knee and thigh.
  16. If he gets it all done for that price, sure, that would be great. Unfortunately, with the way manufacturing works, the more you ask of your product, the more likely you are to encounter run-ups in costs.
  17. I feel like the exchange rate is pretty good right now so I don't mind paying in advance. Still waiting patiently for more listings at the usual stores so I can determine the best price for a Legioss reissue.
  18. I feel like he won't stop until he can justify charging Battlepods prices for it instead of trying to make it like $69.99 and just have a cockpit and landing skids.
  19. Yep, seems the non movable pilot is just a cost saving measure. I wouldn't doubt that sentinel is holding back on several accessories with the thought that, should sales of this toy be good enough to warrant a green version, those accessories will help sell the less popular color. Either that or sentinel will start showing up at conventions with exclusive accessory kits that we'll all be scrambling to find some way to buy.
  20. I think the extra mounts are a pretty clear indication that they're leaving the door open for future accessory sets. They did that on the Legioss too though and nothing has come of it.
  21. Oof, not much of a discount on that Legioss reissue. Hopefully other retailers start getting in the act.
  22. jenius

    Arcadia VF-5000G

    I think Arcadia was routinely in the 1000-2500 range. Yamato published a few times of having production runs as low as 500 units. I think the Double Nuts and Bird of Prey YF-19 toys were 500 units though maybe my memory is faulty.
  23. DM'ed so I don't bore mospeada fans with surround sound talk
  24. I felt I had to put it an order in for the store exlcusive so I could review the missles too 😕. I used a proxy. I'll probably buy another at HLJ when it lists. Guess I should get another Legioss while I'm at it. So much for treating myself to a surround sound system this Xmas!
  25. Sorry to be obtuse but do ALL the missiles come with the store exclusive tread or do I need to purchase the store exclusive Legioss as well to get another set of missiles?
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